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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. New Rule; Read the damn top of the website before posting. Know your role. Get this crap outta here.
  2. Don’t encourage him. Please??
  3. Naw. Baseball history has had many seasons with much fewer games than today’s schedule. I think it’ll go on. They’re talking about only a few areas in the Country for all the games, where the environment is secluded and ‘safe’. Mostly, though, I want them to play cuz my Yankees are loaded and I thinks it’s #28 Time..
  4. asking for a friend..
  5. 2 knuckleheads who can’t create an effective thread start the same topic. A moderators work is never done.?‍♂️ Thanks @Limeaid
  6. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A single name if far too vague to post as a title and provides little insight into what specifically the post is talking about.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you. PS Get with the program.
  7. No problem. I can fix this.
  8. I already know of 10 family & friends who’ve purchased the whole LV package -flights, hotel, game tix. Hope it works out.
  9. Thank you. If I can help it, there won’t be a June thread. No room for morons on this team. Pass.
  10. We’re historically bad when favored by 7+. I can’t bet against the Bills so I wouldn’t touch it with a social distancing pole.
  11. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A better title will help the community find information faster and make your topic more likely to be read. The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  12. This topic -lame as it is- is being discussed in another thread. Please use the Search function before starting new threads.
  13. Go crap on someone else’s parade. Today, we hate Zach Moss. Got it?
  14. You mean there’s a difference? Who knew? ?‍♂️
  15. When’s the last time they didn’t have a winning record? When’s the last time 2 years passed they weren’t AFCE Champions? Most importantly, wazzamata witchoo?
  16. and white Facemasks. Chic look!
  17. Recent pics I’ve seen from the site ‘look’ like it’s near completion. Compared to this earlier pic, the entire facility is now black glass covered and a ring of lights operating around the top. We know the crappy field they played on in Oakland for 40+ years. So the standard is pretty low for the playing surface..
  18. 10 friends & fam have booked as well. (Maybe they’ll go to the game..)
  19. Screw the Slaggers! IDGAF what they say!
  20. My daughter (lives in Miami) was so hoping she’d finally attend her 1st ever Bills Home Game when we’re up there for a wedding Sept 20th. She was too young when we moved to Florida. Nope. Not only are we not at home that weekend, we’re in her backyard that day. She never misses Bills in Florida but now she won’t even get that. Unless, that is... the Bills go to the SUPER BOWL in Tampa!! 70EE04D3-1830-468D-B39B-811365341664.mp4
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