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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. But of course.
  2. Should we? Anyway, back to eball’s topic, yes, a decided advantage to teams with most staffs and players returning.
  3. They’ll NEED to be genuinely “good”. Not likely we’ll end the careers of old opponents QBs or face many 1st ever reps for QBs as we did last year. Most of them were precarious wins too.
  4. Yes. They’re also at least a week behind China -if not more. As we are with Italy. There are timeline precedents here.
  5. Just checking in to see if some ‘work from home’ OBDer has gotten a hold of Batman.. F5!
  6. I didn’t say it was. Just that there’s hope given the country of origin appears to have ‘social distanced’ effectively -by whatever means necessary. Again, our Spring (Happy Spring!, btw) is going to be the rarest of any season in our lives.
  7. Yeah, no. It’s been a few days now since China has reported new cases -and they have numerous WTO teams throughout the Country to verify this. The end is in site but our journey to it will be daunting. I believe we’ll be good for kickoff on time in 2020.
  8. There are a couple other threads currently open on this topic on the front page. Would you prefer I merge this with one of them or lock it?
  9. HB, Coach! Please! No birthday Suit pics as a wrestler!
  10. Somebody Wake up Beane. We don’t have time to wait til 11pm!
  11. Unfortunately, no. They (State of FL) have banned EVERYONE from the beach. Can’t even take a stroll along the shore with your dog at sunrise. To me, it’s more than extreme! Thankfully, my son has an apt. right on the beach! The ocean is his living room view, so we can at least enjoy the sounds & sights of a barren beach..
  12. Duh. #Bikinis! You take that away, then just shoot me now!
  13. Frankly, it was Ruby I was always worried about. You know that skank dun took her love to town! Good thing he was crippled!? RIP, KR.
  14. I see by your post count, you haven’t been here very long. Trust me, you ain’t seen Nothin’ yet!
  15. It seems like you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. You claim Josh leads the League 2 years straight holding the ball too long, but you also seem to be purposely omitting that Allen is often Houdini back there, evading rushers from everywhere while keeping an eye downfield. We didn’t run a lot of screens, true, but when we did they were great -think Washington and Baltimore playoff game. I’m in the camp that year 2 together and a healthy sophomore season from Ford are the reasons Beane isn’t chasing new vets.
  16. It also often looked like he was having a sammich before deciding to pass, like it was a still picture of a statue instead of live. Granted, they had issues with blitzes. Who doesn’t?
  17. One thing I think we have going for us is how good Allen performs against Miami. While there’s no one element to pinpoint a players’ successful career vs a particular opponent, there’s plenty of examples through the years. Not the least of which was Kelly vs Miami. Few seem to recall how good they (Dolphins) were during our finest run, but those were titanic tilts that routinely decided the AFC. Not just the Division. Anyway, I love that Josh loves playing them.
  18. No longer wiping down the weights here. ALL gyms are officially closed. Even private ones in gated communities..
  19. What the ..?? Maybe YOU know, but nobody else does -especially not OBD. I’ve never heard of a team ‘going all in’ with a QB they “know is not getting a second contract”. Wazzamattawitchoo, Boy?
  20. This, for part time fans like Phil who have to ask.. Washington game is where his wonderful career hit the concrete wall because that’s when Motor became the focal point of the running game. After that, when Gore came in, it meant he was getting the ball on short yardage plays.
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