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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. I asked this in another thread, but with NYJ shipping PBers faster than Amazon & the biblical exodus going on in NE#, are we currently odds on favorites for Tampa in February?
  2. Ok, so far it’s just Star for us. With the Jets shedding pro bowlers like molting moths and *Pats undergoing an exodus akin to the Bible, are we golden for Tampa in February? Suffering lifelong fans want to know.
  3. This would be funny if.. nevermind. It’s not funny..?‍♂️
  4. Thanks YinO! I’ll pin this for a while for additions.
  5. Don’t Jump! Don’t shut down the Club. He’s Rasputin! He’ll be back.
  6. The OP requested moderator assistance for political opinions run amok yet again. Sorry, guy. This exploded into a crapshow too quickly. WhatTheHellIsTheMatter with you all??
  7. Thanks, Jimmy 2Times. Thanks!?
  8. Just notified, along with G Garret McGhin
  9. So, are the Yankees the 2020 champs?? YESSSS! Number #28, Baby!?
  10. Rule #1) Noobs shouldn’t even be seen, let alone heard from. #NoobAlert Guys? GUYS?!? Look here, Bub, there’s plenty of ladies here too! -and some of them are very opinionated!
  11. You have your opinion, I have mine. Yours is wrong, however..?
  12. #28
  13. Couldn’t disagree more. Maybe the television picture blurs over the big pond, cuz you’ve missed the boat here. Vosean was absolutely playing his way onto the team, but in a position where there was little to no room for an addition. Raw? Youbetcha. But that’s because of the way he was utilized @ Florida. His task there was to roam free, dissect the play and attack. What I suspect you saw was just this -out of position. But he’s an animal on the field -a true hitting machine and was the reason he was drafted. I suspect the coaching staff didn’t expect him to be available after waivers because every team wants a guy like this on their squad. Ergo, a phantom injury nobody saw in the final preseason game landed him on season-ending IR. He practiced every day and learned what is expected of him in every situation. Just in time for LoAl to retire.
  14. Gotta admit, I didn’t see this coming. Whew!
  15. Not normally prone to doom & gloom, but this doesn’t bode well for the season. As a Floridian, I feel like I’m living in Groundhog Day as every day the news reports we’ve set a new all time record in new cases and most deaths in a single day.. THIS isn’t a ‘Normal’. Watched my 1st Baseball games since Houston stole the title, Yanks vs Mets. Of course we destroyed them. Upper deck homers bouncing aimlessly around the bleachers..?‍♂️ So there’s That normalcy.. Thanks @Gugny!?
  16. Fair enough. However, given the many positives we’ve already seen, not doing extremely better catching the ball and being demoted to 2nd Team, will inevitably spell the end for a once so promising career. Whatever we may offer him for his second contract will likely be peanuts compared to other offers -given the Wow Plays he’s shown he’s capable of. Color me concerned.
  17. Yep. The only aspect of his uncles’ career he’ll follow is playing QB in the Penal Leagues. Unlike Jimbo, Chads will be real life.
  18. You can’t believe he had a catching problem?? Why? Did the Tooth Fairy tell you he didn’t? Anyway, his explanation wasn’t necessary. His issues were clear to everyone who saw him play. Better to be smacked down at the point of the catch than change focus at the last second and drop it. He could be the biggest fan favorite since Kyle if he gets this under control. Otherwise, he’ll quickly fall into oblivion.
  19. A giant! Thank you John, for your lifetime of great example.
  20. Jesus Christ?‍♂️ Where’s DC Tom when we need him?
  21. No, just you aren’t allowed to.
  22. What? No videos? What is this, 1975?? Pfffffffft.
  23. No, it really doesn’t. I just haven’t bothered to read it until now.
  24. Having perused a few of your post offerings, this appears to be your 1st Flame-worthy, mind-numbing thread. For that, you’ve been punished enough. Bu we have a rule here where OP’s -especially those of the noob variety- are ‘highly encouraged’ to stay with their threads as a level of politeness and decorum. I therefore ‘highly encourage’ you to return here. Sincerely, Chandler-BattleAxe-#81
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