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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. So JB is back but Yeldon crapped out a couple more players..🤦‍♂️
  2. There are times I’m very impressed. But then there’s other times when I wonder who we are.😲 Sometimes we’re brilliant and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Then there’s times I just want to leave this place for a while. OH! You meant.. I thought when you said ‘we”... nevermind.
  3. Hated the outcome. The early Mafia booed the team. But afterwards, Kemp told Saban ‘next year, we’re gonna win this game and you & I will have our ‘Day in the sun!’ He was right.
  4. If I’m understanding your posts correctly, MANY people believed we would be 10-6+. Sure, the schedule at first looked daunting, but most of knew this team is for real.
  5. 😳Who tf is Marv Lewis? 🤦‍♂️ Anyway, Thank you Sue for your generous contribution!
  6. I believe he’s gonna Light It Up with Brees in the playoffs!
  7. btw.. Kick ‘em for this too! Our 1st ever Playoff game! 🤬
  8. I want revenge for our 1st ever playoff game!
  9. Well, there’s this..🤷‍♂️ I gotcher Stones, Kay!
  10. (Pssst Don’t take the bets. I’m trashin’ ‘em all!)
  11. It begs the question, have the Jets decided they’re keeping Darnold?
  12. The stars come out under the Monday Night Football lights! Lets Go, Buffalo! Get win #12!
  13. 4th Straight Prime Time Game! We’re playing our best ball since ..well 1993! Ahead is the opportunity to sweep the Patriots for the 1st time in the 21st Century. But much bigger things await! Plus, with 20 players on NE* injury list, can they even field a team??😉 Quick: who was afraid when Vader signed Cam? 🤣🤣 Go Bills!
  14. No. We play Jaguars in Jacksonville. 3 trips to Florida next year, which is great for those of us living here. Always great seats available and the crowds are mostly Bills fans.👍😉
  15. Division sewn up but sweeping it still remains! National viewing audience for the 4th straight week and we’ve won them all on a 3 game, butt-whoppin’ winning streak! Close this out in Championship mode!
  16. Going out on a limb here (NOT!), we’ll never see him in a Bills lineup again.
  17. Since you didn’t specifically say the NFL, Elbert ‘Golden Wheels’ Dubenion was the leading WR in the AFL at least 1 year. 🤷‍♂️
  18. I’m completely unattached today. May watch some RedZone, May not. Not sure I ever felt like this on a Sunday during the season. Maybe it’s dye to over-exposure this week, maybe that we don’t play til tomorrow, maybe I don’t care about any of the other games. Nope, it’s all of these things.
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