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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/01/world/canada-assault-style-weapons-ban-trnd/index.html
  2. Good questions. I haven’t seen a printed press release yet, only video -which won’t transfer here. I’m sure we’ll soon find out.
  3. This quite likely stands no chance of not being relegated to the cesspool that is PPP, but it’s very noteworthy and our closest neighbor. The reason given is mass murder. imagine that..
  4. Off the beaten path a bit, but the all time most comical Bill was and still is Paul McQuire.
  5. Fixed it for you Once again, we’re plagued by you trying to hijack a thread, spewing your nonsense adamantly. Please step away from the keyboard. *PSA
  6. Indeed.
  7. Whippersnappers, All ya all! You couldn’t be a fan of the Bills in their 1st decade and not idolize Jackie Kemp. All he did was QB in 5 of the 10 AFL Title Games and bring us Back to Back Championships. Bills Mafia -not fellow players- picked him up and carted him off the field following the ‘64 title, where he was named MVP. But, for this short, slow WR, my all time favorite player is... well, you know.
  8. Yep. Thanks for the link, OP, but I got this covered.
  9. Where does all this concern about LB come from? We’re consistently only using 2 at any time. The “third guy” has his hand in the dirt. We’re FINE at LB. Please rewatch the games. Anyone else interested in being permanently banned today. I’ve got the oven on full blast. Step right up, step right out!
  10. Good luck with that condition ?. is there something you can take for it? Over the counter? Prescription? Inoculation? Gun??
  11. If anything, I suppose Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies. Just because they’re ridiculously priced compared to other store bought cookies.. love ‘em.
  12. Oh yeah! You’re gonna work out Great here! I have a sense about these things.. Quit! You’re not even ahead. There’s only one way you’re traveling with your comments. South.
  13. Whippersnappers! Haven’t they heard about social distancing-as in GETOFFMYLAWN!
  14. In a word, this LAMP thread sucks. OP goes out his way disclaiming he doesn’t know shart from shinola, then proceeds to arbitrarily bash the entire Bills Draft, tossing out D-‘s, Pass & Incomplete's. He had no cred coming in and now likely never will. Y-Gen or Why Generation? goddam punks! Add in Epenesa and possibly PK.
  15. Speaking as the ‘Cut Man’, you fought the good fight here. With few evident skills, you stood toe to toe in the middle of the ring throwing haymakers. But ya gotcherazzkicked. Now, sit down, shut up and lemme look at that eye.. YOU, Sir, have fighting skills!? We all feel the same way about your football knowledge and posts. (P.S. it isn’t your $$) You’re conveniently omitting a key DL stat to further your narrative -and it’s understandable as it doesn’t have one true metric name. Batted balls/Passes knocked down/tipped passes/deflected passes. These don’t show up in standard game stats, but are EVERY bit as important as hurries or incompletions. When they happen on 3rd down, does it matter that you didn’t get a sack, fumble or deep interception? The Bills have routinely been among League leaders in this metric, pushing their merit higher.
  16. Airport signs.
  17. well, since you’re willing to go door to door in this uncertain era to sell your subscriptions, young man, what’s the co$t?
  18. ?‍♂️
  19. As is your right. The NFL -with the exception of being reactive to player discipline- typically has their act together. This information isn't being conjured up by sports writers. If it was leaked by the League, it was intended to be. NFLRadio is discussing this very time frame as I type. Specifically, the games CAN’T start later than mid-October and still have a full schedule, thus the news release. The schedule gets released in a week or so in order for teams to plan travel/lodging stadium reqmts. Pushed back any further and Strike-shortened seasons schedules go into effect, based on who’s playing where on that pre-scheduled date. Earlier games get cancelled as needed at that time. Also saying the SB will be no later than Feb 28th. So while much is still up in the air, deadlines have been set.
  20. Because the ‘norm’ is out of the equation
  21. This may just be the spark for the Downtown Dome crowd. Pegs spent million$ on a study that’s likely gonna get flushed down the toilet after a full season of snow games.. juss sayin’ P.S. I’m on the Dome Team.
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