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Posts posted by MattM

  1. I notice a lot of posts calling the Pats "the cheats". When do the Bills start cheating? Can I help?

    No, thanks. Not worth it.I'd rather lose honorably than cheat like those a-holes. And just think, if we were like them we'd have to deal with all the bandagon moron fans, just like 90 percent of the current Pats* fans--you know, the folks who couldn't tell Andre Tippett from Andre 3000, or who honestly didn't know that the Pats* lost two SBs before 2001....

  2. 49er fan your a stat. machine but Cassel for Edwards straight up. What would you do? Be honest.


    No, thanks--I'll stick with what we've got. It's a lot easier to look like an All Pro when you're playing with a ton of them, when the refs seem to look the other way when your team commits rules transgressions on and off the field (see the Matt Light incident for just the latest in a long string of evidence of that) and when you've been sitting the pine for 4 years with nothing to do but learn the system. All of this is taking a bit of a bloom off the Brady rose as well--maybe it is just the system after all, no? Still, I must admit Cassel looks a lot better than I'd have thought after his horrific pre-season (I watched all of his games)--he looked absolutely atrocious in August, so hats off to the Cheaters for coaching him up.....

  3. Jaws said it - You can't hide your QB. There would have been nothing wrong with sitting your QB - no matter how much he is a part of your future (see VY in Tenn.) when he is (way) off his game. The object is to win games. That or you risk losing your team.


    A rookie (with all *his* growing pains) outplayed him tonight. I thought everyone else played well. Was encouraged by the Oline and the play of Steven Johnson. The D wasn't perfect but good enough to win.


    Yet, our QB stunk up the joint and cost us the game. Plain and simple. He needs to sit. Temporarily.




    Let's keep our facts straight and our perspective--Quinn is also a second year QB, just like TE, but one chosen in the first round and a projected Top 10 pick at one point. The jury is still out on him as well, but I'd have to say that notwithstanding last night, TE has had a better career than Brady Quinn simply based on the fact that he's actually played 16 or so more NFL games than Quinn. If that will continue into the future, who knows. I, too, don't like what I saw from TE last night, but I'm not so sure throwing him under the bus and starting over somehow is the answer here. Like it or not, he's got the rest of the season to show us what he's got. If, based on that, he looks like he's regressed, then the front office has its work cut out for them going into the offseason. If he makes progress, then we're back where I expected us to be in 2008--anywhere from 7-9 to 9-7 and one year away (and 3-4 key additions--DE, C/G, OLB and TE) from making a serious run at the AFCE. We all got a little too excited by our early start, but it's time to come down to reality, folks.....

  4. Completely agree on 1. Absolutely no D line push or pressure on passing plays and our O-line has looked atrocious the last few weeks. Problem is, it takes time and cash to build those out. I see us drafting a DE in Rd 1 next year, but that's just to replace an aging Schobel ultimately. How do you fix the other 2-4 guys you need to do this right (another D lineman and a C and guard, IMHO)? Ralph may sign one FA starter, but it's unlikely we'll find the other 2-3 guys we need in the draft, especially with our propensity to not draft those positions high......

  5. lol, stuff them on 3rd and goal


    Defensive holding :wallbash:





    What a complete garbage call--not that it would likely have mattered, but come on, that was ridiculous, as the replay showed, even if Randy Cross just glossed it over (then again, let's remember, the Pats* are CBS's partners in their new real estate venture near the stadium).....

  6. Under normal circumstances I would chastise you (and make some sarcastic cheap shot) for even considering that the refs have any interest who wins the game they are working.


    But, as this is the Pats*, and it seems to happen on a regular basis, I will say nothing, and share your concern.


    Our only hope on this point is that our old LB, Jim Haslett, with his sending in the tape of the Rams game where NE was called for 0 penalties two weeks ago with the quote "I just want them to know we know", served to put Mike Pereira on notice that folks are on to the refs "lenient" (to say the least) treatment of the Pats*. Maybe that will make a difference this year--I mean, we can hope, right?

  7. Agreed, now that Wilfork is on notice by Goodell that probably has less chance of happening. What do you say now that Wilfork has admitted that the hit on Losman was a cheap shot?




    That doesn't bother me as much as JSP's bare assed dude. :rolleyes:


    In a bizarre twist, Wilfork is apparently rescinding his admission on this according to an article I read yesterday. Anyone who's seen the hit on Youtube, however, knows he's full of sh*t.....

  8. just give it to 'em


    phantom flag on Price on a crucial 3rd down play in '06


    That first game in 2006 is my personal favorite--it was so bad that TMQ devoted space to it in his column, including the phantom whistle that cost us a TD on Nate Clements' pick of Tommy Boy and that was just the beginning of a series of some of the most ridiculous calls against the Bills I've ever seen in watching them for almost 40 years. If the fix wasn't in that game I'll eat your shorts.....

  9. ....is that Big Bob's wallet comes out late in the game if it's close and the refs end up deciding this one, as they have in many prior Bills-Pats* contests. Anyone else have that nagging feeling that if this one turns out to be close we can count on seeing the BS hankies fly yet again late in the game just in time to let the Cheatahs steal it?

  10. I kept hearing all night about how the Colts were getting burned by keeping their safeties back. Why? It's pretty clear after watching this game that Cassel has real trouble being accurate beyond 10-12 yards downfield. Just look at that last series when he was heaving desperation throws downfield that weren't within 15 yards of his target. Other than the long pass to Gaffney (that was dropped) I honestly can't recall him hitting on a pass that went more than 15 yards in the air. In such as case, even with Randy Moss and all, why not just sit on all the underneath stuff and bring at least one safety up into the box?


    In terms of the Pats*' D, I thought they played alright tonight, considering all factors--as noted elsewhere, they did hold Manning to 18 points at home. Nothing to be ashamed about, really.

  11. It's certainly true that Trent had a bad game today in terms of the turnovers, but I think we all need to realize that he's only a second year player who is going to make mistakes this season. We got spoiled the first 4 weeks when he looked like a 10 year vet making all the throws and smart decisions, but he's just coming back to the reality of what he is--a very talented young QB with the potential (IMHO) to be not just a good one, but a great one, but who is still, despite that, playing only his first full starting season in the League.


    In some ways that goes for the entire team--it's a young team that I expected to compete in 2009 personally. Of course, I've been ecstatic like the rest of you this season, but I think it's only natural that this team comes back to earth a little bit. The question will be whether they can pick themselves up and get back to work--next week will be tough, but I don't think a win against a Brady-less Pats* team is impossible, even in Foxboro. I guess we'll see about that next week.....


    As for tonight, go Colts!

  12. "Wilfork started his meeting with Goodell admitting a hit to Buffalo Bills quarterback J.P. Losman last season was a cheap shot,

    but when the commissioner started to to review the alleged late hit on Cutler, Wilfork's wife handed the commissioner the new DVD."


    So we can add lying POS to Vince's resume, too--remember last season when he was telling everyone within earshot that it wasn't a dirty hit on Losman. What complete garbage all of this is. Yet again we see how far in the Pats*' pocket the League is--disgusting.....

  13. Hey, Phil, speaking of pass rush, how's Gholston doing? I thought that kid was going to be a beast coming out of the draft, but haven't heard much about him to date. Here's hoping he cranks it up soon, just not starting tomorrow. Why not wait until you're playing the Pats*.....

  14. I guess we really shouldn't be shocked, but it is just odd that those guys seem to get all the breaks from the zebras. Apparently in this one the Pats* were not called for a single penalty, yet the Rams were called for 9, despite some obvious calls that should have been flagged on NE, all as per Rams fans here:




    I didn't watch much of the game, but it seemed like every time I turned the channel there the Rams were getting hit with a key penalty. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it does seem odd to me how often teams who play New England b*tch that they're playing 11 on 12, and it's also good to know that it's not just us who feel that way.....


    Yep, just checked it out myself. The Pats* were indeed not called for a single penalty all day. Incredible, absolutely incredible (and I mean that in the literal sense). That doesn't give me a good feeling about our odds against them in Foxboro in two weeks. Looks like Kraft has gotten the checkbook out again and you just can't beat them and the refs, no matter how good of a team you are.

  15. I guess we really shouldn't be shocked, but it is just odd that those guys seem to get all the breaks from the zebras. Apparently in this one the Pats* were not called for a single penalty, yet the Rams were called for 9, despite some obvious calls that should have been flagged on NE, all as per Rams fans here:




    I didn't watch much of the game, but it seemed like every time I turned the channel there the Rams were getting hit with a key penalty. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it does seem odd to me how often teams who play New England b*tch that they're playing 11 on 12, and it's also good to know that it's not just us who feel that way.....

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