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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Actually, the criteria changes to Veteran after having 10 threads locked, 4 Warnings & 5k posts. Congrats!😉👍 You’ve arrived!
  2. I’d share my fandom, except I did in a like thread 2 weeks ago/couple months ago/every few months for the past 15 years.
  3. Far too many knuckleheads try this route. Don’t! (P.S. I hate you.) Thank you, Beerball. The standard has now been set. With each @buffalostu2 post entered, that’s the new rookie ceiling. Bingo.
  4. Tinnitus is nothing to fool with. Make sure your doctor is aware. It can be horrible!
  5. Rest In Peace, Rick. Thank you for the memories!
  6. The real $$ from the new tv contracts doesn’t take effect til ‘23. It’ll be higher next year, but no real jump til the huge $$ arrives -which I understand will also bump every salary up to begin with.
  7. Juke! Wheels! Goes forward! Can he pass block?
  8. I hope you feel better very soon!
  9. They’re EVERYWHERE!
  10. 🎼Hit me with your Rhythm Stick. Hit Me!
  11. It was troubling -especially that no one could put their finger on it. With this team, there is one constant we can count on to fix an issue. Josh Allen.
  12. Welp, it took 5 pages, but this was expected.. Too bad we couldn’t add Fitzgerald instead of Twitch Murbisky.
  13. 🤷‍♂️
  14. No, cuz they’re not shiny and new.
  15. 😳 You Want US to tell you what’s happening behind the scenes at OBD? I think yer gonna be very disappointed.
  16. I’d love to see it. I think too much emphasis has been placed on him fully comprehending a pro playbook -and he had more than 2 years to learn it anyway. I believe he’s capable of being a very good RB -even in a limited role. The man has mad talent. How much ‘seasoning’ does a KR need? Try to follow blocks and run like Hell to the other goal line!
  17. Just because most here know more than you doesn’t imply they cheat. What site did you check out?
  18. Assuredly, KC took our receivers away. They were pretty banged up though..
  19. True, but think of all the thousands of folding tables that were spared to live another day. FT Lives Matter!
  20. Bolded is true for KO’s but punts are still a wide open free for all. 🤣 Me either!🤷‍♂️
  21. Jesus H! What a bunch of woosies! Grow a GD pair people! You aren’t fooling anyone with all this ‘I don’t really know/maybe it’s the lawyer/cold feet/ yadda yaada disclaimer BS. The guy is a cretin and you all know it. NFL QBs DON’T get massages from tickling tiny Asian women in the privacy of their store-front shop for the beating their occupation delivers. Their masseuse is a muscle-bound monster of a team employee named Brutus and it’s applied in full view of 70 some-odd team personnel. He drops elbow bombs on shoulder blades, ‘Joe Frazier punch’s’ to ribs and shoulders and ‘Chuck Norris karate chops’ to the back and legs. Meek little Asian slaves in their “private bidniz” are reserved for maggots like Robert Kraft and -well.. me! Y'all sound like OJ is innocent because he was found not guilty -even though most of you graduated clear through the 6th Grade and know better!🤦‍♂️ His career may be saved because of the ‘trade’ many of these ladies are forced into -ala Kraft, but I’m guessing we’ve seen the last of D. Watson on a pro football field. Heres my disclaimer; I only half believe my theory..
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