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Everything posted by LancasterSteve

  1. We planted 21 Blue Spruces on the SW portion of our lot. Both Norways and Blues are beautiful trees. First planting in '96. 13 Blues, 8-10 foot tall and in '97 another 8 Blues, 10-12 footers. They are all over 20-25 foot now. Grew into one another very nicely to form the windbreak from the southwest winds and the snows that used to drift in our yard. They were dug and B&B in Canada one day and the next I had them all planted. I brought in over 40 yards of soil that we spread into a long berm because this ground here in Lancaster is all clay and spruces don't like wet feet. Salt will kill spruces, so stay far back from roads. I also mixed in about 19-20 big bales(6 cubes) of peat moss. Can't buy those anymore either. The nursery men backed the truck up to the berm and pushed the blues at each point along the berm were I wanted them planted. Good thing I had everything set to go with planting them as each ball & burlapped spruce had a ball that easily weighed over 500 pounds.The Canadian men that balled these spruces knew what they were doing as they saved much of the root system. There wasn't much we had to do are far as planting. We stood them up and secured each one with a couple of guide wires. In about a months time more that half the ball on each tree had sank into our soil/peatmoss base. I left the wire guides on for two summers as a precaution but by that time the root system on each tree had established itself. Besides the natual beauty of our "Blue Spruce fence", every spring and summer our trees become the homes to many species of birds. Too many wood or plastic fences; they are all over subdivisions everywhere, so I commend you for thinking of planting a natural fence. Ask what is available at nurseries in your area. Ask how tall? I planted a few other bushes that said "dwarf" that grew to 10 feet !! I knew beforehand and was OK with it but ask questions so you don't have any disappointments later. Some handle wind better,some need a little protection, some are magnets for flying insects. And most of all start with a good soil foundation and after planting only fertilize on the top of the soil where the edge of the ball would be. Never close to the base of any plant and go lightly on the fertilizer, as a little goes a long way. Too much will burn a plants roots. I only fertilize my trees and schrubs once a year, late May, early June; after that it is too hot to fertilize. On the other side of house is a big side yard. For privacy and to break it up a little, I planted a row of 20 Hetzi blue Junipers in early '98. Today I have a beautiful blue-green fence about 8 foot high across the whole side lot. Its so full from top to bottom, that a squirl couldn't run thru it. Not much maintenance. I have it trimmed once or twice a year. These are very hardy scrubs and will take wind and cold temps and think they are drought resistant also but I do not remember if this is indeed a fact. I bought them at 4-5 foot and would keep topping a little each year so they would fill in. Not much trimming of the sides in all these years, and I like that ! I never asked about salt with these. Whatever you purchase ask how close to a road that gets salted can you plant "such" and "such". Nurserymen, I have always found, to be willing to answer any questions I might have.
  2. Only way we fans can protest years and years of futility. The cleaning of this stinky house didn't go far enough. How the hell is Regier keeping his job ???? I've poured a lot of money info this franchise and I have had it with these charlatans. No more IM done with them.
  3. This is a family forum, so I won't repeat what I shouted after the Maybin pick. I doubt that a similar outburst will occur tonight seeing that I am going to be in the Jim Kelly club and Curly, Larry & Moe arnn't running the draft
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/08/showbiz/annette-funicello-obit/index.html So sad your gone from us but very happy that you are free from the constraints of a crippled body. May You, the Angel you are fly with them , singing your songs of love for all to hear. Thanks for the Memories Annette..........another couple of strands in the fabric of my life
  5. Fit right in with SISSY BALL: http://football.about.com/od/footballrules/a/The-Future-Of-The-Nfl.htm?r=et Forget ever seeing a football again, the game will played with bean bags. Un-necessary touching (not hitting..hiting will get you 5 years in the pen) is anywhere from a 5 yard to 50 yard penalty. Penalties are the only way a team can score. There are now 3,536 banned words during a football game. If you speak any of thesewords just once, the punishment is that you have eat a bar of Fals Napa soap and then become airborn for an indeterminate amount of time
  6. You nailed it. Regier is in way over his head with the GM job as is Buddy Nix. I was hoping he would get the ax also. Talent....what talent ??? Vanek AND Miller....and,and IM still looking. The Sabres gave it a good go at Boston tonight but the Bruins superior talent won it for them in the third period
  7. . We were there about 5 years ago for one on my Navy reunions and the wife & I were very impressed with Chicagos waterfront. Liked walking out on the Pier. Wish Buffalo would go this route with more park land down there. Tiffs Nature Preserve is decent but small in scope. As far as a stadium downtown, it would be a traffic nightmare. Only the I190 N&S and to get to it you have to go over the 2 lane skyway. In white-out snows it's shutdown. Only way out to the south is taking the 2 lane Furmann Park Blvd with radar traps by every rinky-dink fifdom. Once counted five going south on 5. On top of that the road is crap; potholes everywhere and has been that way as far back (maybe 40 years) as I can remember. Nice idea but the infrastructure of roads is just not good enough and cannot be expanded West- the lake or East- the neighborhoods of South Buffalo. Another reason, I wouldn't want to see a stadium built on the waterfront is that the limited parking would most likely cause a total ban on any tailgating. No grilling, no booze and no fun so maybe it does make sense for the NoFunLeague to put the Bills new home trapped on the waterfront. One other minor point most of that land is the result of "hot" industrial waste dumped for 100 years by the steel companies and other industries. Years ago there used to be signs warning people to stay out of this area or that due to health concerns. I am fairly certain that no reasons were given.on the signs.What poisons will be dug up once the stadium is being built? What happens if it turns out too hot to continue going forward but in the meantime this radioactive waste has leached into the river and lake, ruining our water supply. It already has been doing just that in very small amounts into the lake by Bethlehem (sp) for a very long time but they are afraid of doing any removal for fear it will exasperate the pollution. Do we really want a stadium built on stuff like this? Do You want Your kids to roll around on ground containing cancer causing PCB's ?
  8. Money is at par and less taxes on this side. Many Saturdays there are at least 10- 20 buses from Canada at the Walden Galleria on top of all the cars from Canada
  9. This smells of smoke. Heap praises on a guy you have no intention on drafting and "leak" it through a reputable media source. Like every draft, a lot of disinformation by teams is floating around
  10. No doubt Nassib will be way overdrafted. This is a very sub par QB draft class IMO Rainbow passes die like shot ducks in the winds of RWS. No more Fritz clones
  11. I did watch Barley's workout. Short passes looked OK but seemed like some long passes got hung up but all those were into the wind. But then again I can't remember too many wind free days on the field at RWS. Entirely different from the stands. The wind on the field swirls and is very unpredictable. IMHO this was the reason quite a few of Fritz's passes died like ducks; he didn't have the arm strength to drive his passes especially when it got colder. IMO "good arm" won't be good enough at RWS.
  12. OK I guess, depends on which draft site info one believes. Maycok said solid but not elite arm strength;but that there a few QB's in the NFL with elite arm strength. Also said that Buffalo would be a good fit for Barkley FWIW. Don't know what to make of this but the Bills didn't send anyone to USC's proday. Maybe airfares to LA were to high........... CBSSports: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/blog/rob-rang/21960061/pro-day-barkley-gets-passing-grade-but-others-steal-the-show
  13. You know I still have the link to that ummm? discussion
  14. Naw he's a youngster Tough break for Valerie Harper....all any of us can do is say a prayer
  15. When dinosaurs roamed the earth and ESPN was new; it actually was pretty good. My bookmarks and pre-sets for ALL things ESPN have long ago been banished to the underworld. Sirius= NFL Network Direct TV= NFL Network Thats all I need. The rest of these pretender sports broadcasters, WGR included can kiss my butt
  16. Plenty of blame to go around and firing Ruff is the right first step. IM asking, was it Ruff's fault that the power play wasn't crisp and decisive...with bad passes ? or that players were so out of position all the time or even on a break to look so disjointed with their passes ? Was it Ruff's scheme that caused these guys to look like lost second gradrers when another team turns up the pressure ? IM asking how much of this was on Ruff ?? or could it be that Regier has aquired a fair amount of good talent that doesn't translate into a winning formula as a team. There has been no smoothness to this team and maybe now they won't be so ruff to watch (-:
  17. I agree Regier should be fired. Put together a team of zombies. I have at this point lost all hope that this will ever be an above average hockey club with Regier responsible for bringing in talent that doesn't mesh as a team.
  18. Didn't start going to games with my late Dad until 1962 at the old Rockpile, War Memorial Stadium. Didn't miss more than a handful of games in all those years leading up to my going on active duty for the US Navy in August of 1971. Originally sent to the west coast and thought I was going to Nam, but then got orders for Command for the 6th Fleet out of Newport, RI. At the top of the hill where we parked our cars; I could pick up KB...(WKBW 1520 on the dial) and listen for the Bills score. Folks I got this stuff in my veins.. Now back To Darragh the only QB I have ever seen throw a backwards pass which the Bills lost. This kid was the original "deer in the headlights" look. Sometimes in the English language there is not a sigular word to describe the piss-poor play that we witnessed
  19. Ravens 31 - 27 late drive by San Fran just comes up just short
  20. Here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/11461-ot-dvd-burning-software/
  21. Has bust written all over. The Bills fell for an over hyped LB before in Poz. Slow, can't fight off blocks. There will be better players at the Bills # 1 pick
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