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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Sure he did--he blew up at least one play when he came in unblocked on Luck and forced Luck to chuck it into the dirt to avoid the sack.
  2. What I also liked about TT today was his intense nature on the sidelines--CBS showed him several times during the game talking intently either to a single player (Dixon comes to mind) or to large groups of the O. He had fire in his eyes and to an outsider at least looked like he knew what he was talking about. Rex and others have raved about his football IQ and I think on plays like the batted down batted pass showed it. We may have a real good one here, folks (fingers crossed)....
  3. Here's a novel idea (sort of)--how about becoming the Oregon Ducks of the NFL and switch it up every week? With the NFL being a $ machine masquerading as a sports league, only a matter of time before they figure out new ways to monetize the unis and that might do it....
  4. This^^^. The third year voids if he starts 50% of a season either this year or next. If he was interested in writing a real (and balanced) story, that would have found its way into the article.
  5. Anyone else see this? Florio's already saying that TT should push for a new contract before he's ever started a down for us. What a tool. Good to see that he carries the Pats*' water on things beyond Deflategate--who else gets helped more by trying to stir up such a controversy where there is none? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/13/bills-can-bump-up-tyrod-taylors-pay-at-any-time/
  6. Doing an LBO isn't necessarily stealing the company, especially considering that the owners are pretty well-positioned to value it. I have a buddy who also "did business" with Kraft. He liked him personally, but that was just based on the fact that Kraft had lots of pictures of his family in his office. Another old friend did business with Eddie Debartolo--said he was nothing more than a whiny, not too bright spoiled rich kid.
  7. Where did you get the stealing the business part? Just curious. I knew he married the $ (boss's daughter), but not anything about stealing.
  8. This^^^ My 77 year old father used to complain about this when our seats were about 9 rows up and the idiots in front of him stood all game. As he's someone who's been going to Bills games since the first season my response to someone who'd say he shouldn't go to games (which he's gotten from drunken morons sitting in front of him) would be STFU (although this year he has other health issues keeping him from going).
  9. . By definition, John, when someone cheats there is a "victim" of that cheating. In this case, it's both the team being cheated and its fans and the rest of the League to boot. That's just how cheating works. By definition it's not a so-called "victimless crime". Is it the root cause of all evils? Of course not--no one is claiming it is (except perhaps your straw man complex).
  10. What a joke of a page. I love how for PEDs the Bills have 5 going back to 1979, with nearly all being from the early '90's or before, while New England has 4 since 2007 (and I think they may be missing some). I also love how they minimize all of the things the Cheats* have been caught doing (including by saying (with zero proof) that "everyone else is doing it, too.") The scope and size does suggest to me that pros (ie, the Pats* PR Dept) are behind this. Disgusting.
  11. If the 10-20 mph winds holds up, I'd say that's a positive for us vs the pass-happy Colts.
  12. How 'bout the Pats* just stop cheating? Isn't that a simpler (and fairer) solution, rather than forcing millions of (innocent) people League-wide to turn away from a sport they love? I've said this for a while now. At some point, when the full truth comes out the Kraft/Belichick/Brady Patriots* will be as beloved as the Chicago BlackSox. Each scandal moves that closer and if history is any guide, we'll get another data point (to go with the many, many others) on that journey very, very soon.....
  13. Took them long enough to bust out a chant. I'm sure they were all waiting until the game was in the bag.
  14. Worst part is, if you look in the eyes of the Steelers' DC he's clearly in fear/shock. This is gonna turn into a rout.
  15. That's a big F-U to the League--"you can't punish us". Amazing.... Puck the Fats
  16. It's worth the read. I found some of his (or I should say his Stat PhD friend's) statistical analysis particularly interesting.
  17. McDaniel was caught filming opposing team's practice walk through a few years back and fined $50k when he was HC of the Broncos. The videographer, Steve Scarnechia, is also a former Pat* assistant and son of longtime Pat* OL coach Dante S.
  18. Uhh, ok--give ME a Pro Bowl QB and I could probably get you to .500.....
  19. As has Urban Meyer, who I think was with Belicheat at some point, but that's in college, where outside things like recruiting can be half the battle. In addition, Saban and his body of work in Miami is a good example in the other direction.
  20. None that I can think of offhand. That was one of O'Leary's points/argument in his Spygate book--continual success despite a revolving door of no name coordinators who try their luck elsewhere and fail miserably. In one case (McDaniel), trying to cheat elsewhere, failing miserably and coming back "home".
  21. Not a ton new there for those who've been paying attention, but it's nice to have all (or most, as there are things they missed, like PED use among their core of "aging vets" who seem to regain a step when joining them (see Harrison, Rodney) and Ted Johnson's statement that sometimes right before a game the other team's audible list would appear taped on their lockers) there in one place. The one new thing (at least to me) was the implications of attempted bribery of a Senator, to wit: "In his 2012 book, "Life Among the Cannibals," Specter wrote that a powerful friend -- he wouldn't name the person -- told him that if he "laid off the Patriots," there could be a lot of money for him in Palm Beach. Specter told the friend, "I couldn't care less."" That, to me, if true, is a major new item that should have been investigated. That's a felony, folks. Amazing, even for the Pats*..... Even my wife (who works in marketing and is very familiar with astroturfers on social media) noticed that odd trend earlier this summer on Deflategate-related stories--lots of similar posts from folks with ridiculous handles (her favorite was "DebfromNebraska", a true Pats* fan) that sound made up and lots of up postings of pro-Pats* comments coming in swarms (as opposed to coming in naturally over time).
  22. It has, but this one and, in particular his two rebuttal pieces linked far down he did in response to critics, are even better. Those two rebuttals cover a lot of the initial critiques, such as use of ST plays and dome teams. His results? No matter how you slice it, the Pats* from 2007 on fumbled at a much lower rate than previously and much, much lower than other Northeast teams and statistically lower than even dome teams. http://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/blog/2015/the-wells-report-may-have-uncovered-the-tip-of-the-iceberg
  23. Except that (a) said vet has made the Pro Bowl and was not signed due to off field issues and not due to his play and (b) he could actually watch Miller play in 3 preseason games and realize that he's an upgrade over our guards last year, but that might take some effort.
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