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Everything posted by MattM

  1. And instead of a strip sack fumbled all Jerry got that game was a 15 yard penalty on a key third down for hitting his own teammate on the head. Typical Bills-Pats* game in the Belicheat-Kraft era, no?
  2. Thanks for showing up. Here's one that may have made a big difference in a game and a Bills game at that--Jerry Hughes' massive tomahawk chop on Brady in the home game last year. On seeing the replay at the time in the stadium I wondered how the heck the ball didn't go flying. Now I know why not!
  3. When do individual game tickets for STH go on sale (or did I miss that)? I may need some extras for the Giants game.
  4. Either on this scandal or perhaps other currently unknown ones. I also wonder if the request was phrased broadly enough to cover "any and all violations of NFL rules" or some variant. If so, that might go a long way towards explaining why he didn't agree to turn over his records--it may have opened even bigger cans of worms for him and his team*. Hey, anyone seen WEO lately? Do we need a post topic on that? Funny how our resident Pats* and Brady* fan hasn't seemed to wade into any of this.
  5. This^ People keep mistakenly saying he needed to turn over his phone. He didn't. All he needed to do was turn over texts and communications relating to this matter and with certain folks (the two schlubs, for ex.). He and his lawyers could do the searching and turn it over. If he's worried about his lawyers seeing it, he could simply allow one senior partner there access to his phone to do the searching. If there is a leak of non-related info he would know pretty clearly who's responsible and that lawyer would face disbarment, a major civil suit and probably never work again. Pretty simple really. Personally, I suspect there was lots on that phone relating both to this matter and quite possibly other cheating. Remember, for ex, that his "best friend", a trainer with a degree from some Eastern medicine school in LA's correspondence school you've never heard of, supposedly keeps him in better shape than modern medicine can as per the recent NYT profile of him. Perhaps his "regimen" details are in that phone. Remember, too, that in the Anthony Galea (a doctor convicted of administering HGH and steroids to pro athletes) trial the good doctor visited Boston twice in August the year after Brady suffered his knee injury and administered treatment on Aug 10 and Aug 28 or so to an unnamed Boston athlete. I don't believe that athlete was ever identified. All solely for potential examples' sake, and not saying anyone knows for sure that Brady or other Pats* cheated in other ways, but who knows what's on that phone? We just know that Brady wanted absolutely no one to see it.
  6. Anything less than 8 games is a slap on the wrist. Gostkowski refuseed to cooperate, too, so should also get at least a couple of games off.
  7. Nice try, but PFT reported that the union wasn't involved in representing Brafy here. I'd say you're on about your 15th strike, but keep swinging, "champ"...,,
  8. I believe the report pretty clearly states that the gauges used here were found to have worked just fine.
  9. Let us also not forget practicing players who were on IR (Ross Tucker, who played for them, as well as the Bills, Cowboys and 'Skins, said that Pats* players told him "Everyone does this" to which he replied, "No, we're the only ones doing this."), communications going out at Gillette for opposing coaches at key times (two head coaches, Del Rio and Marinelli, made this claim), micing up players to capture audibles, a team full of aging vets, one of whom was caught using HGH (only because he was dumb enough to us his own name and address to ship them to), etc. This is not an isolated incident.
  10. Any ideas as to what is on TB's phone that he so badly (at the risk of up to a year off) wanted to protect? Remember, he didn't need to turn the phone over to Wells, he was allowed to produce just the texts on the deflategate topic and communications log with the relevant folks involved there, but still chose not to. Remember, too, that the only folks who might have access to the phone were HIS lawyers, who have an ethical duty to not say anything to ANYONE about what they saw on the phone, at the risk of disbarment if they violate that. Personally, my best guess is that there are things on there either relating to the deflation and/or even other similar cheating-related items, but who knows, since he wouldn't let anyone see anything. I think it's certainly fair to infer that there are bad things for him on the phone. Seems pretty obvious to me. What do others think?
  11. As you can see from the report, they asked for the balls to be at the legal limit. If so, why the need for a needle at all? The mere fact that they gave the locker room equipment guy (who is NOT the guy there responsible for prepping the balls, but is instead the guy in the room with the refs at ball measurement time) a needle says all you need to know here. There is only one conclusion from that--they planned to use the needle to lower the pressure in the balls below the allowable lower limit. Full stop. Case closed.
  12. But they did EXACTLY THAT in the Spygate case--they sent a memo saying "don't do this" and yet the Cheats* did exactly what they were told not to do. How many times do they get a pass on crap like this? Ridiculous. During Spygate two separate NFL Compet, Cttee members told the NYT that it was just the Patriots* being brought before them on rules violation allegations over and over....
  13. On the first point, his lawyers likely would have had to make some kind of affirmation about their search being full and complete, which is probably a big part of why your scenario didn't happen. A major law firm is not going to lie for a client, even Tom Brady. All of which again speaks volumes about what was probably on the phone (nothing good for Tom). On the second point, I was able to access the article this morning, but couldn't share it onFB. Now even the link doesn't work for me and I checked the mobile version of the Onion's webpage and can't find it. Add that to the list of odd, along with the various media outlets (many of which (like ESPN and NBC) have League ties and contracts) leaping to the Pats** defense.
  14. Brady and his lawyers were give the option of producing the phone log/texts themselves without turning the phone over. He refused. I wonder why? Remember that we know he did reach out to the two schlubs (repeatedly) after the story broke--we know that from them. His refusal alone should be worth 8 games off. On the interview point, as new evidence surfaces investigators often need to go back and talk again to witnesses--common practice. Here interestingly they wanted to talk to McNally about some newly discovered texts from Brady. See a pattern here? You quote Kraft's response statement as if it were gospel. Simple question--have you read any of the report? If not, why not? The beauty of the Internet age is that it's all there to see for those who want to see it.
  15. Why didn't he turn over his texts/call log to them? The League said he didn't have to turn over his phone and were only interested in his communications on this matter and with those individuals--they were willing to let Brady and his lawyers do the record combing to come up with those, but he still said no. Similarly, why didn't the Pats* allow the interview of McNally about communications with Brady? In fact, they didn't even pass the request along to McNally or his lawyer. Those are all the acts of the innocent, right? Also just have to love the smarmy "We good, bro" vibe of Brady to those guys after they got caught. Guys that clearly hated his guts before that, probably because he was such a jerk to them before he needed their cooperation. I've read the Exec Summary of the report, and it takes a special kind of homer (read: delusional) to hold out any hope that his or her hero(es) were blameless here, from the top of the organization (Kraft (for refusal to fully cooperate) and Brady especially) to the bottom (those two schlubs who did the dirty work). What's interesting is that I tried to share that on FB and the link doesn't work (it shows the wrong article). Not to sound conspiracy theorish, but I've never had that problem before. It linked to two different articles, too, in the two ways you can share on FB.
  16. Anyone seen WEO? Busy coming up with more excuses for the Cheats*? LMFAO! Hey, WEO, maybe Dennard is about to be suspended after all for his DUI plea in Dec, 2013 (about a year late!), since the Cheats* cut him this week!
  17. When discussing Belicheat one also can't overlook his absolutely classless response to losing--his running off the SB field early in 2007 w/o shaking Coughlin's hand (I honestly think he was afraid to start crying on national TV) and putting McCourty out to talk on his behalf to the media after a playoff loss a couple of years ago come to mind. No class or sportsmanship at all. On the point of his personal life, the allegation wasn't just cheating on his own wife, but also doing that cheating with someone else's wife to boot.
  18. We're not talking 3rd/4th down--we're talking about these !@#$s standing all !@#$ing game, which is more than a bit different.... We were--thanks for following along.
  19. I've gotten my now 76-year old dad season tix for about the last ten years. We finally were able to upgrade to lower bowl seats a few years back and that was his biggest complaint. He was in like row 6 the first year and 9 the second, but in each case was still forced to stand nearly all game due to such knuckleheads. Not easy for a guy his age and it used to really piss him off. We've since moved back to row 16, which makes it a little better, but still. I'm also all for the craft beer idea above, too. Whether that makes me a hipster douche, too, I'll leave that for others to decide.....
  20. The fact we play New England* (on extra rest after playing a Bell-less Steeler team Week 1) in week 2 tells me the League has decided Marcel gets at least 2 weeks off
  21. This^^^^^. I've also read elsewhere that Brady's a Republican, which is consistent with his move here (maybe he and Joe "You Lie!" What's His Name from South Carolina can go hang out some time). I really can't understand that attitude. Very disrespectful. I couldn't stand W Bush, but I'd never think about turning down an invitation to the WH even if he was the occupant giving it.
  22. The fact we play New England* week 2 means he's looking at (at least) two weeks off (see Bell, Le'Veon)....
  23. You mean we have 9 games against team's coming off extra rest? I know we have at least two--one on short rest no less!
  24. We start with the two best teams in the conference (ie, very possibly 0-2). Nice way to take the edge off an up and coming team. Absolutely detest this schedule.
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