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Posts posted by MattM

  1. I would like to point out that based on our record the last eight years or so, NE* can't really be too happy about this either. I am sure they would like to have, say, the Cowboy's or Colts after thier bye...


    I'm not so sure about that considering your division opponents are the most important games to win from going to the playoffs standpoint and it's also worth noting that most years during that period (2007 being a Jets-inspired exception) we were considered their biggest threat going into the season. Still a bit more "smoke" around the Pats* in my view.


    Falstaff, as to the calc, it's a 1/8 chance per year times 4 years (1/8*1/8*1/8*1/8).

  2. A few things about our schedule we can bet on:


    Guarantee 1) We'll either play Miami and/or New England IN Miami or New England the week AFTER they bye. AND, it will likely be our 2nd week in a row on the road. This type of crap happens every freakin' year. Seems like we've played one or the other on the road with them coming off their bye, for several years now.


    Guarantee 2) Another conspiracy-lovers tidbit: We'll likely play more teams coming off their byes than any other team. I've looked at this for several years and it is more than coincidence. I'd like to see the actual numbers in the last 5-7 years or so. I'll bet we are at the top, or in the top few, for games played against teams coming off their byes. . . usually on their home field!


    Guarantee 3) As a kicker, we usually play 3 of the last 4 on the road. Granted, we've asked for this somewhat. It has a lot to do with our weather. But, the last 3 out of 4, and absolutely week #17 on the road.


    Also, the chances of road primetime games is much more likely than home primetime games.


    We've gotten NE after their bye 4 years in a row now--the odds of that happening randomly is like 1 in 4,000, so call me a conspiracy theorist, but there's something up with that.

  3. If for no other reasion this should be the reason Greer should remain a starter for our team......







    Pretty funny stuff--you can tell that Jabari has a head on his shoulders and even some comedic timing. Good to see that these guys have some interests away from football.

  4. I hope they don't do that. I don't think we are a player away from being a dominant team, but I do think we have a good shot at the playoffs. If we trade our first next year and just fall short of making the places, or making noise in the playoffs, it would hurt not to have a 1st rounder (unless we did well in FA to address certain needs)



    I agree--if they go Harvey at 11, however, and someone like Thomas, Hardy or Sweed is still there at 25 or 26, I wouldn't mind seeing them package our 2 and 3 to get them. That way we'd get that pass rusher we need and that extra WR target. I know we still need a TE and C potentially, but I think we can get the C in Rd 4 and in my dreams we'll be able to get a 3 for JP and use that on the TE (whoever's left of Davis, Keller, Bennett (all unlikely), or Cottam or Carlson from ND).

  5. I don't know how to calculate the value formula for draft picks, but would we have to trade our 2nd to get back in the 1st round or would it be a 3rd and combo of another pick? Anyone have an idea?


    According to this draft value chart (http://www.nfldraftcountdown.com/features/valuechart.html), our 2nd and third round picks should move us up to about 25 or 26 and our 2nd and 4th would move us up to around the 34 or 35 pick.....

  6. I dunno about the rest of the mock, but I actually think there's a very good chance that we take Albert @ #11.


    I'd be highly disappointed, as O-line is no longer a glaring weakness on this team, other than the C spot, which we can fill in Rds 3-4 this year. If we don't take a WR (Thomas being the only one worthy of the 11 spot it seems), DE (Harvey, anyone?) or a CB (I don't like this myself, but can see the logic vaguely), I personally think it will be a mistake. Also interesting that he doesn't have Sweed going in the first, even though he has Jackson and Kelly going in that round...

  7. I'm surprised Wilford went to Miami - I thought he resigned with the Jags which is why the Bills didn't take a shot- my bad- yes Reggie Williams had 10 TDs but overall he's getting paid like a a high #1 draft pick and playing like a a decent #2 WR same with Matt Jones- as for being busts I think that depends on what they are being paid- if you are getting paid like a high class 1# WR and playing like a ave #2 then you are a bust- if you are being paid a salary that reflects your performance then you're fine by me- meaning I wouldn't trade for either of them and inherit their salary but if they got cut and were willing to get paid in line with their production I'd take them.


    10 TDs is 10TDs--he's not going anywhere.

  8. The Jags have added Jerry Porter and Troy Williamson - Mike Walker should be returning from knee surgery and the Jags have spent money signing Dennis Northcutt and Earnest Wilford- Those moves lead me to believe that they will try to move or more likely end up cutting Reggie Williams and or Matt Jones.


    So my question is would you be unhappy if the Bills didn't draft a WR in the first three rounds of the draft but picked up Reggie Williams or Matt Jones


    Earnest Wilford signed with Miami and Reggie Williams had 10 TDs last year, so they will be keeping him. Matt Jones might be odd man out and we could get him for a 2nd day pick is what I suspect if we wanted to make sure we got him. Personally, he's been a bust so far, so I'm not sure why he'd do better in B'lo, but I wouldn't be adverse to picking him up on the cheap if he's cut, but I don't see giving up more than a 7 or maybe a 6 for him on draft day and I certainly wouldn't stop from drafting a WR based on picking him up......

  9. I like Harvey or DRC number 1. Kelly may drop into the second round depending on how his pro day goes on April 9th.


    I would like to see Harvey or DRC at number 1 and then trade up to get Kelly at the top of the second round.


    I agree--if Kelly is there past 25 or so, I think you start looking to move up. I'm hoping we can do something with someone like GB late in the round that would only involve giving up our 2 and JP (the Pack may not be too sold on Aaron Rogers, and they did like JP way back when he was drafted IIRC)......

  10. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing us take Harvey at 11 and then moving back into the later parts of the first round if one of Sweed, Kelly or Thomas is still there and we fear they won't last until we pick in Rd 2. Comp. would probably be potentially our number 1 next year and a pick/player (GB might be interested in Losman, for ex. as the player) or our 2 and 3 this year. In a perfect world the comp. would only be our 2nd and JP, but the only team I could see doing this at the end of Rd 1 would be GB. This way we'd get a talented WR a year earlier than next year and have the added benefit of being able to sign our 1st rounders to 6 year deals versus the 4 year max that rounds 2-7 picks are allowed (I do think that's part of the reason we've moved up in the past).

  11. From their "The Way We Hear It" page:




    Patriots aren't alone in wanting 'Spygate' controversy to be over with


    “So, I assume you guys want to talk about the ‘force out’ rule?” That was Patriots coach Bill Belichick’s opening line to the throng of reporters who gathered to talk to him at the league’s meeting in Florida this week, a joke used to make light of the “Spygate” situation that was obviously the most pressing issue on the media members’ minds. But as one team source told us, Belichick’s opening quip and generally upbeat mood was indicative of his belief that not only does he have nothing to hide regarding the allegations that the Patriots taped a walk-through before their Super Bowl XXXVI victory over the Rams, but that he’s getting the sense that most league types are similarly sick of the issue. The source also told us that he highly doubts former cameraman Matt Walsh will speak out on the matter. Walsh has insinuated that he knows something shady about the Patriots’ practices, although we hear that, at this point, Walsh is regretting being a bit loose-lipped in a smattering of interviews with a couple of media outlets a few months ago. Now, Walsh, who works as an assistant golf pro in Hawaii and has a wife and baby, wants this saga to be over with so he can get on with his life. According to a source, reports that he’s grandstanding for attention are utterly erroneous.




    Isn't your title misleading--there's nothing in here about a source saying he has nothing. There's conjecture that Walsh no longer is as eager to step forward, but that's nowhere near the same as implying that he has nothing. As noted above, he may certainly be feeling pressure not just from Kraft but the League itself that he will get put through the holy ringer for coming forward. How soon they all forget that the NFL's first reaction to Walsh's story was to send an ex-FBI guy to start snooping around Walsh, not the Pats*. That really tells you all you need to know about the parties and their motivations here.....

  12. No credit here for Wilson's foresight...




    Again, hard to get sympathy for small market teams when they fail to maximize their sponsorship opportunities.


    I like the comment further down from the blog on how little naming rights at RWS might be worth, considering its uses and location, but then again why let the facts get in the way of a good screed.....

  13. What is the benefit for Bob Kraft to "blow out the salary cap" or to drastically change the current model of the NFL?


    He's built a wildly succesful team under the salary cap by following a disciplined system. If the salary cap goes away (entirely or "virtually"), true yahoos like Dan Snyder might actually build competitive teams with their unlimited checkbooks. That might force Kraft to open up his wallet in return. As it stands now, he gets all the benefits (great team, large profits) with none of the downsides (higher salaries, more upfront investment). He'd be an idiot to risk that. He stands to lose the most if the business model changes. Any owner in the league who's had sustained success under the current model would be foolish to try to shift the business model now.


    Now, whether Jones falls under the header of "owner who's had sustained success" or "true yahoo" is debatable.


    Interesting point--I was about to hop on Bob as well, but there may be some truth to what you say, although part of me thinks that Kraft may want to be able to let loose his inner Steinbrenner and buy another Lombardi after this year's disappointment.


    In terms of the other guys, I have absolutely no doubt that Snyder and Jones would love to go uncapped, no matter what that does to the League.

  14. I'm not surprised at all by this article. It just lays out the truth that people here knew (or should have known) for years. Unfortunately, I find it highly likely that at some point the NFL will go uncapped or the cap will rise so high that many teams won't be able to spend up to it. If you think about it, the only folks against that are the small market owners--the big market owners want that, as do the players. The MLB-ization of the NFL will be sad and will ultimately, I think, destroy the NFL. Look at what it's done for MLB over the last 20 years. Remember when there was a Monday night baseball game on ABC and NBC had a Sat. afternoon game? Considering baseball's ratings, that seems laughable now to have a prime time baseball game on a major network that wasn't a playoff game. I'd wager it would finish with about the same ratings as a rerun of "The Gilmore Girls" and MLB has no one to blame but themselves considering how popular a sport it was in the late 1970s. Now, unless you're a Yankees or Red Sox fan, who cares, and their ratings show that. Popularity of a sport isn't guaranteed and without competitive balance in the NFL it risks the same fate. The League's crown jewels are those TV contracts and with low ratings, they won't be worth anywhere near what they are now with folks all over the country psyched up about their teams.


    Coincidentally, I was arguing about this on a Pats fan board this morning--he was of course of the mindset of "F" the small market teams. What I thought really funny was his insistence that Bob Kraft was really a compromiser who has helped out the small market teams--I have no idea where he got that idea and asked him several times for links to back this up, but got nothing each time.


    While this may be sacrilege to some here, if an uncapped league (or a meaninglessly capped league) happens I must admit that part of me wouldn't mind seeing the Bills sold to a Toronto multi-billionaire willing to spend money on the team and, if he's smart, make a nod at least to Buffalo by (a) building his new stadium 30-45 minutes south of Toronto (i.e, close enough for B'lo fans to get to the games, too), (b) play 1-2 home games a year in Buffalo and © calling the team something like the "Niagara Frontier Bills" in order to capture the idea that the team is a regional one. It may be the only way that the Bills could be competitive--question is, is it worth the price of "losing" the team in some sense. Like many of you who've grown up with the Bills in WNY, a move would tear me up in some ways, but I think that Toronto is a heckuva lot better than LA, where I'd previously figured they'd end up after Ralph's passing. I must also admit that this is all easier for me to say, as I live in NYC now and fly up for the occasional game, and could do so just as easily to Toronto. Still, as a native Rochesterian, it would also pain me more than folks in Buffalo in some sense, as that distance, while doable for people from B'lo may be a lot tougher for folks coming from Roch.


    Some tough issues here--I fear the NFL will kill the golden egg laying goose, as I trust the current head honchos on Park Avenue about as far as I can thrown them on issues like this. It's no secret that Goodell was the choice of the large market owners and I suspect that he'll follow his bosses' dictates on this issue.....

  15. http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+W...+It/default.htm


    March 26, 2008


    Trade for Losman not expected to be completed before draft


    So far, there's a serious lack of suitors that have come knocking on the Bills' door inquiring about acquiring disgruntled QB J.P. Losman. Losman has asked for a trade following his demotion behind starter Trent Edwards, a request that the Bills would be happy to oblige should a reasonable offer come their way. Not surprisingly, Losman has been a no-show at "voluntary" workouts in Orchard Park, and it's unlikely he'll show up considering that he can't be fined for not attending the sessions. That being said, the Bills continue to harbor the belief that they'll work out an deal for the quarterback. We hear that it's highly unlikely there will be any action until after the draft. Whichever teams come out of the late April selection meeting without a quality passer will go a long way in determining who will have interest in the former first-round pick.

    Looks like PFW is misinformed on this. Usually they are more reliable about this or maybe this was written before he showed up for voluntary workouts.


    So far as you know, that is. Anyone else ever been close to a story that's been in the news and realize how little journalists usually get RIGHT? Downright scary at times.....

  16. "The shots that people associate with Films, those long, beautiful, super slo-mo shots of a spiraling football, the NFL Network people hate that," said a league executive familiar with the situation. "It's too slow for them."


    Yeah, I much prefer the "sonic the hedgehog" technique used by the networks during halftime highlights. Real professional.


    Just dumb it all down for Generation Y (or Z or whatever late teens and 20 somethings call themselves these days), he says in his best Grandpa Simpson impersonation.....

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