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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Is it just me, but how the heck does the announcer not know that the current Oline is 80% of our starting line?
  2. Was it just me, or was there a lot of dust in the air during that John Madden “All Madden” special….
  3. I was just thinking how utterly predictable this all was from way back in August, down to the actual players involved based on their public statements on the vaccine. Sad.
  4. Many thanks—I’ve downloaded the DTV SundayTicket app.
  5. Of course the Chargers have to be playing an East Coast team while we’re visiting my wife’s family in Santa Barbara, so now local TV will show that game. I normally go to a sports bar when that happens while I’m there, but not sure I want to risk bringing something nasty back to my elderly in-laws. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to watch or listen to the game online instead? I’ve got DirecTV Sunday Ticket here at home—is there some way to stream that in SB, for example? Any thoughts appreciated!
  6. I’m very sorry for the OP’s loss. My own father was a Bills and AFL fan since 1960. He took me to my first game the last year of the Rockpile. Johnny U beat us 17-0. We went to a game a year as a kid, including the Chuck Foreman “ice ball” game. When I was an adult we did an away game a year for almost 15 years. Saw lots of stadiums together. We lost him 5 years ago tomorrow. I’m crying like a baby when we win it all….
  7. So am I—it would be a good compliment age and cap-wise with Tre.
  8. Did Tiki just say “Jordan Pryor”?
  9. I did. Posey was our first FA signing that year, like literally right after FA opened….
  10. I also don’t think you ever answered the question as to whether you expect them to let people bring their medical records to the gate to prove they’ve had it. That’s just not at all practical. They chose a practical and science-based solution.
  11. Others may have already said this (I’m too lazy to review all 17 pages), but I’m honestly curious as to how much of an impact this will have on vaccinations in Erie Cty. It will be interesting to see if the number of local vaccinations rises materially after this.
  12. Many thanks from me, too, on the COVID test info. I live in the NYC area and can’t get there next week for the test (even assuming I got tickets—my window is 11:30 tomorrow), but am hopeful that I could make it to the divisional round game (knocking wood we make it).....
  13. “John-a-tthon!!! John-a-tthon!!!”
  14. Originally from Rochester, now in Westchester Cty. Plenty of Bills fans in the NYC area, but my funniest Bills fan encounter occurred about 30 years ago when I lived in Tokyo. I joined a gym there and one of the Japanese regulars was a guy named Shingo-san who every session was draped head to toe in Bills gear thanks to the new NFL store there. He told me in his limited English and my “ma-ma” (their “so-so”) Japanese that originally he liked the logo and colors, but had become a fan via their 2 am on Wednesday night’s NFL highlights show, which I religiously taped. Sadly, that was the year the Cowboys blew us out in the Super Bowl—nothing worse than watching your team get annihilated on a Monday morning and then having to go into work. Still, great city and great times. Thems were the days....
  15. For the Super Bowl? Like a baby, unabashedly....
  16. I’ve been torn about this since it’s become apparent that our team has its best chance in decades this year. While I still strongly suspect the Chiefs will be a bridge too far for us or anyone else in the AFC, it would be just our luck as fans that this crappy year is the year we go. I’ve always said I’d go if they ever go back to the Super Bowl, having been too young and poor during the prior SB runs to go. Always “Guesstimated” the normal price in the $5-8k range per ticket for a Bills SB. But I’m not sure that I’d want to go if they make it this year and if the price got too high. Combination of the factors listed by others— Covid risk in getting there and in attending Likely very expensive due to cut on supply and pent up demand, even in a pandemic Desire to watch the game with my immediate family and friends (now that my dad has passed, no obvious one person to take). Now if I win the season ticket holder lottery for face value seats, that might be tough to pass up. Let’s hope this concern becomes more real as the playoffs advance! (Touching every piece of wood in the house.)
  17. I was at that game as well. Painful, but fun, considering I was with my dad (who has since passed) and a couple of old friends and their young kids (one has 4 boys and brought all 4). We had a great time catching up, but the game itself was brutal to watch. I was also at the SF game by myself the day of the South East Asian tsunami, having flown up from my in-laws in Santa Barbara as a Christmas gift—we won that one, but I went the whole day up and back without hearing about the devastation of the tsunami until I was back to their house in SB. Very weird day....
  18. Go Texans, indeed—push that Fins’ first round draft pick clear out of the Top 10!
  19. Special teams player of the week (touching wood).
  20. I was at Columbia in upper Manhattan in the mid-80’s. You are spot on on some of that, but a bit off on Trump and racism, in my opinion. He’s made enough statements on nearly a weekly basis that show exactly who he is. Witness this week’s baseless claims about Philly and Detroit or his recent MN rally where he complimented his nearly all white crowd on their “good genes.”
  21. Other than the fact that he just got 80 plus percent of the black vote. Or are they just all uninformed? and as I said, I could literally go on all day about his policies’ effect on people of color (as could anyone paying attention even remotely closely), but it’s a beautiful day here today and I need to be productive now that my time lifting is over. have a good day celebrating Biden’s victory!
  22. What color is the sky on your world? I’m busy today, but how are those 535 kids without parents at the border doing? You gonna adopt a bunch of them? Enjoy your weekend celebrating your new President-elect
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