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Posts posted by MattM

  1. just pointing out the only 50/50 score in NFL Wonderlic history. I don't know what :thumbsup: this is for? I bet no one here would get a 50/50 and I am guessing it is close to a perfect score on SAT's or any other standardized test. Impressive score no matter if you are doctor, astrophysicist, garbage man, or brain surgeon. BTW why are you dissing punters? Moorman is a asset to this team, and quite underrrated


    I think Kevin Curtis got something like a 48 or 49 as well a few years back.

  2. I share your curiosity on the matter. However, this board is probably biased to a degree that ruins any "collective" opinion that you may be after.



    That being said, An * next to any reference to this team in permanent records would satisfy me. So long as the fans who have been so arrogant (not completely their fault, I mean wouldn't you be?) have to wait for a new winning patsie team to be arrogant again, I am fine.


    By bias, do you mean because we're Bills fans (i.e., in the same division)? What I'm trying to do is gauge the attitude to such a scenario of fans of teams other than the Pats--any fan of a team other than NE may (or may not) have some bias to the Pats, but considering the nature of my inquiry I'm not sure how I remove that from the equation here......

  3. I'm trying to conduct a poll of sorts (informal though it is). What would your reaction be if (a) Walsh comes forward and has a copy of the Rams SB walkthrough and (b) the Pats claim for whatever reason that Walsh was acting alone and they had nothing to do with it and © the Commissioner does not punish the Pats or punishes them leniently. Would this make you angry or would you abide by the Commissioner's decision? Thoughts?

  4. Basically, if we expect a first round pick to come in and be a #1 receiver, it is rare that this happens.

    We need a contributor particularly on third down and in the red zone.


    There are many examples of rookie receivers who are strong contributors. I can think of Plexico Burress being that kind of receiver as a rookie in Pittsburgh, Steve Smith for the Giants last year and Greg Jennings with the Packers, Chris Chambers of Miami, Andre Johnson and Marques Colston.


    I believe a #2 wasn't addressed in free agency due to the pricey market that developed for some mediocre talent at the position.


    I am all for fortifying either side of the line early but a WR/TE is surely on the radar in the first three picks.


    Wasn't Burress' rookie year somewhat of a bust? 22 catches for 273 yards and 0 TDs, and he was a Top 10 pick, if I recall correctly. How is that a good rookie year by any stretch?

  5. I have not fact checked this, but I bet the $9 Billion is heavily concentrated in the large market teams that are partly financing their own new stadiums....the NFL contributes about $150M of the costs for a new stadium on average--but more and more owners are financing a part on their own...when a part is $500M like the Cowboys Stadium - that's a big chunk of the debt.


    Ralph is probably not carrying much debt at all...an interesting advantage for small market teams with supportive governments...


    I thought I'd read that Ralph has little or no debt on the team, so if that's the case (and I'm sure he's not alone), then there must be some teams that are close to half their value in debt. While the NFL is hugely popular, you never know what a downturn could cause in terms of economic havoc even for them. Perhaps this is part of why Goodell is fighting so hard to sweep Spygate under the rug--that kind of news ain't good for business......

  6. Can't disagree. What if the Cowboys want to trade up, then we do this?

    #22-James Hardy WR

    #28-Malcolm KellyWR

    #42- Fred Davis TE

    #72- Dre Moore DT

    #73- Geno Hayes OLB

    #111- Owen Schmitt FB

    #138- Justin King CB

    #142- Chris Harrington DE

    #170- Erik Ainge QB


    One of those two 3rd round picks and one of those 5th round picks went Jacksonville for Stroud. Not saying we won't get them back (for ex., by trading JP for a 3, but probably a later 3 than the one we lost, and by getting a comp. pick for Gandy's loss last year (I've seen us getting a late 4th for this on other boards)), but at the moment, we ain't got them.

  7. I can honostly see the Bills taking a step back this year. I know that the draft is still two weeks away and the June 1st deadline has yet to pass. But does anyoner eallly think we can replace all the players, TALENTED players,we lost with draft picks and other teams cuts and still be a playoff team?


    I would love to see the Bills go 10-6 or better and make a run in the playoffs, but I think common sense tells me they have too many holes to fill this year.


    But then again, they may catch lightning in a bottle and do better than most people expect. I hope so.


    If we draft Patrick Willis and trade for Turner or instead draft Antonio Pittman or Irons then I'd say that the only position we haven't at least stayed the same talent-wise at is CB. IMHO, Willis, Crowell and Ellington would be at least as effective as Fletcher, Spikes and Ellington or Fletcher, Ellington, Crowell, our two LB combos last year. Don't get me wrong--I loved TKO when he was here, but he was just not the same player last year. Ellington looked like a promising rookie and should be even better with another year under his belt. Willis being a high draft pick (for a reason) should be able to fill in for Fletch. The other Willis did not have a great year for us last year (the Jets games excepted) and I think Turner or one of the rookies, along with a steadier does of A-Train, would be his equal or better. As for Nate's loss, we clearly did not compensate for that so far this offseason, and likely won't. We'll be relying on our scheme and getting to the QB better than we did last year, which may be helped by the acquisition of D. Walker (27 sacks or so from the DT spot in his career) and the return of McCargo, who had a rep. as a similar penetrating DT in college. As that also illustrates, we have also upgraded our D-line at least slightly with those two being available this year.


    With that, no one will deny that we also upgraded our O-line. This should help both JP and whoever our RB is immensely. We also seem to be getting no credit for our increase in experience. Our players will also have one full year in our systems on both sides of the ball under their belts and our young guys, especially our rookie defenders (Whitner, Simposon, K. Williams, Ellington) and JP, who each effectively had their first years as starters last year, will take a big step up in my opinion based on that experience. We had the second youngest team in the League last year and at times it showed. Young guys do have a tendency to get older and more experienced and I think we see a big jump this year in that regard. Your biggest jump up the learning curve is from year 1 to 2 IMO, so I expect good things from that whole crew. That's one reason why I think it's actually likely that we'll actually get closer to the Pats this year (not saying we'll overtake them in 2007, but I fully expect us to by 2008)--they have played together for years and their learning curve is likely to stay relatively flight, albeit at a higher level. Can't wait for them to strap them on and see how we do.....

  8. Here's some more numbers for you Matt:

    This is the numbers for the last 5 years, once again. I've listed each team, and their record against teams coming off their bye week, as well as the teams they played. The numbers on the far right are the number of games against teams in the same division, same conference (out of division) and out of conference, and the total number of games in each catergory is at the bottom of those columns. I also listed the number of games teams have played against teams coming off their bye week and which teams they were at the very bottom.


    You'll notice that the Bills, Cowboys and Chargers have had the duty of playing teams coming off byes the most, (9 times each!) with the Bills by far having the worst record at 2-7, while DAL and SD both were 6-3 in those games. Some things I noticed were that the Bills have played more teams coming off their bye in the division than anyone else (not to mention 2 more added on to that total this year), and other than Minnesota, we've played at least 2 more of those games than all other teams in the league. Minnesota was the only team other than us that had to play one team after their bye 3 consecutive years, and only Atlanta had to play Carolina two years in a row. That seems very strange, since we're now going to be playing NE after their bye for the fourth straight year. Another strange thing was that Pittsburgh has only had to play a team coming off their bye once in the last 5 years. What is up with that? Of course, in the original post ESPeculatioN pointed out that Pittsburgh has to play teams coming off their bye 4 times in 2007. I also tallied up the number of times teams in both conferences had to play teams coming off their bye and for that stat it was dead even, 80 per league. Tell me what you think...


    Teams playing teams coming off their bye week:


    Arizona 0-3 bal, sea, stl 2d 0c 1oc

    Atlanta 1-5 car, car, det, det, no, stl 3d 3c

    Baltimore 3-2 cin, cle, den, no, sd 2d 2c 1oc

    Buffalo 2-7 bal, hou, mia, ne, ne, ne, nyj, phi, sd 5d 3c 1oc

    Carolina 0-3 no, phi, tb 2d 1c

    Chicago 4-1 mia, min, sf, sf, ten 1d 2c 2 oc

    Cincinnati 1-4 cle, cle, hou, ind, ten 2d 3c

    Cleveland 3-3 chi, cin, kc, oak, pit, sd 2d 3c 1oc

    Dallas 6-3 ari, ari, buf, det, hou, ne, nyg, was, was 3d 3c 3oc

    Denver 0-3 bal, min, ne 0d 2c 1oc

    Detroit 3-2 chi, jac, min, nyg, oak 2d 1c 2oc

    Green Bay 4-1 buf, chi, mia, sea, was 1d 1c 3oc

    Houston 1-3 ind, jac, min, ten 3d 0c 1oc

    Indianapolis 3-0 cin, dal, tb 0d 1c 2oc

    Jacksonville 3-1 hou, ind, kc, ten 3d 1c

    Kansas City 3-2 buf, buf, cle, cle, tb 0d 4c 1oc

    Miami 1-5 atl, gb, gb, nyg, nyj, ten 1d 1c 4oc

    Minnesota 2-4 car, det, gb, gb, gb, nyj 4d 1c 1oc

    New England 3-3 buf, ind, no, nyj, pit, stl 2d 2c 2oc

    New Orleans 2-2 bal, car, den, tb 2d 0c 2oc

    NY Giants 2-1 atl, dal, mia 1d 1c 1oc

    NY Jets 1-3 bal, dal, jac, sd 0d 3c 1oc

    Oakland 1-2 den, den, sd 3d

    Philadelphia 2-1 atl, dal, nyg 2d 1c

    Pittsburgh 0-1 sf 0d 0c 1oc

    San Diego 6-3 den, no, nyj, oak, oak, phi, pit, pit, stl 3d 3c 3oc

    San Francisco 3-3 ari, chi, kc, kc, sea, tb 2d 2c 2oc

    Seattle 2-3 ari, mia, min, stl, was 2d 2c 1oc

    St. Louis 3-2 jac, pit, sf, sea, sea 3d 0c 2oc

    Tampa Bay 3-3 atl, atl, car, cin, det, phi, 3d 2c 1oc

    Tennessee 3-4 ari, cin, dal, hou, jac, oak, was 2d 2c 3oc

    Washington 2-4 chi, ind, kc, nyg, phi, sf 2d 2c 2oc

    63 52 45


    9 Buffalo, Dallas, San Diego

    7 Tennessee

    6 Atlanta, Cleveland, Miami, Minnesota, New England, San Francisco, Tampa Bay, Washington

    5 Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Green Bay, Kansas City, Seattle, St. Louis

    4 Houston, Jacksonville, New Orleans, NY Jets

    3 Arizona, Carolina, Denver, Indianapolis, NY Giants, Oakland, Philadelphia

    1 Pittsburgh


    That's great work, dude. Many, many thanks for pulling all this together. It confirmed one thing that I suspected, namely that we have really gotten hosed in this regard. I'm surprised that the Patsies have gotten stuck 6 times in the past--maybe the "love" from Park Ave. wasn't so strong a few years ago. Only half jokingly, you ought to consider sending this to Marv and the staff, as they may want to gently remind the League office of this for the 2008 schedule somehow, since I suspect we will be alone at the top after 2007, since we have two more this year.....

  9. This is getting ridiculous. If you believe this is anything other than complete coincidence then you must believe that there is some conspiracy either against the Bills or for the Patriots, or both. If you believe the NFL is trying to get the Patriots an easy schedule, or to win more games, they would never put the Bills against them after the bye, the Pats have won about 9 of the last 10 games against the Bills regardless of when or where. If you believe the league has it in for the Bills, again, they would never put the Patriots as the team that has the extra week to prepare for the Bills, the Pats beat them every time anyway, they would put a team that the Bills have a good chance to beat, like the Fins or the Jets.


    So, in other words, this is a criminally stupid topic, inference or suggestion.



    For whatever reason, the odds of this happening randomly 4 years in a row are 1 in 4100 or so (1/8 per year each year for 4 years). Doesn't sound too much like coincidence to me. I'd really love to see which teams get stuck playing multiple opponents after a bye each year (like us seemingly every year--again, statistically it should be one each) and which don't face anyone coming off a bye (like the Pats at least this year). That's where there's something screwy. Combine that with all of the other evidence (horrible pro-Pats officiating in many of their games over a number of years, which no one can really credibly deny, even Pats homers--if you think this is just a sour whine complaint of Bills fans, go ask fans of other teams who the "luckiest" team is in the League when it comes to officiating--getting tons of supplemental draft picks each year through the supposed "black box" award process while teams like us get stiffed (remember how much/little we got for losing Phat Pat and JJ, each among the biggest FAs the years we lost them,), etc.) and it starts to add up. Money talks in the NFL like anywhere else and the big market owners that have it seem to be able to call the shots.....

  10. What I'd like to see is how often a team has had to play other team's coming off their bye the last 4-5 years, as I seem to recall us getting reamed every year in that regard. Wasn't it a couple of years ago that we had something like 4 or 5 games like this (so, I'm exaggerating, but it was at least 3, when statistically it should be 1)? How does that not get evened out over time?


    Once again, not surprised to see the Patsies "luck out" in this matter--how is it they always catch us off a bye and yet this year don't play anyone coming off a bye? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we find out 10 or 20 years from now that there was something fishy going on between Boston and Park Avenue.....

  11. we traded spikes because he was over 30 and was at his best as a blitzing linebacker. after the first play of the year did we ever see spikes blitz again????


    Don't get me wrong, I was the biggest Takeo fan ever--I was doing cartwheels the year we signed him and thought he played great for us pre-injury. It was sad last year, but you just didn't see him making plays. What I saw a lot of last year was Takeo getting there a step or two slow, just as the play was over. In all honesty, I really don't think our D will be all that off from losing him.

  12. I'm calling bs on this one.


    Jets just got Thomas Jones and have Leon Washington. That's a pretty solid combo. It makes zero sense to add another back to split carries, plus Turner will need a new contract to justify giving away a high pick.


    The Cowboys have Jones and Barber. If they get Turner, they will have absolutely no leverage in trading one of their two backs.


    San Diegos is just trying to drive up the price by generating competition. Don't believe the media. They are simply people like people on this board except they can type better. :thumbsup:



    I agree--I'm calling BS on this as well. No way that Dallas or the Jets have any business being interested in Turner considering the backs they already have. It makes absolutely no sense. I see this as AJ Smith trying to make us think there's real competition and a real market for Turner. My guess is that the "sources" responsible for the article are the Chargers themselves.....

  13. another player I really like in the 4th, maybe the 6th is Mike Walker out of UCF, at 6'2" 208, his only knock was his speed, but then at the combines he ran a 4.35 40. He was UCFs only real threat this past year, with Moffett throwing him the ball (who let me say might have the worse throwing motion ever) he still had over 1000 yards recieving.


    Zemaitis is a Rochester guy (native) as well, but didn't he pretty much ride the pine last year in Tampa--I thought I read about him having trouble even getting activated for games. If that's the case, no way you trade an emerging playmaker for him.....

  14. Doesn't anyone wonder where they get all this money from year after year?


    Big Market Team--that's all you need to know. A waiting list for season tix that's years long, the pricing power to charge through the roof for regular ticket holders let alone luxury box holders. It's the wave of the future, boys--we cut Takeo because we can't afford to take a chance on his injury and still have to pay him $4.6 million this year, while jackasses like Snyder will be able to spend to their heart's content, year in, year out. The old days of the NFL as a relatively level playing field are soon to be long gone (if not already)....

  15. Garcia has a rag arm.


    Point? HE did well in this system. And Im not countin on much if anything outta KH except depth,.


    as for cap casualties- same goes here for Walker. Signing Reagor and the push of Bunkley to the starting spot had Walker outside lookin in.


    Pushing the unabashed homers aside for a minute- I seriously do wish Walker and I guess that means your team to a degree, best of luck. Walker was a class guy here and all I was tryin to say was that the excitement about obtaining him was surprising given his ability.



    Ahhhh, Bunkley--I remember last year when the Eagles staff was getting fluffed by ESPN and all the pundits for having such a great draft, getting both Bunkley and Winston Justice, meanwhile we were getting savaged for ours. I myself even wished we'd made the picks you had. From what I hear, Bunkley needs to step it up or be labeled a bust and Justice was no great shakes either, while we got starting production out of our 4, 5, 6 and 7s, in addition to Whitner. So just goes to show you never know what you're getting until they strap on the pads....

  16. Ya'll should read his some of his business bio on his website. He has a degree in civil engineering and owned his own enginnering/construction firm before it was bought out. The company that bought him out then made him a VP and Chief Development Officer.


    I didn't know he came from Walker Construction in Walterboro, SC. If ya'll remember the movie Radio, that's either where he's from or where they shot the movie, I can't remember between the two.


    He sounds like a real smart dude.


    And his wife has an MBA from Wharton as well.....

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