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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Go read O'Leary's book--he describes how Doug Flutie on a radio interview post-Spygate mentioned laughingly (like he thought it was funny) how he once picked up the wrong QB helmet during a game and could hear the coaches talking on it well after the League-mAndated cutoff.
  2. If this is true (and considering the acceptable range is 12.5 to 13.5), it's clearly not an accident and they need to be seriously punished. Full stop.
  3. Go read the article I linked to above--as per a member of the NFL Competition Committee, they were the main team accused of cheating over and over again during that Committee's proceedings.
  4. I caught NBC News tonight and it was the 3rd story reported there, so this is getting national press. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.
  5. Wow--take the kids skiing for the day and I miss all this? How is anyone really surprised by anything they do at this point? This article is as true today as the day it was written: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/sports/football/11nfl.html?_r=0 Among the choice quotes: "The committee heard accusations that the Patriots had taped opposing coaches’ signals, placed microphones on defensive players to steal quarterbacks’ audible signals and manipulated clocks and coach-to-quarterback radio systems." (BTW, lots more on those accusations (including citations) in the Spygate book from a few years back.) "The N.F.L. team executive said the Patriots were the subject of most of the accusations discussed in the rules committee’s deliberations. The team’s recent success and tight-lipped approach, as personified by Belichick, has played a role. “They were the only team, really,” the executive said. “Clearly, they were the team mentioned far more than anybody else.”" Second verse, same as the first. If this latest allegation is true, they seem to be getting more brazen with time, since there's tangible evidence of their cheating being handed to the refs on every offensive play. I agree with the folks here who say that it's doubtful that the underinflated balls were necessary or key to their dominant win yesterday, but I also agree with the folks who point to the integrity of the game and say that something really needs to be done about someone who repeatedly tries to break the League's rules, seemingly at every turn. There are 32 teams in the NFL, but why is it almost always this one team every single time? Personally, I think it has to do with an organization run by and staffed with like-minded individuals who don't like to lose and have a "win at all costs (fair or foul)" mentality. Look no further than that tantrums Brady throws when things aren't going his way, or Belichick running off the field before the game was over without shaking Coughlin's hand in 2008 (I honestly think he was afraid he'd cry on national TV) or a couple years back sending Devin McCourty out to do a post-game interview in his place after they got upset by the Ravens in the playoffs (absolutely classless, but again, shows what an absolute poor sport the man is). They just can't stand to lose, so will do whatever it takes to win. If that involves stretching the line, so be it. If they're caught here, they need to be dealt with hard, as it's at least a second offense.
  6. Me, too, but I think Rodgers (and two weeks to heal) and the Pack can take the Cheats*
  7. ....that "LeRoi" means "the King" in French. Guess what "Rex" is Latin for? Sorry if someone else has previously pointed this out, but I'm too lazy to check through all the discussion threads. If it is you, Rex, a sincere WNY welcome--you're just what the doctor ordered to shake things up around here!
  8. How about, "in the future, don't post here, !@#$?" Look at the guy's screen name, for goodness sake--if that ain't a troll, I've never seen one. Personally, I can't wait until New England* sucks again--will be fun watching all of their front-runner fans go back to rooting for other teams. Did you see Manning today? That will be Brady, too, in two years or less. Father Time is undefeated thus far.... But there is something in the rule about waiting for the ref to get back in position after notifying the defense before starting play. That may be what didn't really occur here, depending on the mode of communication used.
  9. But that's exactly what the rule says--read the last sentence of Art 3, section 1--it mentions not starting the play until the referee is "back in position" after telling the defense, which to me (and Harbaugh) is where they screwed up here, as it sounds like they allowed the snap almost immediately after telling the D who was ineligible.
  10. According to Harbaugh, they did it multiple times, which is why he was seen repeatedly yelling at them from the sidelines on TV multiple times last night. He took the penalty on purpose he said because it was the only way they'd listen to him, and apparently still didn't. He needs to keep pressing this. Even under the benign explanation, the refs in that game should not be NFL refs next year--the rule book is amazingly clear on this point, so no excuse for them missing this, especially with a coach pointing it out to them. As for how they're supposed to announce it--just like they do for eligible players. In fact, they just audibly did it in the Colts-Broncos game about ten minutes ago. Seems pretty straightforward actually.
  11. That's a kind/benign reading of the situation. Note that Harbaugh pointed this out to the refs several times to no avail. Still think the benign explanation is correct?
  12. You're totally correct--in particular Art 3, section 1's last sentence about the ball not being snapped until the referee is back in position (after telling the D about the eligibility situation) clearly indicates that the refs didn't call this game properly. Who here is really surprised, however? According to the rule quoted, they are supposed to. What a crock. Harbaugh really needs to speak up about this. I really want to see a coach cheated by these guys grow a pair and say so to the media.
  13. I agree with the folks above that the $ he'll demand is better spent elsewhere (like places we have holes--QB if one becomes available, G (Iupati?), TE (too bad Roman can't bring Vernon))--or resigning Hughes
  14. Did you ever think that might be why they picked him--we have no QB, so need a strong running attack?
  15. I disagree with the last part. Apart from Chris Ivory, Richardson, Wilkerson, an aging Mangold and maybe David Harris, I can't think of anyone else there who would be noticeably better than the Bills player they'd replace.
  16. Just saw the PC--Harbaugh was pissed, but the League has apparently ruled it ok (big shock, I know, right?). Haven't studied it enough to know who's right.
  17. You honestly don't think Idzik's idjit GM job had nothing to do with that?
  18. That would be a waste of FA money better spent elsewhere where we have real holes. For ex, if Roman can bring Iupati, I'm all for it.
  19. Nice no call on the PI just now, too. Even Collinsworth said it was PI
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