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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Anyone else get a bit grossed out watching Les Moonves (CEO of CBS) in Kraft's box visibly cheering for the Pats*? Shouldn't a network exec at that level at least try to be objective? It's funny that this is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen him there, but don't ever recall seeing him at ANY other game.
  2. Nice push off by Gronk on the TD
  3. So if the Foxboro Police Chief/Cheats* Head of Security decides to not charge him (perhaps that's what the "redacting" was about) then he gets off? That sounds real fair.....
  4. Maybe the husband of the guy whose wife Belicheat* allegedly had an affair with when he was the Giants and she was a secretary there, finally found out where Belicheat* lives. http://nypost.com/2007/02/25/sugar-daddy-belichick/
  5. Good article--many thanks for posting. I agree with most of what Dunne wrote, other than perhaps resigning Bradham, unless it's cheap. I had high hopes this year, but he didn't meet them, and thinking back, only had one real good season with us. Even if we resign him, we need another quality LB next year.
  6. Doesn't hero worship? Really? He and Nantz are both total Brady/Pats* knob gobblers. I agree with John C above--I hated him as a player, but Troy Aikman is a good commentator.
  7. Have to disagree--I've been to 3 Bills-Raiders games in Oakland, wore my Bills gear and never had a problem at all. Now, us getting out arses kicked each time may have helped....
  8. I actually feel kind of sorry for him after reading his post-game comments, but it also struck me from those same comments that he is someone born with just freakish skills, but little passion or fire for the game, and that showed this year. Too bad, for both him and us....
  9. Ugh, that was an awful play in that game just now. Peyton may need some heroics to pull this one out and keep the Cheats-* out of the #1 slot.
  10. Yup--one of my law school buddies out on the West Coast (by way of Michigan, so he's a Lions fan) just e-mailed it to me.
  11. This^^^^ That said, I was still hoping we'd win and Cleveland would perform a miracle, as I did want Fitz to get t the playoffs, just not at our expense.
  12. Quit the trick play crap, Roman--have ANY of them worked this year?
  13. Embarrassing that Decker could do a mini Lambeau leap in our stadium
  14. At least we're consistent....
  15. That was my first thought, too, when I saw the replay. Too bad that Dan is having such a bad season--he seems like a very good guy from everything I've read about him.
  16. With the wind at his back. A pro kicker should make a 40 yarder at least 9 times out of ten. If the wind is swirling, that may be another story, but it didn't look that way.
  17. I noticed the same body language
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