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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. How is what I said wrong when you agree with everything I said?😳
  2. Jacksonville is -and has been the biggest black eye on the League since their inception. Zero fan base sans a few thousand Londoners and epic fail after fail for all 26 years of operation. btw, we’re 0-2 vs them in the playoffs.. 🤦‍♂️
  3. I agree completely. They/EVERYBODY knows picking at 30 leaves little to be desired. They tried to make a move up, but not at a great loss. Ironically, I hope we’re faced with this ‘nothin’ we can do -it’s our Lot for being so damn good’ dilemma for years to come! No, he wasn’t. He was their ‘fall back’ pick. Think about it. He’s a converted WR with 1 -count ‘em, ONE 12 game season of experience. Though he May have been who they targeted IF no decent opportunity arose to trade up. I mean, what does it say that a kid with only 12 games experience in a new position and opted out last season is ‘their target’ after just 29 of 360-some players will be drafted?
  4. I know.. She called me to complain about it.. OH!! You meant.. nevermind..
  5. Nope. Not here for Josh’s Bday dinner? Not a keeper. Kick ‘em to the curb.
  6. Take heart, sad fellow. Nobody shares your bizarre take, so the sour milk is rightly poured over your head.. 🤦‍♂️
  7. Congrats, knuckleheads. 🤦‍♂️ 1 in 15 posts ISN’T juvenile.
  8. He’s a rookie with 1 year of experience followed by a full year off. Don't y'all think your standards a little bit high?😳
  9. If I were a betting man, I’d say probably black ink on a white background.. But I’ve been wrong before..
  10. Me thinks he grew up in a sissy neighborhood.. In my neighborhood, the game was called ‘Kill the guy with the ball!’ -a rougher version of ‘Crazy Fumble’..
  11. I love that McBeane embraced the history of the team from the moment they were hired! (PS, ain’t vaccines great!?) https://fb.watch/5zefeXT7gy/
  12. Ok, this baby has run its course. There’s 2 Camps here -well, a full blown military base and a single pup tent pitched on the edge of reality.. Neither willing to compromise.. We’ll let August figure this out. 🤦‍♂️
  13. 🤔 hmm.. well, it’s a more entertaining theory than this ridiculous thread..
  14. There’s this thing called the interweb. Look it up, Whippersnapper
  15. Please tell me you WON’T be here all week!🤦‍♂️
  16. ‘Super Bowl’ was a nickname given very soon after the merger and Title game was announced. The name of the game for the 1st two SBs was the “The AFL/NFL Championship”. Prior to SB III (Jets/Colts) the Leagues agreed to rename the game Super Bowl -as the nickname stuck. Anti-Myth BUSTED!
  17. You’re going over the edge dude. Check that: you’ve Gone over. Simmer down. You are NOT the player evaluator you think you are.
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