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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Big Red never had this much talent around him. I think they’ll be fine and may win the Division.
  2. Honestly hadn’t looked at it this way. Too busy going with ‘woe is me’. It’s a familiar response to Bills news..🤷‍♂️
  3. Correct. He was a detriment trying to play for us on a broken foot.
  4. I though this might be that bad teams just have their season end by Thanksgiving. No sense endangering other teams for playing teams going nowhere. How many winless teams now in week 5? Kind like the nhl did. We’ll still get more games in than the ‘82 strike shortened season. But I was wrong..
  5. whatevs. It’s possible.
  6. And in the span of 4 days, we could be 4-2 and on a short week to travel to New Jersey..
  7. it’s kinda bright in here. Somebody turn off the LAMP!
  8. With the lead. Again..
  9. Anything he can do to cover any part of that hideous melon must be considered an upgrade.
  10. But, but what if another Titan tests positive?😲
  11. 24 cases? 15 players violating League rules? No only am I holding my breath, I bet the farm.
  12. the CON is where they Tained it..
  13. Not knowing who or where we play next sucks worse.
  14. Just gonna say this ^. ^ @The Dean. They’re (League HQ) going crazy altering the season and we haven’t even played the 1st game of the second quarter. This is not looking .um.. positive (?)😳
  15. Love this follow up tweet. (I think..😳)
  16. 143 pages for an upcoming game has to be a record. And we still don’t know if/when the game will be played. Thanks @SDSfor the new super computer. Not a day too soon!
  17. 🤪 I failed Applied Physics and had to drop Astronaut as my Major. In other words, wtf?!?😳
  18. Gotta figure they’re runnin’ around League HQ like chickens with their heads cut off. i just hope they don’t forget that discipline must be meted out. 32 teams and only 2 are causing havoc.
  19. I’m sure that part will be involved in the eventual discipline. Sucks though, to see them rah-rahing about us against the world. The world has the last say.
  20. I’d like to say you were missed.. but its Sunday, and..
  21. This isn’t over re: the Titans. I’m convinced the hammer will drop at the appropriate time
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