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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Spikes has been a dirtbag the last couple of years in terms of dirty hits and Wilfork was fined 4 times in a season, IIRC, and was not suspended. That included the blatant shot on Losman's knee--truly one of the dirtiest plays I've ever seen--falling on a defenseless Jason Witten well away from the play and trying to poke Brandon Jacobs' eye out. Bill's certainly seen a lot of cheap shots--he's just not used to his guys being on the receiving end of them! Cry me a river....
  2. That's what folks thought last year, too--that he'd be gone--but he resigned a cheap 1-year deal. I, too, however, suspect he'll leave in FA this year, along with Spikes and Blount . I suspect they pony up and keep Edelman after last year's Welker/Amendola debacle . 'Lil Danny had a goose egg yesterday when it counted, and spent more time in the tub than at practice this year (as many warned)...,
  3. I agree with this--for those who think he's a gentleman, good sport and class act on the field, go read the Esquire interview he did 4-5 years ago in which he talks about loving to run up the score. He came across as an arrogant jerk in that interview, full stop. I'll give him credit for (a) being a great player--1st ballot HOFer and (b) some of his charity work (in particular working with the mentally handicapped), but that's it
  4. They went away from the run pretty early yesterday--he had 6 yards on 5 carries. I think they feared getting outshot in a gunfight with Manning and so abandoned the run when it didn't work in the 1st quarter. Blount's a FA, so will be interesting to see what those 2 good games did to his market value. If they try to lowball him, he's gone IMHO....
  5. I agree, GunnerBill--I suspect they really want Quinn or Gase over Mike P., but they may not wait that long. I hope I'm right, but time will tell....
  6. I'm not a Whitner hater, but he gave up too early on that long pass play, clear as day--just flat out stopped is what the replay showed.
  7. Great--then we're agreed that if the League doesn't suspend Dennard a good number of games (at least what Lynch got for far lesser offenses in the eyes of the criminal justice system) then the League is (once again) favoring the Pats*. Personally, I'd say they've done that already by not suspending him during the playoffs or the end of last season. Let's see if normal justice prevails or we get a rerun of the Wilfork matter I linked to above....
  8. I repeat what I said above (and the facts)--Lynch pled guilty to a traffic citation (not even a misdemeanor) and as the link showed above, a charge of not having the paperwork to carry the gun in the car. All the rest of your post is your (and the NFL's supposition). The legal system saw fit to give Lynch no jail time, yet the NFL gave him 3 games off. Dennard, by contrast, was convicted or pled to two crimes that led to his being sentenced to a far harsher criminal sentence--2 months in jail, including for punching a cop and violating probation by being arrested for DUI (funny how you assume Lynch must have been drunk, but make no such assumption about Dennard). Yet to date he's gotten NOTHING from the NFL, even though he pled and was sentenced Dec 5th. What are they waiting for? I'd argue that by waiting until after the playoffs to suspend him, they've already done the Pats* a huge favor. Not suspending him at all, which is quite possible , would be a joke, but wouldn't surprise me in the least. I'd like your answer up front to my 2d question (even in hypothetical form) so you can't wriggle off later when he's never suspended.
  9. I see you don't follow the Bills--Marshawn Lynch got 3 games off for "crimes" ( more like citations) that he got no jail time for. That's what were discussing. That impacted us by lessening his trade value. You never answered my 2d question-- what does it mean with respect to equal treatment if Dennard is never suspended? I'd also say "schooled " is apt. You asked for a link--I gave you one and you disappeared....
  10. A fairly high number, as they've been a topic of conversation since the Bills went out of it and their season ended. Still no answer to my schooling of you above, or any response on the topic we were discussing, just more changing of the subject, I see. Two simple questions to you--should the NFL suspend Dennard? Second question--if they don't, what does that mean about equal treatment of teams in the NFL, especially considering that others have been suspended multiple games for far lesser offenses?
  11. WEO--now that the Pats*' season is over, the NFL might actually suspend Dennard. I'm sure that even as I type this the NFL is readying a 4 game suspension for him--all 4 games of the pre-season, of course! "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"--that about sums up the NFL's attitude when it comes to the Cheats*, LOL!!!
  12. Let's see who she throws under the bus this year! Won't be Tommy!
  13. They thought Dobson (a2d rounder) might help, but he was hurt all year, and Amendola didn't pan out
  14. Except that, according to the team's own press release, they have the 2nd best cap situation in the League and also own 3 of the first 35 draft picks and 5 of the first 85 I believe the numbers were. That would give the next HC a big chance to remake the roster. I really, really hope he stays, but if he gets the offer, I strongly suspect he's gone.... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/01/15/haslam-tells-fans-that-browns-will-wait-as-long-as-necessary-to-get-the-right-coach/
  15. Folks forget that they were accused of more than Spygate--including things like headsets going out at odd times at Gillette (Del Rio and Marinelli both made that claim independently), miking players up on the field, etc. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/sports/football/11nfl.html?_r=0 As per this article, they were the main team brought up to the NFL Competition Committee over and over and over again. Put that together with what we know about Spygate and the officiating in their games it's no surprise that people have suspicions about them. That said, both Brady and Manning are first ballot HOFers, so I'm not really sure what the argument here is about.
  16. WEO--where'd you go, man? What's the NFL waiting for? The playoffs to end?
  17. Here you go--he pled guilty only to having a gun in a car. The other 2 gun charges were dropped. By your own logic on Dennard and his DUI above, that must mean that Marshawn didn't commit any other crime in that case. BTW, Marshawn's other issue resulted in only a traffic citation--the lowest form of a criminal law problem. He received zero, zip, zilch, nada in jail time (how our legal system measures the severity of a criminal matter), while your man Dennard got 2 months in jail, yet no suspension, even though he was sentenced 6 weeks ago. I repeat my question--does that sound like evenhanded justice to you? It certainly doesn't to me. http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2009Mar05/0,4670,FBNBillsLynchArrested,00.html
  18. As you may recall, before he was traded (and when he was still a Bill, IIRC), Lynch got 3 games off from the League for stuff that got him 0 days in jail, one of which was a driving-related citation and the other a gun charge, with a possible marijuana aspect to it, although I think the dope thing never went anywhere and he was never charged for it. Even on the gun charge, if I'm remembering correctly, Lynch did indeed have the necessary permits for the gun as well, but not to travel with it. That got him 3 games off from the Commish, yet no jail time. Dennard's crimes are serious enough to get him 60 days in jail for two separate incidents, yet no suspension from the League. Does that sound right to you from an evenhanded justice aspect? It certainly doesn't to me. In terms of Lynch's DUI, he hasn't gone to trial yet, so hasn't been convicted or sentenced, unlike Dennard, who pled guilty to the lesser charge of failing to take a breathalyzer (gee, I wonder why he did that?). He has been convicted or pled guilty to the punching the cop in the face charge and the DUI/breathalyzer charge was a violation of his parole, getting him sentenced to 30 more days to go with the original 30 for punching the cop. The Dennard stuff's all in the article I linked to on him.
  19. I've noticed his seeming decline as well, but have a tough time distinguishing how much is him versus how much is his lack of weapons and familiarity with his receivers. Interesting point about the possibility of him being cut after 2014. That might make even me almost feel sorry for him, but I wouldn't put it past Belicheat. That said, I'm not sure how Kraft would react to that request by BB.
  20. Assaulting a cop in 2012, getting probation for that and then violating probation for his DUI arrest, which he plead out of by pleading guilty to failing to take a breathalyzer test: http://profootballta...l-after-season/ If that had happened to a Bill, he'd be getting slapped with the NFL's version of the cuffs, but, hey, we all know that's not how the NFL rolls when it comes to the Cheats*. For those keeping score at home, here's my personal favorite example of "Patriette* Justice" from the League--bear in mind that in addition to JP, Vince was also fined I believe 3 other times that season, including for an incredibly late hit on Jason Witten: http://sports.espn.g...tory?id=3678394 I personally love the touch of bringing his wife to the Goodell meeting and them writing him a "thank you" note after the meeting. How charming....
  21. And Talib, their best corner. Their other corner, Dennard, meanwhile, should have been suspended for his legal troubles, but not surprisingly, considering who he plays for, that seems to have been swept under the rug this year.....
  22. Brandon Browner for a whole year, too, I believe. Something's rotten in Denmark there...,,
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