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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. I’m still not sure who he’s referencing..🤦‍♂️ Zactly
  2. I suspect 17+ plus years of 1:00pm suckitude created your football routine..🤔
  3. 3rd Fireball shot, 2nd beer. Basting quickly.
  4. Put a flashlight on your helmet. I’ve seen theory’s where -if it’s a 3-way tie, we win Home Field. Not sure how that’s decided but I do know 3-way ties cancel out Head to Head.
  5. Be on the lookout for @Hapless Bills Fan. Hiking trails will be full of Bills fans today!
  6. Jesus H! It’s been so long, I forget about the T-shirts! And here, I thought all the Xmas shopping was done.. Gonna be very close with Xmas Friday morning. Especially for out-of-Towners
  7. Chiming in from Florida, I don’t know. I’m sure -without inquiring- WNY is carrying it on a local Chl, (7?) But having lived in the Syracuse area for 4 years a lifetime ago, I remember that it depended on what NYS team was playing well that year. Best bet, Ask him if it’s on his ABC tv guide.
  8. If so, audibles will probably be run plays. I expect Daboll & Allen to test the noobs at DB. If they show dropping LBs back then Draw plays will rule the day, imo.
  9. A Hail Murray away from winning the last 8 games? An elusive AFCE Title in the offing? 3rd straight National televised game? Home Playoff games(s)? It MUST be Christmas! Go Bills! Bring It Home!
  10. It’s THERE for you, Buffalo! Grab it by the throat! Earn the Pennant!
  11. White jersey, blue pants
  12. Shirley you jest.🤦‍♂️
  13. Florida via 14 other States, originally North Tonawanda, NY. Thank you for your Service!🇺🇸
  14. With so much riding on this game and the emerging power being displayed by the Bills, it’s close to how I felt walking through the Rich Stadium passageways toward the beer vendor at halftime of our 1st AFC Championship game, leading 41-3. Ergo, I’m skeert..
  15. !! Friends are texting me worrying about the game being postponed because more Bronco coaches tested positive yesterday night! Can anybody confirm? More importantly, can anybody DISPUTE??
  16. See? SEE??? See how we are? We bawled when Dalton shocked the NFL World. Since then, we’ve played 2 playoff games with a 3rd one coming in a few weeks. But we haven’t won one. The 😢Tear Bar keeps getting re-set higher. For those of us who were here for the SB run, it became clear then that only a Super Win will truly be acceptable. For the even fewer of us who recall our Championships in the mid ‘60’s, tears are followed by lifting up our players on our shoulders and carrying them off the field. Has the time finally come?
  17. Yes. Congratulations, I think..😏
  18. 25 years. A Quarter Century mired in mediocrity. Also-rans. Revolving doors. Losers. It. Ends. Today! Watch this. Then ask yourself ‘Do I want to see this young man become a Champion TODAY?’
  19. So, my son had a cameo on the attached video with the article -he of the infamous ‘Latrine Leap’ from the Jax playoff game. He manages a Gym and one of his customers is close with Stefon. Maaaaybeee a couple tix in Tampa, early February???..
  20. Thanks! For nothing.. You are not allowed to celebrate here, should the Hall elect him.
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