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Everything posted by MattM

  1. The Pegulas have seen this show before. Spend for the brass ring, but if it fails, blow it all up to start from the bottom. I really, really hope we don't have to do that here.....
  2. The defense laying eggs. They get little help from the O lately, but it's a talented bunch that should be playing much, much better.
  3. Anyone else also wonder how New England* got yet another "high value" game after their bye? Seems to happen every year--some years (like this year) it almost seems like they get to pick who they play after the bye
  4. Did you catch the part about Guerrero claiming that a non-existent study proved his product helped slow cancer? And Brady's response being "there are grey areas"? Doesn't sound too grey to me....
  5. Very sorry to hear this--Bill's weekly "column" on the Bills game is de riguer reading for all Bills fans, win or lose. While I've never met your dad, from reading his posts over the years it's clear that he's a great guy and a big family man. My thoughts and prayers to him and all the rest of your family.
  6. This new piece of info kind of points in the same direction I was getting after reading the NYT Magazine puff piece on Brady in March. I found it weird then that he had turned to a guy who got his degree at night from some college in LA no one had ever heard of and had no other real experience in his past. After reading this piece, that was probably because Guerrero would rather have "no past" in the press than his real past selling bad meds to suckers. Hmmm, either the guy has done what all the doctors in Western medicine can't or he's cheating in some way--I wonder which it is? I also wonder what his "miracle cures" for Brady entailed (remembering that Tommy Boy plays on a team that had a reputation as a place where aging vets go and seem to regain a step and at least one of them has been found to have used HGH, which they still don't test for and which said player was only caught because he was dumb enough to use his own name and address on the shipment and the pharmacy in question got raided by the cops). I also seem to recall that as per his trial transcript and evidence Dr. Galea (another quack caught dispensing PEDs to athletes) visited Boston twice in August the year after Tommy Boy hurt his knee and administered his "miracle drips" to an unnamed pro athlete. Anyone else ever wonder who and what that was? The Brady quote about lots of "grey area" also is right in keeping with a sociopath who doesn't know right from wrong, as we saw this summer in his Deflategate defense.
  7. I also recall that (surprise, surprise) a couple years back the Pats* played one game with teams with extra rest over two seasons and we played something like 9.
  8. And the fact that the 2 of the 3 QB's he faced are elite and the third is clearly in the 10-20 range. Pretty amazing considering there are only 8 a year, so a team would be average to have 1 in that time frame and well above average to have 2. 3 with three months to play in year 3 is amazing.
  9. If he's really smart (and should be if he went to BC), he may want to consider the "Chris Borland Plan"....
  10. Actually the author of the original study looked more broadly at fumbling patterns for Pats* in other places and found they fumbled at a much higher rate elsewhere than in NE*, which you'd know if you followed this story closely. Using Welker is kind of cherry picking in such case. On the strip sack point, do you mean like the very similar tomahawk chop sack by Hughes at home last October that Brady did in fact hold onto? That play was the first thing I thought of when Deflategate broke.
  11. Thanks for the legwork, FD--that's a pretty impressive write up. Was it our collective imagination, or did CBS really not show many (if any) penalty replays?
  12. It has indeed become predictable who will say what about a story on the Pats*, but that includes you, WEO, HOFW or John C. coming along to clean up for them no matter what the alleged infraction. Before you feel the need to reply, yes, I,too, am predictable on that subject.
  13. I didn't mention any Tyrod no call, so not sure what you're talking about. On the AW call, I seem to recall him being the one being pushed well after the whistle (I'll check again when I get home) which may have been why he was pissed, but once again, since CBS didn't bother to show a replay we'll probably never know for sure. Would love to hear from someone later on the week who has the All 22 (and the time to watch it) what they think about some of the penalties we never got to see yesterday.
  14. The problem yesterday was that they showed few (if any) replays of those early key penalties, so it's tough to say whether they were good calls or not. In counterpose, I watched the Eagles-Boys game at 4:30 and they showed telestrater replays of each call. In terms of clear BS calls, how about the AW taunting call? If that's taunting, Julian Edelman should be flagged after every punk ass catch he makes. Or making Seantrel leave the game on a key 3rd down despite no obvious distress? Or the unsportsmanlike on Rex? All just off the top of my head.
  15. I still don't get the stopping the game to remove Henderson play--don't recall ever seeing that before other than in obvious cases of someone getting up totally woozy.
  16. Yup--this game was not as close as the score indicated.
  17. Certainly not an easy catch, but it did hit him square in the hands.
  18. even with his back turned does he have an obligation to get out of the guy's way?
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