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Everything posted by MattM

  1. We seem to see it every year in at least one of our games (last year's Jerry Hughes headslap on a key third down stop comes most recently to mind), but what needs to happen is for other teams to see it in their games, too. Giants fans got a bit of a taste last weekend with that extremely bizarre hands to the face simultaneous call/non-call that kept a drive alive, but in order for there to be more of a call for something to change (or possibly even an investigation of some kind) there needs to be more than Bills fans who see it. Who knows, maybe we'll get helped out here and get Walt Coleman this week.....
  2. I'm pointing out two egregiously bad calls late in the game that went the Cheats*' way. You then bring up an unrelated supposed pro-Giant no-call. I'd say that's the definition of deflecting. What's your view on the hands to the face call and the fact that the announcers can watch that replay AND SAY NOTHING ABOUT IT?
  3. As for 1, that's not what the official on the field called. As for 2, way to deflect--that may have been the worst call I've ever seen. And how is it that neither announcer says jack **** about it on the obvious replay?
  4. . Does ANYONE here agree with the ridiculous HTF call?
  5. For the Pats* apologists, explain to me the hands to the face call near the G-Men goal line--you know, the one that the replay clearly showed was on the Pats* center?
  6. Anyone unsure of corrupt officiating in the League needs to look no further than this game. Exhibit A--call of hands to the face on the Giants on a key drive close to the goal line when the replay clearly showed a hands to the face by the Cheats* center (uncalled of course) and yet Nantz and Simms say nothing; and exhibit B--Beckham catches a TD gets two feet down including a step with the ball and the call on the field is overturned (CBS's Mike Carey agrees, of course). Utter BS
  7. Still piseed at the obviously blown call against the Pats-*a--WTF
  8. For all those who don't think there's corruption with NFL officials, just watch that replay. Incredible. Total BS call. I love how Phil and Nantz just totally ignored what we all saw on the replay, too. No comment on the obvious fact it should have been hands to the face in the other direction.
  9. Seriously, did anyone watch that replay? How the !@#$ could the refs call that against the Giants?
  10. Wtf--if that was hands to the face it was on the Pats*!!
  11. Tough to play with fully inflated balls, eh, Tom?
  12. Thought I read somewhere this morning that Vollmer's out today with a concussion. Did we know this? If he is, I think it could be huge if he can't play next Monday night.
  13. Is this playing out just like Park Ave would want or what?
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