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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I'm still waiting for Dennard (Pats* CB) to be suspended for his DWI-type offense last year
  2. A few thoughts on your points below in all caps: No personal offense meant, but I stand by my statement above about "everyone cheats" as an excuse saying more about the person saying it than the reality of the situation. That's been my personal experience in academics, sports, politics, etc. Viewer experience may vary. Everyone needs to be the hero of their own story, and so it's sometimes amazing what people can tell themselves to justify their actions.
  3. Yes--as in life itself, some cheat more than others. To argue that "they all do it" as a justification without proof usually says more to me about the person saying it than anything else--that that's how they justify being a cheater to themselves, often with little or no evidence to the contrary, even if if the real world shows little likeness to the fantasy they've constructed to tell themselves that they're ok and not a cheater. Do any of you honestly think for one minute that Ralph Wilson would have countenanced the kind of cheating that Kraft and the Pats* did? Remember how Big Bob gave Belicheat a new extension right after the Spygate fine and how rumors leaked out that in that extension he effectively paid Belicheat's fine? Remember how pretty much League-wide this was the team that folks in the League pointed to as pushing the envelope on every form of cheating? How Peyton Manning believed the opposing locker room was bugged? How Doug Flutie told a radio interviewer that as a Pat* he once picked up a QB helmet with the radio on and could hear the booth talking to the QB well past the cutoff time (Flutie shut up quickly about that one afterward, apparently). How an extra radio frequency was found on the Patriots* system? How at least two NFL coaches (Del Rio and Marinelli) complained to the League about their QB headsets going out at odd times playing in Gillette? How a team known as a place that aging vets went to seemingly regain a step had Rodney Harrison get caught using HGH, something the League doesn't test for and only got caught because he was dumb enough to use his own name and address to order it online? How many awful game changing calls went their way over the years? Here's a link to one story about the NFL Competition Committee member--interestingly (as I've linked to it many times over the years) it seems to have been edited from its original form, which included at one time a litany of charges, but it still gets the idea across: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/sports/football/11nfl.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3Ar%2C{%222%22%3A%22RI%3A12%22}&_r=0
  4. You can't throw out there something like "all teams cheat" without backing it up with facts. I've gotten really sick of that ridiculous argument from Pats* fans over the years.
  5. The Patriot* defenders here also assume that they didn't continue to cheat in others ways when there were reports at the time accusing them of all kinds of other sketchy crap. In fact, not one but two members of the NFL competition committee said then that it was one team being brought before them over and over. You guessed it-- your NE Patriots*. Personally, I think they are run from the very top down by like- minded men who believe if you aren't cheating you aren't trying. They just stopped doing what they got caught doing and we've seen the result of that. No Super Bowls since then. BTW, on the stat stuff, I advise all to read the book cited above. I personally found a lot of the stat stuff in that book persuasive in showing the likelihood of cheating. The author basically had a stat PhD student look at the issue and come to some conclusions. I also recall seeing in the PFT comments section of all places someone claiming to be a stat grad student with too much time on his hands who said he analyzed some relevant data that indicated to him that the Cheats* may have actually used the signals data in game in the form of unreal halftime adjustments and not just for future use against the opponent. With savant Ernie Adams involved, that wouldn't overly shock me if true.
  6. How Manuel looks--is he more comfortable in the pocket? Makes it through his progressions? Finds and hits the open man in stride? Is willing to throw down field? Can run the offense quickly and efficiently? Any change to the play calling?
  7. Now THAT was a great HOF speech--thanks for it all, Andre!
  8. His ovation seemed to be by far the loudest--kudos to the Bills fans attending!
  9. The link makes it sound like it's the Chief receiver of the same name--anyone know if that's the case?
  10. I'm starting to believe this as well--I just hope that as this plays out, the people of Buffalo and Bills fans come to understand this more generally.
  11. I thought I read that he was leaning towards retirement, however....
  12. Yes--based on both hard evidence (like that link) and anecdotal evidence from day-to-day life. Have we made it all the way back to a solid economy? Not yet, but we've undeniably been moving in the right direction for some time now after basically falling off a very sheer cliff in Sept 2008...,
  13. You mean like Bush doing bupkis when Russia invaded Georgia, with nary a peep from conservatives, but massive rightwing outrage over Obama's handling of the Ukraine? It works two ways, you see (or maybe you don't--this era seems to have produced more than its share of self-blind conservatives).....
  14. Oh, I'm sure you did--that's my point. You seem to be willing to give Brownback (an "idiot" you admit) time for his policy prescriptions to work (and use that as an excuse as to why they don't even as evidence piles up around you that they don't), but I'd wager that's not the same thing you say when discussing Obama's job on the economy.
  15. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/jul/23/barack-obama/obama-us-has-recovered-recession-better-almost-eve/
  16. I'll bet you say that when commenting on Obama's attempt to clean up the 2008 crisis mess, too, right? Yeah, right.....
  17. Great stuff, guys--many thanks for helping the rest of us get our Bills fix!
  18. No one will fault you for that! Muchas gracias on the updates!
  19. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Illnesses-to-leave-Branch-Glenn-sidelined/92577415-4b6a-4266-9cab-493d181358da Sounds like they're not ruling out that this could be a season ending injury--I really hope they're not leaking this info out slowly to get us used to the idea of missing Cordy for the year before announcing it.....
  20. Link on the taping of other teams' camp practices? Not that I don't believe you, but that's a new one for me. In addition, it's likely a problem of a different scale if it's 34 texts total vs 33 pages of texts, as was originally reported.
  21. As there were at least several hundred texts over a 4 month period, I 'd wager that more than a few were football-related. We'll probably never know, however, as Kraft will just instruct Roger to destroy the evidence (again )
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