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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. OH, that Tricky McDermott! My bad. Cooler for a week..🤷‍♂️ Agreed. What’s with the C? Thanks for The West Wing reference!👍 😳 Wtf are you talking about?? 🤫SHHHHHHHHH! Don’t quitcher day job. 🎼 Because they’re our closest winning chaser and just beat our next opponent. Follow the game and you won’t ask ridiculous questions. Unsettling. -Not that there’s anything Wrong with that.. You’ve noticed this is repetitive?😳 Again, not that there’s anything Wrong with that..🤷‍♂️ Shut up.
  2. Can I close this archaic thread now? Everybody happy with your in booth confessions?
  3. Shaq Lawson returns fumble for TD. Miami Up 7-0
  4. There’s your elusive Signature Win, America!
  5. Why am I more nervous with a 14 point 2nd Hal lead than if we were trailing?😳
  6. Great 1st Half! But we know who were playing! Finish the job, Bills! Please???
  7. Strong 1st Half for Allen. Gotta keep it up.
  8. Surprising productive 2nd Quarter -missed FG notwithstanding, and the halftime lead I 14. Expect the Bills to slumber in the3rd, then stand by for a Fireworks Filled 4th Quarter.
  9. Conditions are unexpectedly perfect for filling the air with footballs. If needed, I believe in our chances of making it a ‘last team with the ball, Wins!’ game.
  10. Well, they’d never admit it. That would be bias and prejudice. It’s probably your hang nail. Maybe incontinence ..
  11. Ever the charmer🤦‍♂️ Where would we be without your timely 💩 droppings? I’d really like to find out..
  12. ??? Who you asking? Everyone? Comments like this are reserved for OTW topics. Anyway, I have no set wake up call. Every day is different. Sometimes 10:40 (PM!), sometimes 3:30 am and all clock readings in between.
  13. The REAL Washington football club comes calling today! They’re on the short list to represent the NFC in February. In ‘90, we played the ‘short list’ Giants and won -in route to SBXXV. In ‘93, we played G-Men, Redskins & Cowboys and won ‘em all in route to SBXXVIII. Let’s Do This! Go Bills!
  14. If there’s a game with less impact from a loss, this is probably it. Russell Wilson is the Man. But I like our chances anyway! Talk your Heart pills and standby for a roller coaster ride -again! Go Bills!
  15. Easy. The ‘Hit heard ‘round the World’. Mike Stratton’s rib crushing smackdown on Keith Lincoln in the ‘64 Title Game. We were a huge home underdog. The Chargers took the Opening kickoff and easily raced down field to a 7-0 lead. We weren’t in their League. They were the defending Champs and had played in 3 Championships already. Then.. it happened. The rest, as they say, is History.
  16. OP, Ima knock you out! Well played!😉
  17. Robots have birthdays?😳 um.. Good for you!
  18. With 10 4th quarter Wins to his credit in 2.5 years, the very same can be said about #17.
  19. You, Sir, are a Prick! 🤦‍♂️
  20. Yup. Stumbled on it today and jumped for joy! A recorded Bills win over the Patriots? At Home?? In a game that counts??? Haven't had one of these in 25 years! Sorry, Mrs. C, gonna have to delete a couple episodes of The View!
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