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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Character matters--isn't that what Goodell means when he says things like "protect the shield"? Or is that only for the rubes, and doesn't apply to His Highness and his billionaire backers when they get caught doing something scummy, like lying about an investigation, or intentionally hiding their heads in the sand? He did one or the other here, and both are bad. He needs to go....
  2. Could you imagine the sh*tstorm if they dare'd not approve this sale--it would be so clearly the League saying they don't want a team in Buffalo, screwing Buffalo and all of its fans, that it would be a PR disaster for the League. On top of the Ray Rice stuff going on right now, there's no way even the most greedy bastiges among the owners would let that happen.....
  3. The NFL Personal Conduct Policy, for starters. That's the price of admission for being an NFL player. Not only are you subject to the law like the rest of us, but you're also subject to the NFL's policies. Those policies in this case were initially applied in a ridiculous manner, which was not really Rice's fault. The League so badly mismanaged that, that it's now spinning wildly to right the ship and for some of the execs involved, like Goodell, to save themselves....
  4. First of all, suspending him for 2 games--ridiculous punishment for a very serious issue. Second, failing to find and view these tapes (if that's even true.) Everyone knows many elevators these days have cameras--this one did, yet they apparently never inquired about it with the hotel, nor asked Rice's attorneys for it (and those folks did have a copy apparently). The last two days' events seem to me to be a major back peddle by the League caught with its pants down, spinning wildly to deflect blame from Goodell and the League.
  5. Goodell is the one who needs to go for his handling of this mess. It's ridiculous to me that they didn't see this--willful blindness at its finest. What did they think happened to her to be knocked out cold? They obviously thought this tape would never get out--he has a history of crap like that. Kraft coming out and shilling for Goodell's job today took the case. Gee, Bob, I wonder why you want him to stay? How much coddling can one team get? Afraid that might stop with the next guy? To me it's more and more apparent daily that Goodell and the League are seeking to put this whole mess on Ray Rice (who obviously needs to be punished severely as the one who punched his fiancée) and sacrifice him and his career in an effort to save themselves....
  6. Not to kick a guy when he's down, but I remember the story about him trying to put the moves on another NFL starting QB's wife while drunk at a party telling her her husband was a scrub and how great Ryan was going to be. Karma has quite a kick, eh, Ryan?
  7. Thank you, Mr. Wilson and thank you, too, Mary Wilson, from the very bottom of my heart for keeping the team in Buffalo when you could have made much more money elsewhere. Some of us have understood that public service for a while and I suspect others will understand that more as time goes on. My one and only time meeting Ralph Wilson was at TC about ten years ago I thanked him in person for not moving the team for money and he said to me "Pshaw, what am I going to do, sit in my kitchen counting my money?" I never forgot that and never will. You were an honorable and good man and are missed by. Bills Nation. To the Pegulas I just say this--thank you, too, and please take good care of our baby!
  8. That was beyond a head scratcher--Marrone should follow that up with the League this week to get an explanation.....
  9. Did anyone ever give an explanation for the refs picking up that obvious holding flag on KW on that long gainer towards the end? If I were Whaley and Marrone, I'd make sure the League hears plenty about that this week. Heard from a friend who's a Fin fan that Brady was crying all game for the refs to help him out, to no avail. Perhaps Kraft's check didn't clear this year, so we may have a chance against them after all!
  10. Seantrel had a couple of inopportune holds today, but I guess that's to be expected of a rookie
  11. Or how about this one? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/05/16/report-churchill-downs-wants-nearly-15000-back-from-welker/
  12. What??? Are you kidding me? Ever see this? That's really class and sportsmanship right there, man--oh, yeah. What a jackhole. I only wished it happened when he was on the Pats*....
  13. CJ as Kick Returner? He'll last until week 3 doing that....
  14. If you look at his production, he produced 3 sacks in about one game or less worth of action (assuming he played the usual one quarter or so a game on average). That's not worth a PS look, even if it was against 2nd and 3rd stringers? C'mon, man, as a certain pundit would say. I agree with EW that the media attention certainly doesn't help him here and perhaps it's more than that in some quarters. It's a shame is what it is in any event, since it looks to me at least like Sam has the talent to make a go of a career in this League. Sam's a 23 year old kid--when Oprah and reality TV approached him he did what anyone would do in his shoes at that age--he talked to them. He quickly decided, however, not to go that route (probably after some more experienced hands suggested that direction to him) and in fact didn't even give interviews or speak separately to the media after his first, and to my knowledge only, press conference right before football activities started. As per Jeff Fisher and the Rams organization, the kid did everything right, including handling the media. I'm not sure how you can blame this on him, other than perhaps blaming him for coming out before hooking on with a team as I've seen others suggest. Unfortunately, they may have been right, as I strongly suspect that had he not come out, he'd be on a roster somewhere today. What a great lesson that sends to the next guys in the pipeline....
  15. No, but I'll fess up and admit to bring excited when we signed him. I was at that KC game when he lit us up and looked like the next Tony G in that Chiefs uni. Boy, was I wrong!
  16. Great--which is why folks were also puzzled by his release. One difference between Sam and Cohen, however, is that Cohen's bounced around the League for 6 or 7 years. You kind of know what you might have with him (ie, much less likely to be a true diamond in the rough). Sam, in contrast, was an SEC co-defensive player of the year (those don't grow on trees or get handed out easily) who also looked good in limited preseason game action. Wouldn't you think there'd be a fairly large market for THAT player? I would....
  17. And yet Corbin Bryant not only made a roster, he made a roster deep in quality DL. You kind of helped prove the opposite of the point I think you were trying to make.
  18. I did the same thing yesterday and came to the same conclusion. The O-line play was brutal and those were two drops by FJ and Woods that would have been firsts. That said, the O still seems to work only in fits and starts with EJ in there--"herky-jerky" is the adjective it brings to mind. And good Lord I hope we end this no huddle crap. All it does is tire out our own defense.
  19. Didn't Sam have 2-3 sacks this preseason (admittedly against scrubs, but he can't control who he plays against) in limited time? Wouldn't you think that would normally mean the guy would either make the team or at least PS somewhere in the League? Personally, I think Eric is right, which is too bad for Sam who, despite what his haters (and yes, that is what at least some of his critics are) say, apparently did everything right during camp wrt the media (ie, no separate interviews, for ex.). He can't control what the media does, unfortunately.
  20. I thought the same thing this morning. Par for the course, though. Last year they had a woman whose name is escaping me write it and it was just as clueless....
  21. Yeah, but 32 other teams passed him over at least twice, too--in this game you don't suck just because you didn't hit every potential pick....
  22. It's totally about money--they don't want to pay a backup G/C mid-level starter money. Makes sense from a cap/payroll management standpoint, but not from a football standpoint since we have no real better or even nearly equivalent option (at C at least).
  23. Based on yesterday's performance, if we don't pick it up 3-4 notches that pick next year may very well be a top 5 pick, setting the franchise back 5 years or so, all in an effort to save the top 3's jobs with the new owner. Bravo, gentlemen, bravo....
  24. Have to get back to basics--Blood Simple was their best film.....
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