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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. True, but think of all the thousands of folding tables that were spared to live another day. FT Lives Matter!
  2. Bolded is true for KO’s but punts are still a wide open free for all. 🤣 Me either!🤷‍♂️
  3. Jesus H! What a bunch of woosies! Grow a GD pair people! You aren’t fooling anyone with all this ‘I don’t really know/maybe it’s the lawyer/cold feet/ yadda yaada disclaimer BS. The guy is a cretin and you all know it. NFL QBs DON’T get massages from tickling tiny Asian women in the privacy of their store-front shop for the beating their occupation delivers. Their masseuse is a muscle-bound monster of a team employee named Brutus and it’s applied in full view of 70 some-odd team personnel. He drops elbow bombs on shoulder blades, ‘Joe Frazier punch’s’ to ribs and shoulders and ‘Chuck Norris karate chops’ to the back and legs. Meek little Asian slaves in their “private bidniz” are reserved for maggots like Robert Kraft and -well.. me! Y'all sound like OJ is innocent because he was found not guilty -even though most of you graduated clear through the 6th Grade and know better!🤦‍♂️ His career may be saved because of the ‘trade’ many of these ladies are forced into -ala Kraft, but I’m guessing we’ve seen the last of D. Watson on a pro football field. Heres my disclaimer; I only half believe my theory..
  4. Yep. Most unusual, given the previous quarter century. Also his (Allen) meteoric rise from Game 1 on. No preseason, coming off a ‘bad Josh’ playoff game in Houston. Hell, at least a third of us here were skeptical of him getting a 2nd contract. His first 5 game performance at the start is legendary!
  5. Yep. I’d also toss in Terry Miller. 1000 yard rookie season, then virtually disappeared..😳
  6. Wifee got the 1 single shot J&J TODAY -quite by luck. She was at Winn Dixie where they had a place set up. The lady asked if she has an appointment. Wife said ‘no, gotta get on line and make mine’. Lady said “I have 4 left. Sit down!l 🤣 Wonderful! I’m getting the Moderna 1st shot Tuesday cuz that’s what was offered.
  7. He def stepped in dog crap with that comment. Not sure he redeemed himself with this video. There isn’t even a chunk of cheese on his wing..
  8. Noobs shouldn’t even be seen, let alone heard from. He graduated a year earlier than Josh, when Wyoming made a big splash nationally, making Josh a household name. A number of teammates went to the NFL, severely hampering Josh’s senior season.
  9. I’ve been eligible from nearly the start because of my age, but uh.. my State hasn’t been very good about distribution. My 87 year old parents finally got their 1st vac 10 days ago.. Anyway, I’m glad to get it. Daughter & Grandies are coming for Easter. Haven’t seen or hugged them in over a year. Anyone else care to share if they’ve received a dose?
  10. “That’s my favorite part”
  11. For your sake, I really hope this is parody. Otherwise, this view is clueless and disturbing. Can you count the games that swung in our favor by Bojo’s & Bass’ kicks? Roberts returns? Endzone KO’s? Kick coverage? i’d venture we have more starters playing ‘teams’ than any other playoff team. Are you old enough to remember Steve Tasker? Lou Piccone? Steve Christie? Marv Levy??? Do you even understand football??
  12. Ditto for me. A great friend is a diehard Bears fan & I've been telling him the same. Pretty sure they drafted him with a pick we traded to them.. Strange how things work out sometimes..
  13. It’s better n’ that, old fella. We have the best QB room in the League the best WR room in the League the best DB room in the League the longest tenured HC,OC,DC in the league, leading a defending Conference Championship contending team
  14. Leagues best duo as of today.
  15. I’d rather have Big Red
  16. 😳 then add me to your note. She’s fugly. Ernie Warlick, Jay Reimersma, Paul Seymore, Pete Metzalaars and Keith K-Gun McKellar say 👋
  17. Or what? You’ll leave??🙏 Yeah? AAAAAND?? Children shouldn’t even be seen, let alone read.
  18. Possibly, but our passing attack in 10 & 11 pkgs is so explosive, to align any other way is to tip our hand what we’re Not going to do. Feliciano has shown much better at run blocking -which is a ‘tip’ as well, while Morse seems better suited to pass pro. I’m in the Big Back camp. A stout thumper with some wheels.
  19. As most know, I’m older than the Bills by 5 years. So pretty much from the getgo. My earliest memory though was when we stole Jackie Kemp from Sid Gilman’s Chargers when he tried a midnight finagle to slip him through waivers in ‘62. (Whoever it was that caught the midnight transaction, we KNOW it wasn’t Buddy Nix!) The next afternoon, 4 neighbor men were at the house swilling Shlitz with my Dad and raving about our good fortune. They were right. We won 3 of our last 4 games once he returned from injury, giving us our 1st winning season and made the playoffs the following 4 seasons. Saw about 10 games at the Rockpile, then the Redskins preseason opener and Jets home game in ‘73 at brand new Rich Stadium. In short, I am the history of the Buffalo Bills (and Braves and yes, even the Sabres...🤦‍♂️)
  20. Agree with most, this is AWSOME! I can’t speak to other pro teams video work, but Buffalo has catapulted from ‘Good’ to Must See TV! I could watch these all weekend!
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