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Everything posted by MattM

  1. They needed 7 there--I'm afraid that's going to come back and bite them....
  2. Anyone else shocked that Kraft didn't manage to get one of his "Walts" (Coleman or Anderson) to officiate this one? Perhaps the Donkos have a shot after all....
  3. And just think, if that happens they'll only need 74 more such losses to even out against all the games they've won on sketchy calls over the last 15 years. Cry me a "Just Give It Them" river....
  4. Who knows, maybe Denver will pull off a Ravens-esque Patriot* playoff beat down miracle. One can only hope karma finally catches up to them.....
  5. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2016/01/17/tom-brady-peyton-manning-rivalry-patriots-broncos/78945198/ Number 3 in the link above is interesting. May not be too relevant (different team, different year), but goes against the narrative of Peyton choking vs the Cheats*. I also think the key to beating NE* any time is to get them away from home (and the locker room bugs that it appears many teams believe exist, the extra helmet frequency found during Spygate, etc).
  6. Kind of glad we get one more Brady-Manning tilt. Understand why Pats* fans think they may win, but hope the Broncos can spoil their coronation....
  7. I also have had it in for them ever since Cheaty Petey went for a fake punt up by 30 with 6 minutes left against us a few years back. Total !@#$ move.
  8. That was an amazing play--Russell Wilson is a baller!
  9. Whether it's a suspendible act or not aside, he's lucky he didn't break that guy's neck, the hit was so high. As you'll see from my other post, I worry more about the Chief player's neck. This could have been a real Darryl Stingley moment-style tragedy.
  10. The Cards are a dangerous team getting underestimated.
  11. Really? Looked to me like it was the usual Gronk push and turn. The DB. Immediately turned to the ref, but got the usual shoulder shrug.
  12. Let's go Broncos--let's give us one more Brady* vs Manning (with hopefully a different ending than we've usually seen--not playing in Cheaterville should help),
  13. You don't think it's kind of funny that he only seems to go to Pats* games and was just caught on camera openly cheering for the Pats*? He represents CBS, which has the AFC contract. Shouldn't he at least TRY to appear objective? Then again, we already know that (a) Kraft sits on Viacom's board and (b) CBS has an investment in Patriette Place. No conflicts here!
  14. Anyone else get a bit grossed out watching Les Moonves (CEO of CBS) in Kraft's box visibly cheering for the Pats*? Shouldn't a network exec at that level at least try to be objective? It's funny that this is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen him there, but don't ever recall seeing him at ANY other game.
  15. So if the Foxboro Police Chief/Cheats* Head of Security decides to not charge him (perhaps that's what the "redacting" was about) then he gets off? That sounds real fair.....
  16. Maybe the husband of the guy whose wife Belicheat* allegedly had an affair with when he was the Giants and she was a secretary there, finally found out where Belicheat* lives. http://nypost.com/2007/02/25/sugar-daddy-belichick/
  17. Good article--many thanks for posting. I agree with most of what Dunne wrote, other than perhaps resigning Bradham, unless it's cheap. I had high hopes this year, but he didn't meet them, and thinking back, only had one real good season with us. Even if we resign him, we need another quality LB next year.
  18. Doesn't hero worship? Really? He and Nantz are both total Brady/Pats* knob gobblers. I agree with John C above--I hated him as a player, but Troy Aikman is a good commentator.
  19. Have to disagree--I've been to 3 Bills-Raiders games in Oakland, wore my Bills gear and never had a problem at all. Now, us getting out arses kicked each time may have helped....
  20. I actually feel kind of sorry for him after reading his post-game comments, but it also struck me from those same comments that he is someone born with just freakish skills, but little passion or fire for the game, and that showed this year. Too bad, for both him and us....
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