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Posts posted by MattM

  1. when are ppl going to stop bringing up the superbowls to try to get our goat?...its like they cant think of anything else to say so they bring up that one line....I actually liked that 64 guy..he seemed level headed and made sense...actually a couple of them seemed to know what they were saying...a few were like some of the guys on this board, supid and blurt out nonesense..lol..


    the one thing that didnt make sense to me was that they kept saying all the sports writers, comentators were allways saying good things about Bills....Not sure what channel they watch but I never hear anything good about Bills on espn or any sports channel unless its local...theyve really got to stop smokeing schit in NE


    It's a bit like Bizarro World over there--the Colts and Tony Dungy are evil incarnate, the media hates the Pats* and the refs, why the refs are always making calls that go against the Pats*. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want some of what they're smoking....

  2. They've got some real winners on that site. Anyone who watched the draft his weekend saw that they've now overtaken the Cowboys as the most hated team in America, no small feat considering how long it took the 'Boys to get there. New England managed to do that in about 1/3rd the time, thanks in large part to an arrogant, know nothing, front-running, ever growing (as long as they're winning, of course) fanbase. Boy, I'd love to beat those guys this season--once would do, but twice would put me over the moon.....

  3. Okay, but my guess is historically, there are more playoff teams that have average DBs/secondary but good lines than there are playoff teams with average lines and good DBs/secondary. Your Super Bowl champion Giants are now a classic example of the former.


    It's all moot anyway. The team that will be enjoying McKelvin's prime years in the league won't be the Bills. If everything goes right, he'll take two years to develop, three years to round into a gamechanger, including one Pro Bowl appearance, and just as he's ready to peak in his prime and become a perennial Pro-Bowler, he'll bolt via free agency. That's if everything goes right and he doesn't bust.



    He's a first rounder--we can sign him for 6 and franchise him for at least one more, which gives us 7 years or so. 29's a bit old for a corner by then anyways....

  4. interesting, Pats board picked up on the same article. no surprise they dont agree!




    And they wonder why they're the most hated team in the League--their fans are the most arrogant SOBs you'll ever see. Some day, hopefully soon, someone will take them down, and I hope it's us. That team's one "Vince Wilfork" special on Brady's knees away from being slightly above average, not that I'm advocating that. Now a cheap shot to Big Vince himself, that's a different story.....

  5. mine averaged out as a C....Bills said they wanted to go with a true FB and none taken at all, even with Hillis lasting till last round...to many CB's taken in a year when we only needed 1 CB to address Moss...RB was not a priority and TE was but not addressed very well...I really hope these guys work out but it looks like Bills went with the cheapest tires to drive this team on


    Now I've heard everything--Ralph is "cheap" in the draft? How do you go cheap in the draft? Each player is basically slotted in terms of salary--don't matter who you pick, that guy's going to get a little less than the guy infront of him and a little more than the guy behind him. This is not an area that one can cheap out on--you pick the best player available at a position of need with your picks and they get paid according to the scale. Some folks like to use the "Ralph is cheap" thing even in cases where it's not appropriate. If that's not what you meant, I apologize in advance, but that's what your post looks like to me.....

  6. Call it a hunch but it's quite possible that he could possible unseat Roscoe on this team. Granted, Parrish brings a lot to special teams but really doesn't do much offensively. With the fact that the Bills have drafted a couple DB's and have at least one DB with great return ability, the writing might be on the wall for Roscoe.


    Isn't there the little matter of the 4 year extension this administration just gave Roscoe? Based on that alone, he ain't going anywhere, nor should he.

  7. Get Directv and problem solved. If you have an HD tv, you are foolish to keep cable.


    Except that cable has twice as many HD channels (at least in my area) and their customer service folks actually show up when you make an appointment for them and take the day off of work to let them in. I had that happen to me not once, but twice, with DirecTV--making appointments and then just not showing up. Incredible, but true. The absolute worst customer service I've ever seen. They know they have a monopoly on the Sunday ticket, so they have no need for customer service--responding economically rationally like any good monopoly would. Congress needs to get the NFL to offer the ticket on cable, full, end stop.

  8. 1 (64) Miami Dolphins -- (Needed WR,OG,ILB,CB) - After line picks Long and Merling, Tuna's next pick is CB or WR.


    2 (65) St. Louis Rams--(DE, OLB, WR, OT) -Took DE Chris Long and WR Donnie Avery. Takes OT(Nicks, Greco, Collins)


    3 (66) Detroit Lions (From Chiefs) (RB, LB, OT, OG, DE) - Took Cherilus and Dizon; Takes RB (Charles, Choice, Slaton)


    4 (67) Carolina Panthers (From Jets) (DT, DE, RB, OT) - Stewart and Otah gone; take DT Sims or Dre Moore.


    5 (68) Atlanta Falcons (QB, TE, OT, DT, ILB, CB) - Falcons take TE Cottam or Finley as they draft later in RD3.


    6 (69) *Cheatriots (From Raiders) (ILB, CB, S, OT) - Took Mayo & Wheatley; now take DeCoud or Zibikowski


    7 (70) Chicago Bears (From 49ers) (QB, RB, WR, OT, SS) OT and RB taken, looking at Zibikowski, Hubbard in RD3.


    8 (71) Baltimore Ravens (From Ravens/Bills/Jaguars) (CB, OLB, DE, OT, QB) - Got Flacco, Rice, needs OLB Groves


    9 (72) Buffalo Bills (TE, OC, OLB) - On The Board: TE Cottam or Finley. OLB Groves/Adibi, OC Pollak, or DT Sims/Moore.


    Isn't he off the board late in the 2nd?

  9. McKelvin?


    Its an OK pick. He's better than what the Bills have, no question, but given how conservatively the Bills always play their CBs, and the fact they never re-sign them, AND the fact that I've seen more dynamic passing attacks at the local high school, this isn't a pick I can get overly excited about. Hopefully they can find some help offensively later in this draft. I'm not that optimistic, unfortunately.


    That's okay--as a first rounder, we can sign him for 6 and franchise him after that if he's worth it. Nothing to worry about there. Anyone else check out his individual game stats last year--on a mid-level team, he typically held his man to between 0 and 3 catches for minimal yards all year long against good competition (like Auburn and Florida). How is this not a great pick considering we got Hardy at 41?

  10. Anyone else suspect that the Pats wanted Rivers, but didn't count on Rivers being taken by the Bengals? I also saw Mayo as high as 42 on someone's mock draft--remember when they called Whitner a reach when he went at 8 (but would have never gotten past 16-18 or so)? How come no one has called the Pats out on this? Of course time will tell, but still.....

  11. I'm not saying that he has this Rams tape, but there is still a chance that he does, regardless of the released statement by the Pats And it goes something like this.....


    He has the tape and the Pats say "We did not authorize him to tape that walkthrough nor did we know the tape ever existed, nor did we ever use the tape to our advantage to stop the high powered Rams attack. Walsh did it on his own without our knowledge or direction'.

    See how easy that is???



    This is exactly what they're setting up--see point 6 of my ealier thread on my quick read of the Agt. (I'm a corporate lawyer by day, sadly.) The Agt. spends a lot of time talking about whether and when Walsh will be presumed to have been acting at the Pats' request (such circumstances arguably do not include taping another team's walkthrough) and puts the burden of proof on him "by a preponderance of the evidence" in other non-listed situations to show he was acting at their request. Sounds to me like (a) the tape may well in fact exist if they're spending this much ink in the Agt. on it (but we'll see) and (b) the Pats and the NFL are setting up the argument that Walsh was a lone gunman on this one (which to me will be completely non-believable no matter how much they spin it--for ex., if he did tape it on his own, you mean to tell me he never, ever showed it to anyone else there? I mean, wouldn't that be the point of doing this, to impress your bosses with how devious you can be? Or was he just filming it for his personal collection? If he did show it to anyone else there, shouldn't they have brought this up during the investigation into all of this in the fall? I mean, the Pats can't have it both ways in such a case. At a bare minimum they would have lied to the Commish's office about this then.)

  12. here are some good laughs from the Cheatriots' Fans In Denial


    read the comments, that's the real entertainment...




    This is actually what I think will happen. Walsh shows a tape of something like the Rams walk through, and the Kraftonites scream he was acting on his own; that they didn't see it or use it. Unless Walsh gets someone else to testify that they used it, the whole thing might be watered down in court.



    As noted in the thread I started on my review of the Agt., there is language in the Agt. that talks about the burden of proof in such a case. In my haste, I looked at it as mainly more evidence that such a tape exists, but glossed over the idea that this may be the way the League and the Pats get out of this, as you note above. They will certainly lose the PR war, as no one in their right mind is going to believe he did this on his own, but it may mean the League gets away with not punishing the Pats further in such a case. At that point, there's absolutely no doubt who Goodell works for, to the detriment of the integrity of the sport and I may actually never watch a game again if that were to happen (perhaps a bit of hyperbole, but not much)......

  13. On the contrary, it could also mean these NFL beat writers have nothing to write about except spy gate, causing more damage to the league....


    I disagree--I think what they wanted most of all was to keep this (and by this, I mean the actual allegations that will come out of whatever Walsh ends up having) out of the discussion during draft weekend. The timing of this allows the Commish to say to any questions on it, "The Agt's resolved and we'll talk in a couple of weeks. Next question", rather than have to suffer further embarrasing questions about why it's taking so long to get it done (ie., sweeping it under the rug yet again), but at the same time pushing off the actual dirt until a period when football fans are most likely to be tuned out. The columnists can write what they want, but if folks' attention is elsewhere then the damage is minimalized. Of course, for us die hards, we'll listen whenever the story breaks, but for the casual fan, this is the best the League can hope for. All of this points in my eyes to an increased likelihood that there are embarrassing things that are going to come out of this, both for NE and by association, the League. Anyone else notice in Goodell's comment last week the statement that Walsh says he has "new" evidence of Patriot wrongdoing for which further punishment may be warranted (i.e., more than the taping of D signals that we already knew about). In light of all that's gone on the last two days on this, I think that that's more likely to be the case. We'll find out either way in a few weeks time. Where's Hollywood Donahoe when you need him?

  14. From a posting I just made on a Pats board (where they're flipping out, as you'd imagine)---


    After reading the Agt. itself last night, some thoughts:


    1. It's clear that both sides contemplate Walsh having tapes--there's no doubt about that now;


    2. Section 1(a) also contemplates the idea that Walsh may have given materials to others and needs to get that back--Tomasse perhaps, or some third party to back his story up to Tomasse so that the Herald could run the story without fear of being sued? Any journalists out there able to answer whether that would be "normal" to do so without disclosing it in the article? (In my best Mr. Scott impersonation here, "I'm a lawyer, Cap'n, not a journalist!");


    3. Under 1(b), and as has been reported elsewhere, it looks like Walsh can talk to third parties about what he's turning over, but there are restrictions on his ability to let others see his lawyer's copy of the materials he gets to keep (at least for a little while--there's another provision saying he needs to turn those materials over to the League at some point);


    4. Under section 2 Walsh will be talking to the NFL not just about videotaping, but also about "any other violations" of which he has personal knowledge (audiotaping perhaps?);


    5. The possibility of Congressional hearings is contemplated in section 3(a);


    6. What to me may be the most important nugget here is also in 3(a), namely the Agt. goes into detail on when Walsh was presumed to be working for the Pats and actions he took will be presumed to be their actions--including taping activities relating to Pats games (the "Covered Videotaping Action" defn.) It then goes on to say that things outside those listed activities (which, to my reading, may arguably not include taping a Rams practice) need to be proved by Walsh to have been Pats actions by a preponderance of the evidence. The fact that this is even in here leads me to even more strongly suspect that on May 13 among the items turned over will be a SB 36 walkthrough tape.


    7. I also found that section on rehabilitating reputations (4(b)) interesting, but am not quite sure what's contemplated by it. It is pretty powerful, however, due to the statement that it trumps the rest of the Agt.


    For those of you taking comfort from the Pats strong denials--go back and re-read that denial. They say that the "NE Patriots" didn't tape the walkthrough--that will be their argument, it was Walsh as a lone gunmen. And the rest of world outside New England will have a good old laugh at that, I suspect, as will the Commissioner. As noted before, in that case, my suspicion is that BB may have coached his last NFL game and the loss of a first round draft pick this year will be made to look like a slap on the wrist.


    I originally thought that this may be to the Pats benefit when I saw the timing of this--i.e., if they're doing all this this week, the week of the draft, then the League thinks Walsh has nothing. But when the fact that they plan to do this in the NFL season "dead zone" of the period between the draft and spring training, I now think just the opposite. The delay here IMHO has been the NFL trying to position what they know to be a smelly problem into a media period when it will do them the least harm.

  15. Yeah Jared Allen in Buffalo, a town where the bars are open til 4am, this is a match made in heaven.


    Yeah, and I read somewhere else that after all his alcohol issues (at least 2 DUI's in the last year or so), he now owns a bar. A really bright guy, IMHO. My prediction is he will be serving a one year suspension (he already got the 4 gamer last season, reduced to two) within the next two years.....

  16. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/327434.html


    "Whatever happened to Chapter Two in the New England Patriots’ Spygate saga? Start looking under the rugs. Bob Kraft, the franchise owner, has that sort of clout."


    True that. Surprised not that the League hasn't done anything to resolve the Walsh situation (after the way they handled things in the fall, I suspect they don't really want to find out what really happened any more than Pats* fans do), but I am surprised the media has given the League and the Pats* a seeming pass on this. I guess that's what happens when all the major media outlets either have contracts with the League (ABC/ESPN, NBC, CBS and Fox, for ex.) or rely on the League for access to their teams and personnel for their sports stories (include everyone else under this category). Disappointing, but not surprising in light of this. Oh, well, looks like the asterisk is just going to have to stay firmly affixed until this is resolved.....

  17. If we can draft a WR at 19, I prefer Sweed actually, and get Lito, then we would have a proven NFL CB who goes against TO and Plax every year, TWICE! He would be the upgrade at a position of need AND we get the WR we most covet. then go TE in round 2 and this team with be a force next year


    That would indeed be a great trade for the Bills. Go OC and/or DE in Rds 3 and 4 and hit on those picks this year (i.e., get a DE that can actually be a good backup for Schobel and Dennelsay to the tune of 3-4 sacks as a rookie backup and an OC that can push Fowler for the starting job) and dare I say it, we'd have a great team for a number of years.....

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