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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I'd bet he's already got another job lined up (perhaps the Raiders with Brandon?) that he thinks will give him at least two more years in the NFL (absent a Cleveland/Chud situation) vs. Buffalo where he'd clearly be gone if they don't make the playoffs next year. I also hope for his sake that he counted on the fact that after he fails out of that next job, leaving the Bills like this will be a black mark on his record and may make his next (after the one he's got lined up) employer think long and hard about hiring him at any level. Actually, the way he left, no, I don't really hope that--in fact, I hope that that is exactly what happens to him--one and done elsewhere and then unemployed. What a classless way to leave--and I was one of the folks who hoped he'd stay. Our only hope now is that he left because there are bigger things in the wings. Odd on that are slim and none and Slim just left town....
  2. I thought we had a bit more cap space than that based on rolling $11-12m or so forward from this year to next year?
  3. Plus one on this--I always looked forward to his post-game posts, so wish him well in dealing with whatever non-Bills stuff is going on in his life now and hope he's back here talking Bills football before too long.
  4. Now THAT was funny, but only for the Ra-cha-cha folks among us....
  5. I'd take either, as someone else above noted. In one sense it's too bad that they play in opposing conferences since in a year or two the League will need a replacement for Brady-Manning and this would be about the best one could hope for as an annual substitute. That said, I'll wager that over their careers they play at least one SB against each other.....
  6. Had a great time at the game (other than the Bills' product on the field), with nary a problem with Raiders fans even though my family and I were decked out in Bills gear. It may admittedly help that my kids are little and cute as buttons, but even so, we tailgated in the RV lot and had a great time talking to Raider fans of all stripes. My kids got lots of pics with "scary costume/Black Hole" guys. This is my third Bills game there and it's been the same each time, so must admit I don't see what the big deal is about, absent a tad of racism like some of that displayed above in the comment about being afraid of "Mexico's team". Personally, after having been lucky enough to have seen games in more than half of the NFL, if you don't act like an !@#$ you usually don't have problems at opposing stadiums. Just my experience.....
  7. Especially with Coughlin's WNY ties (born in Waterloo and coach at RIT)
  8. Barring some stuff coming up at work, I'll be there visiting my Bay Area in-laws, who happen to be Raiders fans, This will be my 3rd Raiders-Bills game there and never had a problem wearing Bills gear the first two times. Of course, we got pounded both of those games, which may have helped keep the locals in good spirits, so I'm kind of hoping they're not so nice this time, Will be tailgating in my bro-in-law's new RV, but may try to find the Bills tailgate, too.....
  9. From what I've read, couldn't happen to a nicer guy, too....
  10. Does Gronk get free reign to push off whenever he wants? Certainly seems that way this year (and just now)....
  11. This^^^^^. A thousand times this ^^^^^! How can you not show the replay on penalties that are that big? Not once, but twice. You know they have the footage, as they cover every angle in the game. Makes me wonder whether they intentionally don't show BS calls, so as not to generate further undue attention.
  12. Temporarily--if they were cheating for gamblers, they wouldn't have let us score the last TD (which they tried, come to think of it).... It can happen on any play. One specific instance I recall is Warren Sapp's hit on a defenseless Packer OL about 15 years ago....
  13. I think that's because the Jets are on at 1 and it's Fox's turn for the doubleheader in the NY area (Seahawks-Eagles, which ain't a bad game either)....
  14. I agree--he's come very far in a lot of ways, and I think will make an excellent talking head when his playing career is over
  15. That sell-out streak started around the time they went to the SB, though, no? I lived in Boston in the early '90s, when they sucked, and they literally had less than 20k season ticket holders one year. Consider that in a city probably 5 times the size of Buffalo for a comparison. Can anyone imagine any circumstances in which the Bills have less than, say, 30k season ticket holders? I'd guess that even in our darkest years we had more than 30k, but could be wrong. I also agree with this assessment as a general matter.
  16. You missed the usual BS IC/PI call on the Packers on a key 3rd down much earlier in the drive. The usual utter garbage call only the Cheats* seem to get consistently. Edelman ran right into the DB and then whined to the ref for the call until the ref threw it about a minute late. In other words, par for the course.....
  17. I wasn't kidding--most of his PI and defensive holding calls all year were against us in the 2 games he and his crew screwed us in.
  18. Look where Walt Coleman falls on the defensive holding and PI calls year-wide--did he call all of his on the Bills?!
  19. This had me concerned last week until I realized that it goes two ways, with the Bills knowing a good bit about Pettine's D schemes and tendencies, too....
  20. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't just me who thought those guys were worse (much worse in many cases) than normal announcers. Almost like they took their own bye week and didn't bother to study up on anything. For ex., when TJ Graham made a ST tackle, nothing about how until training camp he was a Bill.....
  21. Who says anything about stewing, fussing and pulling hair other than you? I'm a fan of the sport and the Bills and so follow topics of interest to both. That's something that I enjoy, win or lose (with winning being more fun obviously).
  22. That's ok--some of us prefer to get more knowledge on things that interest us so as to have a more informed opinion, while others prefer to bloviate on a topic while bringing little knowledge to bear on it. I'd rather be the former than the latter, but where you fall on that spectrum is up to you.
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