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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Yes, but he has a weak, noodle arm. If the pass isn’t a timed one, there’s no chance of a completion. Nice guys don’t cut it at this level and, imo, that’s Barkley.
  2. Biggest take away for me is how opponents clamped down on Diggs after Theilan went down. I hope Robert Foster is working very hard at his route running because ‘back up Speed’ will be essential through the long season and playoffs. Should Brown or Diggs miss any time, we’ll be in trouble without it.
  3. Jesus, Stefon, CTFD! I realize you wanted out from Minny, but everything has been put on hold. Stop. Breathe. Chill. You can get this pumped up again when they finally open the doors. Yer giddy as a school girl, ferchristsake!
  4. I’ve got my ? on it. This is a PSA. Step away from the keyboard. Consider it infected and Do not touch it again for weeks. Learn pro football and how to intermingle with those who do. Back up QB has been a glaring weakness since we were left with Barkley. Look no further than the regular season finale. I thinks there’s gotta be better options than Flacco, but yes, it’s an absolute need. Also must add an effective RB & Punter. THEN, we’ll be set. oh, and bring back the Jills.?
  5. Soon enough there will be years behind McBeane & Carolina where this intimate knowledge won’t exist. It is pretty common for coaches/GMs who take a role with a new team to call on guys they knew before. It just makes for good humor presently and reuniting with ex-Panthers has paid off -except for a certain WR who shall remain nameless. They’ve already seen a dramatic change in Carolina since their boys came here to run the show,
  6. Brandon Wayne, millionaire.
  7. This. Including being in the stadium. Van was a football announcing God!
  8. Sad. Saw him and the Globetrotter a couple times at the Aud. Great fun and a great player! An ambassador of good will! Thank you for the memories, Curly!
  9. It is. Have you heard the callers into the show? It’s like the Buffalo Inbred Society is out for a day trip.
  10. It’s better than that. Brandon has developed a fantastic college scouting group. By committee, we’ll select who’s ever up next in our Board. But yes, he’s doing things the right way.
  11. It was an injury settlement. Here’s a tip, stop ‘making your points’. People think you’re clueless. When you post, you remove all doubt
  12. Could have stopped at the bolded..
  13. Yeah, but only to a degree. She IS back on the market on occasion.. Anyway, Welcome Back EJ!
  14. Where’s this lame argument if Norwood makes the kick?
  15. Whippersnapper! The most successful years were ‘63-‘66 which included 3 title game and TWO CHAMPIONSHIPS!
  16. It’s what he DIDN’T say that keeps the peanut gallery chirping. We still have a 5th & 6th Rounder! The picks we gave were gifts for trading schleppers who weren’t gonna make the team anyway. i should just calm down and let the idiots blare their horn. Not like I’m gonna change their opinions..
  17. I’m a fan of the team, not him as an owner. How easy it is for “some” to forget he’d have preferred Miami for his team to locate..
  18. I remember being stunned at the news early that morning, followed by many months of dread about losing the team. I acknowledge everything he did for the team & city and he’s worth honoring for many decades to come. But I don’t miss him.?‍♂️
  19. You are correct, Sir. The ‘what if’s’ are plenty in this game, from the sack/safety to more use of the run. But the disaster play you’re staunchly defending came on the Giants final drive of the game -a long, time consuming drive to take the lead back. Stop them here and it’s 4th & a mile or at best a very long FG, which still wouldn’t give them the lead. Scoring the eventual TD left us 2 minutes with no time outs to try to reach their 30 for a long winning PK. T’was the play of the game. Period.
  20. Really? You were ‘just thinking’, so you decided to start a thread for thousands of others to ‘just think’? WTH makes you “think” a stud Tight End is even in this Draft, let alone with the 54th pick?
  21. Love the new avatar. Knox showed thrilling capabilities as a rookie. He’ll be better catching the ball or be a footnote in the teams historically lethargic use of TEs. Hoping for the former.. 2 IS 3. 1-2 playoff games IS a title contender. Tip-O-the cap for the respect. Backatcha. I think you’re glossing over last season’s wins as just a number to improve on. A closer look reveals how very iffy most of our wins were, especially when considering they were against 4 guys starting in their 1st season at QB (2 were 1st ever games), ending the careers of 3 QBs whose time had come and gone (Manning, Dalton, Mariotta) and all this while 5 road games were played in NY (2), PA, MA & OH. That’s 12 regular season games with only 1 game that isn’t or doesn’t border NYS (barely). Against the clusterfart that is the Jets, we required an epic comeback, scoring the last 17 points to win the opener by 1, then LOST TO THEM AT HOME. Needed additional comebacks @ the lowly NYG and home games vs. the even worse Bengals & Dolphins. We were YET AGAIN SWEPT by the Patriots* and have added yet another dubious distinction of being the very last team Tom Brady beat as a member of the Pats* -Yea US!? We played just 3 playoff teams (4 total games) losing all 4. Ahead, 10’s of thousands of miles traveling (possibly including out of Country), have 6 playoff teams scheduled along with 2 other loaded teams who missed the dance last year after consistent appearances (Rams & Steelers). For all the thrills the team gave us, including a nail biting playoff loss, we didn’t kick anyone’s arses while routinely barely escaping scrub teams. There’ll be no sneaking up on anybody this year as we’re widely considered the favorite now in the Division have garnered some respect League-wide. Certainly, you can argue ‘but we Did win those cream puff games!’, but what if these mostly poor performances were instead against the teams we’ll face in 2020? Would we still win? Granted, 10 wins is 10 wins. You are what your record says you are. I think we need to see it again against this years opponents to be sure.
  22. This is from a West Coast edition. 12:30 pm EST
  23. Ron GuiDry came after the titles and Harry JACOBS was our MLB. John Tracy (R.I.P.) was our other OLB during title years. Hate to be ‘that guy’, but George ‘Butch’ Byrd was our Cornerback, along with Booker Edgerson. George Saimes was our great Strong Safety and Tommy Janik our FS. just doin’ my part to keep these great teams & players included in team history.
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