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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Wonderful game announcer! He’ll be missed.
  2. Trade up? Hell no. The overall consensus is this entire Draft is weak -sans a couple positions. Use picks to trade for quality League starters.
  3. Amazing that our 1st ever HOFer has been dead almost a week and still no word from the team. My! How the mighty have fallen!
  4. Few here even remember Simpson’s college career. I followed it intensely. Most -if not all USC games in his senior year were televised because of his on field exploits. As a forlorned Bills fan then, 1968 was a terrible year. We lost 5 QBs to serious injury, eventually turning to seldom used WR Ed Rutkowski to finish the season. Throughout that bitter campaign, all Bills fans kept an eye on O.J. as we may well earn 1st overall pick in ‘69. I vividly recall the fear and tenseness the final weeks of that season as Philly was equally inept on the field and it very close. Then Philly won a game very late and we ‘earned’ the 1st pick. WNY was beside itself with anticipation and when he 1st reported he was swarmed over at the airport. One of my favorite players at the time was Gary McDermott (no relation) who wore #32. So O.J. was issued #36 and there are many pics available of him wearing that number. But McDermott was cut at final cutdown and the number given to Simpson. Gil Perrault and Bob McAdoo were huge 1st rounders but they paled in comparison to the arrival of O.J.
  5. Not sure what the fuss is about but, personally, I have zero issue with speaking poorly of the dead. Never had, despite convoluted attempts to shame others. He went from a Bills superstar to a horrendous multi murderer. That makes him a POS now and forever. I’m glad he’s dead. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Too bad he never did find the killer..
  7. Current record is 37-37-5. Win/Lose Win/Lose Win/Lose..🤦‍♂️ What’s actually worse than no grit and no defending their goaltender when opponents run into him, is that they LOSE MORE GAMES AT HOME than win! Home! Buffalo, NY! The most rabid, dedicated adoring Fanbase in the America’s! Disgusting..🤬 THEY SUCK!!
  8. I received flak recently for stating Khalil surpassed Davis last season as our #2 WR. Well, Davis is long gone and I stand by my proclamation. He’s not just good, he’s exceptional. Joe Marino says so as well.
  9. I read today Dalmar asked for a trade -specifically to the Steelers. Doesn’t he realize no team would trade for him?
  10. This is a time-tested move. Namath was more interested in the spotlight than winning for the Jets and threw ridiculous game-losing interceptions. Weeb Ewbank decided to make him a team captain and his interceptions AND TD throws substantially dropped. Result? Upset the highly favored Colts to win the Super Bowl and give full credence to the eventual merger of the Leagues. Obviously, this doesn’t happen a lot..
  11. not when noobs are trying to build their post counts, no. 🤦‍♂️
  12. Morse, as an understated true leader and player will be missed imo. Also, the League-wide respect for the Hyde & Poyer tandem will be sorely missed. Al these losses will have negative impact on the teams’ performance, even if only subtly.
  13. and Buffalo’s perpetual gloomy skies routinely blot out the moon..
  14. I’ve been a big proponent of him as well. He clearly won WR2 last year, making Davis expendable. WR1? I’m not so sure, but he’s a starter and currently Allen’s favorite. Thats good enough for me!
  15. Davis was already replaced. His name is Kahlil Shakir. He clearly became WR2 by late season. Thanks for SOME magic moments, Stefon.
  16. That’s a damn shame. But he IS a phuggin headcase. Could have been a ring of honor/all time best, but he can’t get out of his own way and management finally threw in the towel.
  17. They have nothing better to do? smfh..😏
  18. pffft.. this from a guy who thinks trading Lamonica for Art Powell was a good idea. wtf has Burrows done? smfh
  19. This just in: Bills repeat as Leagues best training & equipment staff. Congrats!
  20. If rumors are correct, this is the 2nd year in a row he’s gonna be a Dad. So yeah, he’s still at it hard in the offseason.
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