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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Ugh, that was an awful play in that game just now. Peyton may need some heroics to pull this one out and keep the Cheats-* out of the #1 slot.
  2. Yup--one of my law school buddies out on the West Coast (by way of Michigan, so he's a Lions fan) just e-mailed it to me.
  3. This^^^^ That said, I was still hoping we'd win and Cleveland would perform a miracle, as I did want Fitz to get t the playoffs, just not at our expense.
  4. Quit the trick play crap, Roman--have ANY of them worked this year?
  5. Embarrassing that Decker could do a mini Lambeau leap in our stadium
  6. That was my first thought, too, when I saw the replay. Too bad that Dan is having such a bad season--he seems like a very good guy from everything I've read about him.
  7. With the wind at his back. A pro kicker should make a 40 yarder at least 9 times out of ten. If the wind is swirling, that may be another story, but it didn't look that way.
  8. Bullock competing with Carp for "the kicker who gave the game away". "You missed an extra point? I'll see that and raise you a chip shot field goal"....
  9. Not just for us, but in the League. This rule change may have really cost him his job.
  10. I think most college head coaches are a lot like US Senators, instead of each of them seeing themselves as President some day, the coaches see themselves as some day winning a Super Bowl. Good for Shaw if he's that rare college HC who doesn't want to become a pro coach. Too bad for us, but good for him. Between the location and the school/atmosphere, can't imagine too many better places to coach or live.
  11. If Rex flames out next year, I wonder what it might take to pry Stanford's HC David Shaw out of Palo Alto. He's done a great job there, first for Harbaugh and then as HC the last few years. Would love to see the Bills take a look at him if (when?) Rex doesn't work out.....
  12. Wow--with Darby also out, look for us to make Kellen look like a HOFer.....
  13. The statement about not failing any drug tests is spin for the rubes who don't know that the League doesn't test for HGH despite an agreement in the last CBA to do so. Stuff like that and hiring a flack like Fleischer in the first place don't incline me to believe Peyton, unfortunately. I'm not as cynical as many of those above who say "all these guys are doing it." Over the years it's been my experience that quite often cheaters are the ones who use that defense, perhaps as a way to make themselves feel better about their own actions. For those throwing Eric Woods' name around in that regard, you should remember that he was one of the guys yelling loudest asking for HGH testing a couple years back, so I doubt he's one of the guys using it. I also get a chuckle out of the folks above criticizing Al Jazeera--I'd wager mucho dinero that the combined time those guys have watched AJ is shorter than the time it takes the average guy to take a piss.
  14. And if you think Alex Guerrero (he that the FTC apparently told to stop distributing "anti-cancer" drugs marketed on the back of a study that didn't exist) is just giving Tommy Boy "some ancient Chinese herbs", I've got a bridge to sell you.....
  15. I literally just went and threw up (admittedly I've been feeling nauseous all day, but this just put me over the edge),
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