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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Skew the Ewes? Slam the Rams? Moat the Goats? screw it. GO BILLS!
  2. 👍 ‘mornin’ Joe! Go Bills!
  3. This ‘no fans allowed in NYS’ decree isn’t fair. Packing the Stadium in late September for a Big Game is what this city is all about! 🤬 Go Bills!
  4. Nit pick much?
  5. It’s a couple weeks old. No prob. Again, thanks for the heads up!
  6. Yolo, after the game, I’ll merge with with the old one. Thanks for the heads up!👍
  7. Nice find, @Coach Tuesday! I hadn’t heard of Muth before. Thanks!👍
  8. Nah... it won’t.
  9. The guy’s been here a year and a half yet doesn’t know this is complete BS?? What passes for High School education these dayz? PM’d poster ; fix it or kill it. 🤦‍♂️
  10. I got a cramp in my finger scrolling all the way down that page. WHAT?! No video? No game footage??😲 Ill have my physical therapist send you the bill.😡
  11. PSA Main Board is reserved for legitimate pro football discussion. Use Off The Wall for your fiction, ‘What if’s’ and Would ya?’s. Oh, and Please don’t feed the
  12. Every game against the Ewes. I remember them all. Dan Darragh was my hero! -well, for a year...
  13. Ok. I’ll play. i think think think this season’s whiff/pping boy is Spain. 🤦‍♂️
  14. Sincere my azz. You’re a damn rabble-Rouser!
  15. Party pooper😡 😉
  16. With the passing of the Comet and Sir Walter, there’s only one legendary Bear RB remaining. 4 TDs in ONE GAME! Al Bundy!
  17. Yep! Put us over the top. Thanks!😉👍
  18. Yep. Since Chris’ interview in the bubble with Josh a couple years ago, he’s been solidly in his camp. Then again, with Josh hitting the crossbar from 30 yards on a dare, so have I!
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