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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Well That was entertaining. Lamar running from back stage like a WWE Hero, entering the fray and pinning the bad guy.🤣 I guess we’re just gonna have to win this ourselves.
  2. NBC only televises SNF. They likely didn’t give permi$$ion to E$PN to show their exclusive highlights.
  3. Thank you. Yes, Math is tough.. It’s looking more and more like the season ender won’t mess with playoff seedings. If so, and Cole B is close to 1k receiving yards, Play Him!
  4. Josh Allen epitomized.
  5. 🤦‍♂️ WE aren’t. OP is. 🤦‍♂️ This kick was good too! Dammit! Only way to stop this crap is straight down the middle every time!
  6. Post ‘em if ya got ‘em.
  7. Beautiful, actually -and Florida has allowed fans in the stands all season. Has something changed in the earths magnetic force?
  8. See below. This guy & me agree with you! Agreed.
  9. So Steeler Nation is running Ebron out of town? Fine. C’mon over, Eric! um.. check your schedule.. WhereTF is he? 😲 Geez.. I hope he’s ok... 🤔🤣
  10. I do! Wanna see some pics? Isn’t that illegal in like 30 States? It’s sad, really. I understand talking heads have to go against a narrative to garner clicks, but Bills fans? 😢 Hell no!🤬 It was 7:11 Our resident heroes! Brother, you GOTTA get out more! Who’s this ‘we ALL’? 😳 You got mice in your shorts?
  11. Sad that it took you so long to realize this, but Welcome to the Show!
  12. The King of Buffalo, Josh Allen!
  13. Folks, they’ve abandoned the run. Ergo, we have to play the pass. Patience. A Pick will come.
  14. I have no fingernails left. Trying to get my foot to my teeth!
  15. Best 3rd Quarter in 3 years! Couldn’t come at a better time!!
  16. The ‘Josh Shoulder Shimmy!”. Get the copywrights!
  17. Our Son. We’re so proud..🤦‍♂️
  18. Do you not know the rules, or don’t you care?
  19. Knox, you owe us a Touchdown, Dammit
  20. 0-0 is a good thing, but the way the game is going, Steelers are beginning to take it over. Offense being completely shut down.
  21. Just gonna say this; my worst fears are sadly occurring..
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