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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I think he's (in my mind, correctly) worried about losing him at the same time we lose KW, which would mean that if something should also happen to Shady during camp we'd be back to the undrafted FA, waiver wire guys starting at RB. For a run first team, that's not ideal generally, but particularly not a great way to start the season. Considering how well Whaley's done with mid-rounders (like KW) the last few years, some of us are also very interested to see how someone like JW (a high talent mid-round pick at a devalued position who slipped largely due to injury concerns) was going to fit with our rushing attack. Personally, if I had to guess, I'd say JW's case doesn't go to trial until at least our bye week. The system isn't set up to try people in a month as a general matter and considering that JW lives and works in another state I'd bet the judge allows things to slip back until then, when JW will have the time to go back to AR. We'll see in time what happens.
  2. Ahh, Joe Gibbs. One of the several coaches that BB took his getting caught in Spygate frustration out on during their 18 and D'oh season by needlessly and embarrassingly running up the score. Here's hoping that what goes around, comes around and that we're among the ones (hopefully many) doing the piling on.....
  3. What's kind of funny is how he always takes the exact opposite tack when it's players from a certain team from the Boston area with a reputation for, how shall I say this delicately, CHEATING.....
  4. Hey, WEO--how's that Alfonzo Dennard suspension looking? You surely remember that--the Pats* DB with a bunch of priors who got popped with a DWI just like JW here at about the same time of the season and who NEVER got suspended, much less immediately. Not even when he pled out in Dec that year. Seems that with Browners PED suspension and injuries early that season the Cheats needed him to play the beginning of the year, maybe that explains it. Admittedly that was before the 2014 rule change, but once again, to paraphrase Orwell, while all teams are equal, some teams are more equal than others.....
  5. Or maybe Tommy Boy sees more than his old buddy, Alex? Ever wonder who Dr. Galea was visiting in Boston the summer after Tommy's knee injury? I know I certainly wonder about that.... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/05/AR2010060503547.html
  6. Maybe they, too, are clients of Alex Guerrerro, the medical genius with a degree from some night school you've never heard of who the FTC tagged for peddling alleged cancer cures using phony (as in nonexistent) medical studies. He's just so much smarter than the medical community that it's outrageous.....
  7. I just want to know if he has a lunch pail, like 3rd round OSU DT picks of yore....
  8. I think they're planning to use their good luck quotient on the WR position by bringing in several vets who have produced elsewhere before, albeit in limited roles.
  9. Could be wrong, but buried in the extension thread, I thought someone said $3m savings this year.
  10. I saw that, too, and was also impressed. Seems like a good kid.
  11. My bad on the title of the thread--can one of the mods fix that, as I don't seem to be able to edit the topic title?
  12. Wasn't Robey an UDFA? Or am I misremembering (always possible)?
  13. We basically only lost Hogan (inconsistent 3rd receiver) off last year's 13th ranked O. I think they're counting on (a) the natural improvement that comes from familiarity with a new system, especially for TT, who will get all the starter snaps in TC to boot, (b) the maturation of young guys like Sammy, Karlos and Miller and © everyone getting and staying healthy (we had huge injuries on that side of the ball last year), plus (d) one of the "once showed promise" FA receivers to step up and produce as our 2/3 receiver. If we get most of that, I'd say that's enough to push us into the Top 10 on O. Add these pieces to the D and I actually kind of like our chances next season if we stay healthy....
  14. We both also know that even if the Bills were to go 0-16 back to back years, we'd still sell 30k season tickets, all in a city with about 20% of Boston's population. Personally, I predict we'll find out how fair weather Boston fans are once again as soon as Brady retires.....
  15. I lived there from '88-91. Around that time the Pats* had 19k season ticket holders, in a city 5x the size of Buffalo....,
  16. Par for the course for Florio. He looks for any pro-Pats* point in anything related to Deflategate, which is kind of odd since he was fairly evenhanded and rational on it until mid-May, when a switch seemed to be flipped and he went all-in on the Cheats*. It's almost like someone "talked to him" around that time....
  17. Wasn't he also from Utica or Binghamton originally, too? I seem to recall that when he was a Buckeye. And yet another example of what I like to call "big man with a gun" syndrome. SMDH....
  18. Totally agree. The Times also posted a rebuttal to the League's response this morning in which they basically say either "not true" or "the League put words in our mouth we never said". Pretty cut and dried stuff. To those paying attention, the League is not looking good here.
  19. The tobacco arguments from the Times seem weak to me, but the other stuff seems a bit more convincing to me, even after reading the League's denial....
  20. In the investment world, we call this strategy "spray and pray"....
  21. To answer your first question, no, he's not serious--in fact, Mr. G (or whoever plays him here) should win an Internet Oscar for his brilliant performance art portrayal of the League's "Corp speak"....
  22. The NYT has a very lengthy front page story alleging that (a) the League-mandated studies of head injuries were faulty (and probably intentionally so--for ex., some teams (including Jerrah's 'Boys during the Aikman years no less) didn't report in their concussions) and (b) the League took a tobacco industry approach to the issue by hiring several lawyers and lobbyists who had tobacco experience. Jerrah was not speaking in a vacuum yesterday--he knew this was coming..... http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/25/sports/football/nfl-concussion-research-tobacco.html?_r=0
  23. Correct, but much like Berman tipped his hand by his questioning (including his views on the underlying investigation) two of the three appellate judges may have as well, including statements from Denny Chin indicating that he believed the Commissioner had more than enough evidence and power to suspend Brady over the phone issue alone if I recall his comment correctly (which I may not--too lazy to Google it).
  24. High--kind of like a bunch of us knew they'd open with the Steelers as soon as we heard that Bell had been suspended for two games (helped further when Bryant later was tagged for the first four).
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