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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. prolly just me, but I wouldn’t head to Cleveland if it were the last city standing on earth. 🤷‍♂️juss sayin’
  2. The dude is fekking strange. A committed Bills fan, to be sure. Just ‘out there’!
  3. He was unorthodox. He ‘always went down’ because he used his legs to cover overhead. It’s called Game Changing and it earns professional athletes a Bust in a Hall of Fame.
  4. Come on, stat boys, you got this!
  5. Day 2 crush? Is that like waking up with an unknown woman in bed next to you, after an insane night of drinking.. and Shes GORGEOUS?!? 😲
  6. Well done, if so. If any of this true, I salute it. Completely vaxxed, Idgaf! Over 2/3 of Americans have been vaxxed now, the remaining being children and -well, idiots. Jmo.
  7. My whole perspective on the virus has changed abruptly since ‘Mo 2’. (Side effect😳??) I’m nowhere as giddy as I imagined, though a ‘weight off my shoulders’, to be sure! Now, my eyebrows have figuratively lowered at any and all anti-vaxxers and their boisterous denials. ‘Screw you, ya witless bastards!’ I’ll continue to self-distance (Best part of the pandemic), keep a mask nearby for facilities requiring them and being respectful of everyone’s space. But ‘Go Off’ on how invasive this is to your personal rights or screaming it’s a govt. orchestrated plot ‘ yadda yadda’, SHUT TF UP! I hope it takes you out😡
  8. Finally agreed to let my granddaughter go to the beach with her friends..
  9. Day-um😲 you’re realizing my biggest fear! Get well soon!
  10. and you wonder why people shred you all the time..🤦‍♂️
  11. Thank you, yes! Home game, Right Season, right Division, important block! so I’m slipping just a Little Bit..
  12. Okay, Okay! I’m old and getting forgetful! (Not). I knew Freddie blocked a FG, I just wasn’t sure it was this one. Can anybody be charitable to an old man and recall House making an important FG block around this time? I’m still certain he did it before he became a great starter at RT..
  13. The team was finally set, with Thurman being the most important addition. He, Jimbo, Andre, Hull, Wolford, Bruce, Conlan, Daryl, Tasker & Biscuit! Incredible collection of talent! *perhaps I’m mistaken.. I thought House Ballard blocked that FG attempt..🤔
  14. Made the biggest bet of my life before the season, $500. Working a big project near Ft. Worh TX, I’d been obnoxious talking about the team through the strike shortened, replacement players fiasco with co-workers in ‘87. We lost to the Pats* at home in the season ender, but most thought we were rising. Having had enough with my harping -call it excitement- about the team, a co-worker who made huge bets w/ bookies nearly daily, challenged me in front of our team. $500 The Bills Don’t make the playoffs in ‘88. The Rest, as they say..is History!
  15. Yes! Best Wishes, Senator! Great to hear from you -but scared for your dilemma! Keep us informed, please.
  16. Where the Hell were these teachers when I went to school? I only had hags or mean, fat biotches..Crap!
  17. This makes things tougher.. That I have ‘a horse in the race’ makes even harder to accept. I love the new NFL, with significant players changing teams so often -EXCEPT, when it hurts the Bills..
  18. No, I’m just really shocked so many folks think our roster is in dire need of replacement. We’re an excellent football team!
  19. 😲
  20. I have too many to choose from, so I’ll offer up the 1st LP that stirred my adolescencent hormoneees...
  21. Jesus H! Any of you even watch Bills games?? The team won 13 f’n games last season against a league recognized very formidable schedule! Turn in your Fan cards! All y’all! Ridiculous post, yet again from you. Quite the reputation you have!🤦‍♂️ Right, cuz being the STARTER on a Championship team is zero proof an UDFA is any good.. smfh Just go away.. is everyone on the Left Coast stoned??
  22. Yer one ‘o dem dare rabble rousers, aintcha? I tried to make an homage tribute.. 🤷‍♂️
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