Here is the 7-day forecast by Ch 4 here in Buffalo: Don Paul is usually on the money with his forecasts. 42 is right around normal for this time of year. Above agerage temps have been happening the last 2 months. The other stations are all saying basically the same thing, no rain and chilly.This time of year there is a good chance of a good breeze off the lake. A breeze of 15mph will bring the real feel of the temperature down to freezing (32F) We dress warm in layers and wear a hat because even in October that sun can get hot on the noggin. Most people around us in past years also packed gloves. Wife wore hers with temps like this, me not so much, kids (3-12) always yes. Definitely not a place for babies or even 1 or 2 year olds in windy freezing temps for 4 hours I have been at games in RWS since they opened the place where the actual feel temps (chill factor) have dropped more than 25 degrees by the end of the game. One late fall game against Miami the temps were cool. It started snowing in the 3rd quarter and out of no-where became a full blown blizzard by games end. Winter doesn't officially start unti December 21. We get our worst snows when the lake is frozen, so all these above agerage temp will help delay freezing of lake Erie. There have been years when if didn't freeze over completely.. Then we get ice storms, Ice and trees don't mix and combined with the shake, rattle and roll of the wind can quickly cause widespread poweroutages.....for weeks