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Posts posted by MattM

  1. Last thoughts on this--I take back what I said above. Whitner's a bit of a chunky guy, so he may in fact have taken this to lose weight. Donte's shown too much character to date to not be given the benefit of the doubt on this by fans.


    Still, anyone else wonder if the recent secondary reshufflings (putting Scott in Donte's old spot) might be the result of the coaching staff preparing for a few games without Mr. Whitner? Let's just hope that Ko, Ashton and Terrence are all healthy if and when Donte serves his 4 games......

  2. http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index...howtopic=435108


    To answer my own question, here you go. If you also watch Clayton's video referred to in that post he says the number is 18 in total and that "there are some other big names" on it, so this might be true. If so, that will really suck, but at least it's not Stroud on the list, who'd have to serve a year off. I would still be very disappointed in Donte if this turns out to be true, since it's not like he's a big guy who needed to lose the weight from a diuretic.....

  3. How they don't give it to Lendale White over friggin Matt Cassel is beyond me. Just stupid.


    You obviously haven't been paying attention the last 5 years or so, but due to Kraft's influence the Pats* are the League's media darlings despite the whining their fans do about things like Spygate.


    Speaking of which, anyone else notice how poorly officiated a game it was on Monday night (going in guess which direction)? I've never seen that head official before in my life. Just curioius, but has anyone else ever seen him before? Perhaps Mike Pereira ordered him up special for Big Bob just to make sure that the new "America's Team" didn't find itself on the wrong end of things. As it turned out, the Donkos played so badly they didn't need any help, but I'm sure they'd have been there for the Pats* if they'd have needed it, last years' Ravens-game style.....

  4. wow, thats 2 horrible calls in pats favor:


    - didnt call late hit on play that messed up cutlers finger

    - offensive pass interference that took away a big pass play


    looks like old man kraft has gotten the wallet out again for the refs


    I was going to say the exact same thing, especially about that alleged OPI. That was complete crap--notice also that the announcers said that the flag came in "late" (i.e., after the 20 yard catch) even though the alleged penalty occured at the LOS or thereabouts. What garbage--they really need to investigate some of the officials officiating these Pats* games. Anyone ever seen this guy tonight before, for ex?.

  5. You're dreaming. This is the death of her political career on the national stage.



    Bingo, we have a winner!!! The woman is a moron--anyone with an unbiased eye can see that. Seen her Katie Couric interview perhchance? She couldn't even answer simple questions. Notice at the debate the other night how rote everything seemed, as if she wasn't really thinking, just plugging in the (sometimes somewhat) appropriate response her handlers had programmed into her--no real thought or nuance at all. I'd have loved for example to ask her about "the two state solution" in the Middle East--she kept throwing that around as a buzz word in one answer, but in a way that I'd bet $1000 she couldn't tell you what it means (kind of like her "Bush Doctrine" answer to Charlie Gibson (a Republican himself, BTW). This is someone in way over her head......

  6. It really is "Bizzarro World" over there, no doubt about it--they are the biggest bunch of homers EVER and brook no dissent or even reasonable discussion. I, too, have been banned over there in different incarnations many times, usually for just politely pointing out facts that don't happen to jibe with their warped view of reality (like once on how Bob Kraft was on the Goodell selection committee and was a big Goodell backer, or several times on Spygate). Ask any unbiased observer and they'll tell you that Wilfork's hit was clearly dirty and an intent to injure. Ask any unbiased fan about Pollard's hit and they'll tell you it was a clean hit after he'd been blocked to the ground he was trying to get to the QB. BTW, if hitting a QB low is illegal, how many of those same asswipes were cheering Mike Vrabel's uncalled low leg whip against Philip Rivers in last year's playoff game I wonder?

  7. I don't think the ghost of Tim Russert arranged for Collier to be shot. That would be a malicious move by anyone with supernatural powers.


    I completely agree--especially with respect to TR. If he had the power no way he'd do it that way--he was too classy of a guy. If we get a few extra odd bounces our way this year, however, well, that wouldn't surprise me. Rest in peace, Tim, you are still missed. I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch "Meet the Press" this election season....

  8. they canplau anyoen into that system and win. belichek knows how to protect them. nice when you have 4 all pros rushing the passer each play -- and vrabel blitzing. the corners have an easy day at the office.


    We'll see about that after next week--if it's the same D as showed up in preseason, you're going to be in for a long year, Brady or no......

  9. They just signed Deltha O'Neal....broke into SportsCenter to give the news.


    And on the Pats* message boards they think this is the greatest signing since they got Randy Moss for peanuts last year--he's two years removed from being a playmaker or having decent numbers and lost his starting job last year to a rookie, but who knows, maybe he'll pan out for them, much like Fernando Bryant and Jason Webster did....

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