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Everything posted by MattM

  1. What they should have said (as it would be equally or more accurate ) is " lots of teams have had headset issues in Fixboro "...,
  2. Headsets not working ? What a coincidence....
  3. Anyone surprised by the BS, game changing call? I'm only surprised it happened so early....
  4. Now if we can just take care of business tomorrow night....
  5. Collins is (or at least was) a very underrated player on that D. On a personal level, glad he's getting some recognition, as he's a very good LB, but also glad he'll miss tomorrow night's game,
  6. It was 2013, troll--sorry. Here's the video--try to tell us that's not holding. Also sounds like (as usual in these matters involving the Cheats*) it was but one of many pro-Pats* bad calls that day (quelle surprise, as the French would say): http://www.canalstreetchronicles.com/2013/10/13/4835644/saints-patriots-2013-referees-holding-tom-brady-junior-galette I also suppose you didn't see the obviously blown hands to the face call last week either. My only question for Pats* fans is who they will root for next once either the Cheats* get exposed or Brady retires. Back to the Cowboys, Giants or Steelers, or maybe whoever's hot next? I lived in Boston in the early '90's when they had 19k season ticket holders, so yeah, there's a strong tradition of fan support there.....
  7. No one's saying that, troll, but every Bills fan can name you chapter and verse of a fairly large number of games where the Pats* have gotten the benefit of many questionable calls. My personal favorites: "Just Give It to Them" The 2006 or 2007 game where Wilfork took out Losman's knee and which was effectively decided by a number of dubious pro-Pats* calls that were so bad TMQ wrote about them in his column that week The 2007 Monday Mighter against the Ravens where the refs were throwing pre-emotive flags on that final drive just to make sure they scored The Tuck Rule The 2004 AFC CG which I had on my VCR and replayed over and over again as on successive plays in full view of a ref Pars* DB's grabbed handfuls of Marcus Pollard's jersey so violently his head snapped back Last year's Saints win where replay showed Solder wrapping his arms fully around the DE's neck (again in full view of a ref) on the game winning play Jerry Hughes' 15 yards for headslapping his own teammate on a key stop last year Or even last week's game where the refs called an unnamed Giant for hands to the face on a key 3rd down stop when the replay clearly showed it was the Cheats* center with the full hands to the face (uncalled as usual) We could go on and on. It's happened enough that anyone with a pulse and a brain can see a pattern. Doesn't seem to happen anywhere near this much for any other team I'm aware of. It's to the point as multiple threads on this board show that any time we play you guys we collectively get that same "here it comes" feeling again and again.....
  8. See Donaghy, Tim and Serie A Scandal, among others (most recently including Lenny Dyskstra's allegations that he blackmailed umps to get a smaller strike zone after hiring PIs to investigate them). Wouldn't take a large conspiracy of owners--just one. Wouldn't take all 120 refs, just the scheduling guy (see Serie A Scandal) and some. See Walt Coleman's Wikipedia entry where when I last looked, 3 of his 8 listed controversial calls were pro-Pats*, and that didn't include for some reason the infamous "Just Give It to Them" game. What are the odds of one guy, in a League of 32 teams, having such a large portion of his controversial calls being on behalf of one team? Not saying it's happening (none of us can know that), but just saying that it's not impossible.
  9. My favorite was against the Texans about ten years ago. Very late in the 4th (under 2 mins), Pats* down by 7 and Brady heaves a long ball into the end zone from midfield which is picked off to seemingly end the game. In fact, the announcers are talking game over when all of a sudden, about 20 seconds after the play, way upfield a hanky appears. They call something way away from the play that the announcers didn't understand or have film on. Pats* go on to score on that drive and win in OT, if my memory is correct. That was at about the beginning of my personal suspicion about that team, which has been repeatedly borne out since.
  10. We seem to see it every year in at least one of our games (last year's Jerry Hughes headslap on a key third down stop comes most recently to mind), but what needs to happen is for other teams to see it in their games, too. Giants fans got a bit of a taste last weekend with that extremely bizarre hands to the face simultaneous call/non-call that kept a drive alive, but in order for there to be more of a call for something to change (or possibly even an investigation of some kind) there needs to be more than Bills fans who see it. Who knows, maybe we'll get helped out here and get Walt Coleman this week.....
  11. I'm pointing out two egregiously bad calls late in the game that went the Cheats*' way. You then bring up an unrelated supposed pro-Giant no-call. I'd say that's the definition of deflecting. What's your view on the hands to the face call and the fact that the announcers can watch that replay AND SAY NOTHING ABOUT IT?
  12. As for 1, that's not what the official on the field called. As for 2, way to deflect--that may have been the worst call I've ever seen. And how is it that neither announcer says jack **** about it on the obvious replay?
  13. . Does ANYONE here agree with the ridiculous HTF call?
  14. For the Pats* apologists, explain to me the hands to the face call near the G-Men goal line--you know, the one that the replay clearly showed was on the Pats* center?
  15. Anyone unsure of corrupt officiating in the League needs to look no further than this game. Exhibit A--call of hands to the face on the Giants on a key drive close to the goal line when the replay clearly showed a hands to the face by the Cheats* center (uncalled of course) and yet Nantz and Simms say nothing; and exhibit B--Beckham catches a TD gets two feet down including a step with the ball and the call on the field is overturned (CBS's Mike Carey agrees, of course). Utter BS
  16. 9 !@#$ing lives
  17. Still piseed at the obviously blown call against the Pats-*a--WTF
  18. BS call--two steps easily taken
  19. Need a TD here
  20. For all those who don't think there's corruption with NFL officials, just watch that replay. Incredible. Total BS call. I love how Phil and Nantz just totally ignored what we all saw on the replay, too. No comment on the obvious fact it should have been hands to the face in the other direction.
  21. Seriously, did anyone watch that replay? How the !@#$ could the refs call that against the Giants?
  22. Wtf--if that was hands to the face it was on the Pats*!!
  23. Tough to play with fully inflated balls, eh, Tom?
  24. Beat those Cheats!
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