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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. As far as Miami’s 5-1 record, I think it’s relevant to remember the lone loss was due to Charles Clay not catching a last second TD catch in the end zone. To this day, Allen never tried harder to escape a rush a get off a pass. Admittedly wobbly, it hit Clay in the chest and hands. Somewhat lost in the Josh Superstar hoopla this season has been his penchant for comebacks which started fast and furious in his rookie season. Off the top of my head, only the Hail Murray and a Jet loss in that season prevented 2 more comeback notches in his Belt.
  2. Really?? This is how you welcome 2021? 😲🤦‍♂️ The same thing has been said about Mahomes ad nausea and there’s still some closet Trubisky lovers around here. None of this matters thanks to our ‘18 1st Round selection. But, Hey! You do you.
  3. What we DO know is he’s a self-centered jag off who’s lost all skills to play football. Ergo, of course he’s towing the company line. Desperate NE* was the ONLY team who came calling with a lower than vet minimum mockery of a contract -and he’s lived down to it. 🤣
  4. In unfairness to your response, never seeing the field is exactly why Barkley > Fromm & of course, Fitz > Barkley. Fitz would know his role here, would never challenge that he deserves to start over Allen and would be a fantastic back up for us. Nothing has ever remained the same so there’s no ‘restart’. It’s all about the present. Buy him a 7 BR house in the ‘burbs and live out his days in WNY. His post football career would be set as a sports show host and he is more capable than any other back up QB playing today -assurance of continued team success, should disaster befall us.
  5. I didn’t read the story because I hate him more than Ed Oliver does. He’s a mental midget and I doubt he’ll ever play another game after tomorrow. jmo.
  6. Giving you the benefit of doubt that YOU’RE kidding, Fitz > Barkley > Fromm
  7. ‘It’s a PACKED HOUSE here in Orchard Park NY for the 1st Home Playoff game in 25 years!’
  8. Waving Happy New Year to you from our seats at the game!
  9. Literally NOTHING Sean has said sounds like anything. Try changing your channel to Real Time.
  10. So, when we sign Fitz in the offseason, he’ll already be immune. Great news!
  11. Seeing my worst fears realized. Folks with Seasons since the 80’s are in doubt for scoring tix. I’ve seen a couple folks with Seasons since the 60’s talking about attending. -well, trying to talk.. I wasn’t expecting our typical rowdy crowd, but I was hoping fans will be awake to at least hum Shout!.. Look, I’m one of these codgers -though, admittedly, I don’t drool (yet), but were I invited/eligible to attend, I’d be doing voice exercises starting today. Cudos to our lifelong Season Ticket holders from the Title era, but they’re a far cry from what we’re known for. ‘Hey! I’ll trade ya a hot chocolate for a couple shots of Metamucil!’
  12. Isn’t poaching a hangin’ offense? Bastards!🤬
  13. This is a new stat on me. Just so I’m sure, Allen COMPLETES the Most UNCATCHABLE balls? Right? It’s strangely worded.. Certainly we’ve seen this throughout his young career.
  14. <stretching tape measure> Shoulder to shoulder 24” Check Head to feet 5’ 11” Check Girth/waist 40” Check Ok. I have the measurements for your body bag. Oh, wait.. 1 last question; burial or cremation?
  15. I agree. I have friends across the country who’ve texted me the last few weeks how fun it is watching the Bills play! We’ve waited so long!
  16. eh, yes & no. If there’s any blame for Sean being the 3rd winningest coach in less than 4 seasons, it rests solely on Ralph Wilson’s shoulders. Knox & Phillips were excellent HC’s and enjoyed coaching here -EXCEPT for the miserly, meddling Ralph.
  17. and neither do any NFL team, obviously.🤦‍♂️
  18. Who tf is jaded and who tf are you? 32 teams have said ‘no’ to Gentry a couple times. Give it a rest.
  19. There are no more Josh Allen haters. None worth mentioning anyway. If Gentry truly was a talent, he’d have been Drafted or given a decent NFL opportunity. Not the case. But he works well with Josh so he’s a back up plan.
  20. Imo, the Bills are preparing for a long playoff run (SB??). They live by the pass and that’s the method they plan to use in a ‘Ya Dance with who brung ya” scenario. We’ve been very fortunate this year regarding overall team health while developing fine rotational players everywhere except QB. We have a lethal arsenal at WR but it can all come crashing down quickly with injuries. Getting Josh’s college teammate is a coup as well as a flat out burner. Folks, we intend to WIN IT ALL this year! Again, imo.
  21. You know it’s early, but you’re going to plague us anyway?😳 Thanks. Thanks a lot!🤦‍♂️
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