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Everything posted by MattM

  1. John--Judge Berman's ruling was on a very narrow issue--whether the NFL under the CBA had the power to sanction Brady by suspending him--and did not rule on the merits as to whether Brady actually did anything here. He simply found that the League had no authority because the CBA did not go into enough detail to say you could be suspended for deflating balls (which the League said was in fact covered unde other more general provisions). As I pointed out at the time (and it looks like at least 2 of the 3 appellate judges may agree with me) that's really a ridiculous line of reasoning, since the alternative is a 5000 page CBA going into what the punishment could be for every picayune eventuality. We'll see in the next few weeks, but my strong suspicion is that Tommy Boy* better get ready to ride some pine to start the season. The Pats*, in redoing Brafy's-* deal the way they did, seem to be preparing for that, too.
  2. Very sad story to read for all of us who loved watching him play. In terms of your question, I personally liken this issue to where smoking was in the mid-60's when there were suspicions without too much scientific proof. That proof is now starting to come in on the impact of playing football as a career. I don't think it's that fair to judge folks like Daryl who didn't have all the information at hand to make an informed decision back then and, even if they did, I'm not sure that they (or any of us, frankly, were we in their shoes) at the indestructible and not fully formed adult age of 22 or so would make a long-term safer choice. One never knows, however, as folks like Chris Borland and his early retirement point out. God bless the Talley family.
  3. He's kind of their Kujo. He's a better player than Kujo, but like Kujo's nowhere near a 41st player selected player, he's nowhere near a top 10 draft pick player.
  4. What was the comp? Swapping picks sounds like NE* may have even gotten picks back. Salary dump?
  5. Might have something to do with Rodney's "special training regimen" upon joining the Pats*--anyone else remember how that got him 4 games off?
  6. I think they may also be able to appeal to the 2d Circuit "en banc" (i.e., all 2d Corcuit judges sitting together to decide) before the SC step. Sounds like it's up to the 2d Circuit to take it en banc--there's no automatic right to that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_banc
  7. We'll see, John. I expect Berman to be overturned, as I have from the beginning (I'm a lawyer, but not a labor lawyer or litigator.). Otherwise, the CBA will need to be 1,000 pages long to cover every possible eventuality. At some point, rationality and reason (versus hyper technicality--as one of the judges apparently called Kessler's argument) needs to take over. That would be too bad about your not posting in solidarity, as you do add some good and interesting thoughts here.
  8. As they should be--based on the 2d Circuit's comments, justice is about to be served. Better late than never, I guess....
  9. That's the nature of the modern (read "salary capped") NFL--teams will almost always have weaknesses. Drafting well helps and hopefully allows your strengths to mask your weaknesses....
  10. If true, and he doesn't count, how the heck did they get 4 picks (again--seems like every year they get more than they should)?
  11. Didn't they have an option on Revis that they declined? If so, shouldn't he not count then?
  12. I agree with much of this. On the last point about knowing our schemes, I suspect that Roman at least may be smart enough to understand that and counter a bit.
  13. You're also forgetting a hopefully big 2d year step up from guys like Darby (to truly elite level), Miller, K. Williams and O'Leary.That plus familiarity with the schemes and, as you note, TT having more experience, are the reasons for potential optimism. That said, they need to pick up several (2-3) starters in this draft to fill big needs at RT, DE and LB. Personally, I'd like to see them take a DE or edge rushing LB in the 1st, RT in the second, LB in the third and BPA thereafter to fill depth at WR, S, CB and DL. Those comp picks may help there. It would be great if we could fill at least one hole in FA, but absent the long-term signing of G or G, I don't see it.
  14. I'd pay him to leave--responsible for more boneheaded penalties than just about anyone on the team not named "Jerry Hughes" (but at least Jerry makes plays to make up for them).
  15. I thought it was kind of cruel, too--my wife couldn't believe they'd do that....
  16. That one song that every kid of a certain era would hum over and over again to himself in his mind playing football games in his yard with his friends. I kid--I think they had 5 or 6 of a similar variety, but boy was that an awesome idea putting the games slow mo to stirring semi-martial music. RIP, good sir....
  17. That's tough to say, since none of them were asked point blank about Ditka, but you could tell from the anecdotes and body language that the D players who would have gone to hell and back for Buddy might not have pissed on Ditka to put him out if he was on fire....
  18. I did read it when it came out (thus before he became a Bill), and recall walking away thinking that Incognito needed help as much as Martin. That was further cemented by stories later like Richie taking a bat to his Ferrari. It sounds like he got the help he needed, fortunately. Let's hope he stays mentally healthy for his own sake as well as our team's.
  19. I caught it last night and it's pretty clear that the men on that defense loved Buddy Ryan, as a coach, mentor and, in some cases, father figure. Mike Singletary in particular. Well worth the 2 hour running time.
  20. Anyone else notice the "LAR" for "LA Rams" in his career history? Kind of sickening how fast St. Louis had their team stripped from them. I'm old enough to remember the old LA Rams, but still feel bad for the St. Louis fans.
  21. Caught a few minutes of it earlier and will record the 3 am showing. Hard to believe that team didn't go on to win three or four more Super Bowls....
  22. That's great that the home of on the fritz headsets' fans are complaining about the tablets!
  23. Great game. Kind of sad that it may be the last Brady-Manning game we 'll ever get to see
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