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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I would think that if he gets cut, we would be his number one choice as a destination, considering the lack of an established QB on the roster, EJ's status and the lack of a first round pick. I'd say we'd be more than 70% likely to land him if he's cut, assuming no other FA surprise cuts or trade possibilities (like Cutler coming available along with a draft pick trade up (some have said that the Bears may be so incentivized to dump Jay and ihs guaranteed salary that they'd trade him and say a 3rd round pick for a team's 4th or lower pick)). Personally, if Bradford's available and can be had for a reasonable price, I hope the Bills bring him in.
  2. The team even seemed a bit leary of him, almost like an uneasy coexistence or that they didn't trust him. A guy without an MD or anything other than his training in Chinese medicinal arts from an unnamed college in LA (unnamed probably because no one's ever heard of it). Goes to work with lots of players on a team known for welcoming old vets who seem to regain a step when they play for the Pats*, and which team had at least one player get caught using HGH, which since they don't test for you only get caught by being dumb enough (like Rodney Harrison) to order it using your own name and shipping it to your own house. Yet another odd coincidence involving the Pats* where the results sound way too good to be true. Maybe it's on the up and up and Mr. Guerrero really is an unprofessionally trained medical marvel whose methods doctors haven't figured out yet or maybe Tommy Boy and his teammates have found their own personal Dr. Anthony Galea (who treated Tiger Woods and others with "unorthodox" treatments and who in some cases used HGH and other non-legal drugs)? I must admit that I always found it interesting that we never found out who Dr. Galea was treating in the NFL (although this article said he had at least 3 NFL clients), but here's his timeline of visits for the summer that Tommy Boy was finishing up his recovery from knee surgery: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?id=5198475 Notice that he visited someone in Boston twice that August (3rd and 26th), right when training camp was starting up and again later that month a couple weeks before the first NFL game. Any ever recall seeing a list of Galea's clients? I don't.
  3. Now and then? He whines when anyone gets within 5 feet of him, or don't you watch the games? Not only does he whine, he talks smack to opposing D's and bullies the refs. As the article itself says, if a random linebacker yacked at the refs half as much as Brady does, he'd get tossed. With hindsight and after hearing Richard Sherman describe Brady's on the field bearing last week, it was even sweeter when Sherman (then really a nobody) came up to him after that game a couple of years ago and gave him some of his own medicine back. Here's to a repeat of that scene tomorrow at around 10 pm.....
  4. That's why I said the article is fairly objective--the Pats* fan author talks about both the whining and the cheating. I also found the part about his personal trainer with a Masters degree in Chinese medicine being his best friend interesting.
  5. NYT magazine piece on the Brady by ab admitted Pats* fan (but who does seem to manage to keep it objective): http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/01/magazine/tom-brady-cannot-stop.html?ref=magazine&_r=0
  6. As others have noted, it's not like the balls are numbered separately, so no real way to measure total deflation in a particular ball. What I suspect they did is measure them all pregame, found them all in compliance, and then again at halftime, when they found that 11 of 12 were in the 10.5 range while the Colts' balls were all still in compliance. Pretty straightforward issue even in such a case. I think this is another leak by pro-Pats* folks to cast doubt on the League, but if you look at it rationally it doesn't really matter that they didn't precisely measure each ball.
  7. I hate the Pats* as much as the next avg fan (maybe more so), but that one's on the refs not the Pats*
  8. Looks like the NFL asked Cokumbia physicists to help them on this. Wonder if they know that Kraft is both an alum and major donor (which is probably why they all turned the League down). That said, I love the guy who said he couldn't take the gig, but thinks they did it: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/28/sports/football/nfl-investigator-seeks-to-consult-columbia-physicist-over-patriots-deflated-footballs.html?_r=0
  9. On that last point, I think that's dealt with in at least the Slate piece on this topic by the fact that before 2007 everyone played with the same ball so there was no incentive to deflate the ball, meaning no reason for there to be a differential for home and away.
  10. That's a fair enough point--I think judgment was more what I was going after. Poor word choice.
  11. How does that explain differential fumbling rates for the same players when they play on different teams? For ex., BJGE fumbled like a million times more with Cinci than the Pats*. On a related topic, with hindsight am I the only one wondering if a deflated football is why Brady didn't fumble when Jerry Hughes perfectly tomahawk chopped him at home this year? Looked to me like a perfect play that usually results in a fumble, but Brady held onto it. I remember thinking "wow, great presence/awareness" at the time, but maybe there was more at play there.
  12. Not being sarcastic at all--he's dating some bimbo wannabe actress young enough to be his granddaughter, who he started dating less than a year after his wife's death. Kind of shows his character, if you ask me. Imagine how his kids feel every time he brings along his new GF. Then again, I've always been more attracted to smart women. Can't imagine being in a relationship with someone not my equal in the brains dept. Even in his case, he could have tried dating a real, working actress. For ex., Lucy Liu is dating some rich older hedge fund billionaire. She's attractive, a working actress with a real career and went to both Stuyvesant HS (NYC's best public magnet school) and Michigan, so she's no dummy. She's also a bit more age appropriate for old Bob (as far as these things go!). There, see, I could fix all of Kraft's dating problems!
  13. I disagree on the won't win if can't cheat part--they are a good team, which makes the cheating part odd (and personally I do believe they cheat, in many ways). I also wonder if the use of NFL provided balls may have had something to do with Tommy's less than normal performances in the last 2 SB's. In particular, that early intentional grounding floater that seemed to get away from him as a safety in the last SB.
  14. And by all accounts his wife (whose family brought the $ to the table, since Kraft effectively married the boss's daughter) was a great woman, which kind of makes his gallivanting around with an "actress" less than half his age a bit nauseating. Kraft's not a dumb guy--Columbia and HBS alum that he is--so you'd think he could find an accomplished, wonkishly attractive woman in her mid-to-late 40's to squire around instead.
  15. This thread is epic. Ask yourself if you'd have believed two weeks ago that people would be spending so much time discussing the inflation of balls. Absolutely hysterical, no matter how this all comes out!
  16. I hate them, too, but I think you may be getting ahead of yourself a bit there. There's still the game on Sunday, remember, and a long ways to go in this investigation. I'm touching wood that you're correct, however!
  17. I don't think it was the Colts' balls he had--the home team also has to supply backup balls. I suspect it was those. From some unconfirmed reports, what makes it suspicious is that those backup balls also tested at normal pressure, unlike the Pats* actual game balls which deflated.
  18. Interesting question--I think they were in separate bags, and he allegedly only did 11 of 12, which makes it a bit easier. He might have been able to simply pop a needle into each quickly knowing the result is roughly 2 psi each, but that's still a lot of balls. Two odd things here-- 1. If he he was only going to the bathroom briefly, why take the balls in with him in his own locker room? It's not like a fellow Patriot player, coach or Staff member's going to do something to them in such a short time in plain sight (at least before this case!); and 2. We seem to have dueling leaks with competing narratives going on the last few days. Will be interesting to see what finally comes out here.
  19. With the sources they have, I suspect that when folks like Glazer and Peter King (see his Friday article on this) speak as authoritatively as they are here, there is plenty of fire with that smoke, but we'll see eventually.
  20. You're a peach, I'll give you that. My bad on the cameras--I was thinking TV, not security, but boy am I glad that they existed and were on. We might actually get some justice here for a change with these Cheats*, unless of course Roger pulls his usual with his favorite team/owner and destroys the evidence and says once again "move along. Nothing to see here". BTW, you keep accusing me of changing the subject, but as anyone who can read can see, I'm addressing points you've made right in what I've quoted. You keep changing your defenses as they fall, one after another. I suspect (but as Alphadawg says, we don't for sure yet know) when this is all said and done, you'll have none left.
  21. Anyone else not understand the "they have lied to me" part? No idea what he's saying there, since he goes on to say he stands behind them wholeheartedly.
  22. Wow--I had not seen that. You're right about his sources being top notch; he's also a notorious Pats* homer, so for him to write something like that the Pats* are screwed 8 ways to Sunday. Couldn't happen yo a nicer team/coach/owner/fan base......
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