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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Thanks for the find, @stevestojan! Greatest Bills Hype Video EVER! I saw or heard every one of these plays as they happened! (I’m OLD!) Headphones encouraged!
  2. It’s upon us! A HOME PLAYOFF GAME! Reward for an incredible, memorable 13 win season in the face of daunting obstacles. That’s now behind us. Ahead? The Chase for the Vince Lombardi Trophy! Go Bills!
  3. “Good afternoon everyone! It’s Playoff Time! Wild Card weekend and the road to the Super Bowl starts here, in Orchard Park, New York! Frank Reich is at the helm. FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS!”-Van Miller No, this isn’t January, 1993. It’s ON today! Our fantastic 13-3, AFCEast Champion Bills host Frank Reich’s Indianapolis Colts. For the 1st time since our 2019 season finale, actual fans will be in attendance @ Bills Stadium. They’ll get to see in person what we’ll all watch on tv. 2 teams with a bevy of All-Pros & Pro Bowlers kicking off the NFL Playoffs! It’s nothing short of a minor miracle we all made it this far, with every regular season scheduled game played. The Colts feature everything that could derail our Dream Season, with a HOF QB, strong running game & Defense along with Frank’s discipline and steely eyed resolve. We played the most difficult schedule of every Playoff team and destroyed our opponents, while the Colts slipped in thanks mostly to our backyard Fish Fry last Sunday. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME PLAYOFF FOOTBALL?!?!
  4. FB just played the whole game via Madden. We lost 31-24 in a light snow game. 3 turnovers.😲
  5. 👍 My kind of guy!
  6. Kim talked about them in her weekly podcast with Maddy. Unlike me & my Chandler#81 jersey, she washes them every week. I only wash it when we lose. Thank god for the Hail Murray or Mrs. C would have kicked me out of the house by now! It’s RANK!🤢
  7. This topic being discussed in the main Bills vs. Colts pinned thread.
  8. Travis is still playing?😳 Must have new child support payments..
  9. Oh yeah! You’re gonna work out just fine here. I have a nose for superstars in the making.
  10. WhoTF is Eric Woods? 🤦‍♂️
  11. They would have if they never left the NFL to join the AFC. Jets whooped ‘em in the Super Bowl so they joined forces and whooped Dallas 2 years later..
  12. Google Milana Vayntrub. 🤷‍♂️
  13. I was reading the thread and came across this little gem. Thought to myself ‘jeez, that’s harsh’. I though only our fans were ‘rabble-rousers’. then I saw the screen name..🤦‍♂️
  14. Wouldn’t be a record. I’ll take 2-0 OT Win.
  15. Agreed. Bunch of wiminfolk around here..🤦‍♂️ GTFOH Another new feature @SDS applied is the virtual Ankle Bracelet for recent parolees. juss sayin’
  16. I’m more of a Rubble Sports Coup kinda guy, too.
  17. Did ya know she’s done porn? It’s true. I’d like to hold it against her, but Mrs. Chandler would get pizzed!
  18. All good. I’m more of a Betty Man myself. Prehistoric Ginger/Mary Ann thing.
  19. I made Wilma drive.
  20. Fantastic! But all the skin on my feet has been rubbed off... I’m hard on brakes.
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