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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Hate to crap on your misery, OP, but Summer is still 2+ weeks away. But it does seem like this year will last a lifetime..
  2. This directive from the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces reached and was heard by all military personnel serving in the European Campaign on the evening of June 5th, 1944, just ahead of the D-Day invasion of France, at dawn of the next day. Every American city, town and neighborhood was represented and played a role in this greatest endeavor. #NeverForget
  3. Can a team have two Assistant Head Coaches??
  4. Dabs is smooth. I agree, love our staff!
  5. I didn’t know this. ?So much tragedy in his family.?
  6. Yeah, but.. We could win the Division and not reach 10 wins because of the difficult schedule the AFC East plays, regarding currently very good opponents and lots of frequent flyer miles. That, to me, is why the Division games will be so impactful this year. I don’t see a WC coming from our Division -even with an additional team added to the playoffs. The pundits have set the bar so high for the Bills this coming season, that an 8-8 record while winning the Division will be cause for great animosity and consternation. Not that I GAF(art) Just get in and do some damage!
  7. When a grown man named Timmy talks trash, the world trembles. Yeah, but.. He was a rookie in ‘87. He blocked a crucial fg vs NYJ in an OT thriller in ‘88 that eventually became our 1st Division Title. He finally got to start in ‘89 and that’s when he whiffed on a block @ Indy, knocking Jimbo out for 3 weeks. The ‘Bickering Bills’ were born that day, though Reich was a perfect 3-0 in relief. These were pre-free agency days with 11 rounds of Draft. You could stow away prospects for a few years.
  8. This game got us to 4-0 and ‘ Buffalo Got a Feeling, Talking Proud’! We actually rewrote history in this game as new Raider QB Dan Pastorini broke his leg during a sack. In came the considered ‘washed up’ former Heisman trophy winner, Jim Plunkett. The rest, as they say, is History. Oakland & Houston made the huge trade of Stabler for Dante in the offseason. Knox didn’t favor Bobby and he knew it. He traded him to Oakland for Phil Villapiano.
  9. Were there any? I haven’t seen or heard of any. There must be, though.. Right?
  10. A good listen. I’m glad he’s our Coach.
  11. I don’t recall -he had so damn many. But he played later in the season and actually had a good year. ‘74 is when we traded with St. Louis for Bobby Moore -who became Ahmad Rashad. 3 WR sets weren’t common then and they already had JD Hill. While ‘73 was all about the Juice and his run into the record books, the ‘74 team was completely different as Fergy and the passing game lit up the AFC for a few years after.
  12. Violent Sunday’s. I have it. Detailed accounts of his many injuries and the road back. Slut
  13. It’s also been posted before.
  14. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/C/ChanBo00.htm A fine career, featuring a 4 year span with the most receptions in the League. Never made a Pro Bowl but was clearly slighted in that regard. Those hands! Those toes! We haven’t had one that good since, imo.
  15. My favorite Bills player. Rest In Peace, Bobby. https://vault.si.com/vault/1982/07/12/the-bare-facts-are-hes-a-star
  16. Yes. He’s ‘made for TV’ special. But he HAS to catch better! If he does, his fan kingdom will explode!
  17. Confoundit whippersnappers with yer gotdam crazy ‘idears’! Gitoff’nmy lawn with yer cheap foreign toys! Hard work an sweat, Dammit! That’s what this country was built on!!
  18. Agreed. Most passes are off target. But that’s why they’re doing this now. Maybe You should. Based on your history, ‘Average’ seems an impossibly high bar for you to achieve.
  19. A good watch. Thanks for posting. With the entire OL returning, a SUPER WR, another promising rookie RB added and another year with Motor, Brown & Beasley, there’s absolutely no reason to ‘try to do it all’. Every one of them are ‘backyard superstars’ in their own right. Mesh it together in Daboll’s third season as OC and one can see the reasons the Bills are early picks to take the Division this season, brutal schedule notwithstanding. This said, I hope not all of the ‘I’m gonna DO THIS’ leaves his game. It’s actually a thrilling positive.
  20. I hope you guys are right..
  21. I think we won’t know anything about Oliver’s play until at least week 7, maybe longer.
  22. From the Rockpile (Buffalo) To Orchard Park, more than I care to count. But my daughter hasn’t been. She was too young during the SB years when I took my son to many unforgettable games, then we moved to Florida. Son & I get back nearly every year for a September game, but daughter has never missed a Bills game in Miami, where she lives, or here in Jax. She/we were so hoping the September 20th game would be a Home Game as we’ll all be in town for a family wedding and she’d finally see a Home game. Not only are they away that Sunday, they’re in her backyard @ the Fish. So she’ll miss that too.. Now, our only hope is the Super Bowl in Tampa for this season.
  23. *other than Josh Allen* is still tough to assess. If he’s the QB of note in 9 wins this season -which is frankly expected, he moves into 4th Place all time in QB wins behind the other 3 J’s of team history, Jackie, Jimbo & Joe. And he’ll do it in UNDER 3 seasons! Yes, it’s a team stigma we’ll likely never outlive, but that’s 61 years of play to overcome for a 23 y/o farm boy with no prior legit coaching. Knox & Milano are lovable ‘lunchboxers’, Tre & Tremaine are fantastic, Stefon is thrilling. But Josh Allen is simply an enigma. #Vote17
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