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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Funny that we're all here arguing whether or not he should get off on what all would agree is a technicality when all you really needed to do was read the texts between the two maroons, the gifts Brady lavished on the Deflator (I'm still waiting for the Pats* to bring forward other low level staffers who got anywhere near what McNally got from Brady), Brady's creepy sudden interest in these guys when the story broke and Brady's totally unconvincing non-denial denial to know he did this. The breaking of the phone just as he was being questioned was just icing on the cake. Everything Brady's defense team (which seems to include Mike Florio) is meant just to obfuscate those facts.....
  2. May have spoken too soon--Pats* have only that one penalty. Meanwhile, Cats have 5 for 45 yds in the half. Brady just led a two-minute TD drive with an 18 yarder to--wait for it--Scott Chandler
  3. It's hard to win in the NFL when playing with properly inflated footballs.....
  4. One down, 763 to go to even out the BS penalty calls the Pats* have gotten in the Brady/Belicheat era....
  5. Here's the article I was referencing--"6" was a bit of hyperbole, but not by too much relatively: http://gizmodo.com/almost-none-of-the-women-in-the-ashley-madison-database-1725558944 Doesn't take an actual affair to cause problems. Looks like being caught trolling for one is all it takes....
  6. Especially since it's come out that there were about 6 real women signed up for AM to go with the 32m men signed up.....
  7. Yeah, because taking a baseball bat to your Ferrari is the mature, level-headed response to the situation most would have. In all honesty, when I read the Martin Wells report my first thought was that Incognito needed the mental health help as much as Martin did. I hope they both get that help.
  8. Many thanks for another TC in the books, Astro--and as an old ER guy, love the plug for the local restaurant. Folks may also want to try the Northside Inn, Perlo's and Lemoncello's in ER.
  9. l Let's hope he's as good and long-lived as Ricky. Didn't he play into his 60's, or did it only seem that way?
  10. Totally agree--that was a team with 3-win talent in 2013. Last year I counted about 6-7 above average players on their entire team (2 DL, Mangold, Ferguson (maybe), Ivory and that was about it). Tough to win with a roster like that and a turnover machine at QB.
  11. Have no fear, the patented Rodney Harrison training regimen gets oldsters back into shape in no time.....
  12. So, wouldn't the better message have been, don't do dumb things and you won't need a "fall guy"? Moron..... . Seriously, dude, are you on their payroll? Someone earlier (JG, I think) mentioned Patriot* sock puppets--I laughed it off at first, but....
  13. My good friend's older brother teaches English over at Fairport High (and has for about 40 years) and had some of the Kerr kids as students--said they're good folks and a great family. Met KP at camp this summer and she posed for a picture with me and my kids--very nice and gracious. We interrupted her on her way somewhere else, but she still took the time to chat and pose. Very happy to have the Pegulas as our owners.
  14. They had something in that AFCCG--that was about the worst officiating I've seen in 40 years of watching football. I had that taped and watched over and over as Marcus Pollard's jersey was just about ripped off his back on successive plays right in front of a ref both plays. Totally ridiculous. Personally, that was the start of thinking something was beyond fishy in Boston.... So Rodney "HGH Cheater" Harrison says his team didn't cheat? Ok, it's all good, everyone can go home--tell Goodell to just drop Deflategate, too, while he's at it if Rodney says his buddy Tommy didn cheat, LOL......
  15. So he's sacrificing getting a team full of largely new pieces actually getting the practice time in to sync in exchange for a slight element of surprise--got it.....
  16. While I don't necessarily believe JG's source above, I do think it likely that there's more going on here than meets the eye. My guess is that the League may know about (or suspect) more shenanigans than is publicly known and the other owners are sick and tired of it being "just one team, really, over and over" (to paraphrase the NYT quoting of an NFL Competition Committee member after Spygate) and are demanding that something be done about it.
  17. Too bad that Incognito wasn't ready to go tonight. Would have been great to see the full starting line.
  18. I watched part of the Pats* game last night and Jimmy G stunk it up most of the time against the Packer 2's with better luck against the 3's not surprisingly. Should have been picked at least one other time and doesn't seem to have that 4 second clock in his head yet.
  19. Watched part of the Pats* game. Janeanne Carapollo blows I'm happy to report....
  20. I find this fixation on the disciplinary process in a case where pretty much everyone but diehard Pats* fans agree that cheating went on a bit odd I must admit. Why not pick a case where there is a real miscarriage of justice, for ex.? In addition, what is your solution? Getting professional arbitrators or judges involved for every dispute? Shouldn't the League commissioner be the one with the power to discipline players? To suggest otherwise strikes me, frankly, as ridiculous.
  21. Exactly. And if it was a common practice (or if done for ANYONE else) the Pats* would certainly have trotted them out by now as evidence this was all normal. The fact that they haven't speaks volumes.
  22. So you basically ignore the texts, gifts to the ball boy (still waiting for the legion of other ball boys getting new sneaks and Brady game worn autographed jerseys to show up), lies ("I didn't take them into the bathroom---oh, wait, you've got me on film doing that, then I must have gone in to use the urinal--oh, wait, there's no urinal in that bathroom...."), etc., in other words, the context in which the psi measurements need to be considered. I'm also guessing that's because it comes nowhere close to supporting your narrative....
  23. Quick fact question--has anyone seen Brady or the Pats* claim that it was normal for someone like McNally to receive so much swag from Brady? If they did, you'd think that Brady and the Pats* would be shouting that from the rooftop as part of their defense. If they aren't doing that, and there are no such other folks at McNally's level receiving things like autographed game worn jerseys and free sneakers, then that's really about all a reasonable person needs to know....
  24. Actually, I'm not sure you're right on that--apparently Goodell told the Pats* after Spygate that Belicheat would next be suspended if anything similar occurred. That may explain both his running away from Brady in January and Brady's destruction of his phone.....
  25. BTW, it also looks to me (based on voting and commenting on PFT) that there may be sock puppets at work here, too. Just about everyone I know other than Pats* fans think he's guilty and the Pats/* deserve punishment, yet the votes on the comments often (but not always) are heavily pro-Pats*. The "not always" part is key to that suspicion--sock puppets may miss an article entirely, meaning normal voting takes place, which would explain the odd discrepancies on votes.
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