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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. That’s ‘Automatic Otto’ Graham @ QB. Again, when the NFL raided the AAFC, the Browns, Colts and Rams joined the League and everyone else was unemployed. The Browns -with Otto- tore up the NFL for the next decade!
  2. @Augie, Yes, ‘Uncle Phil’ was the referee (Note the flair for the dramatic-Family trait). I like the music as well.👍🎼
  3. The Browns were one of a small handful of teams the NFL gave franchises too from the AAFC (All-American Football Conference) in ‘50. They then proceeded to tear up the Big League, going to 10 title games, showing yet again, the NFL didn’t have the market on marquee players even then.
  4. Hopefully @KRC can tell us our uniform colors. Light blue & Silver??
  5. They Call It Pro Football. Facend’s 1st NFL narrating.
  6. Thank you, Roy! Fantastic news. The League FINALLY righted a very wrong! Congrats, John F.!😇
  7. Found this on my FB link today with caption that reads he’s in, but can’t find a collaborating newsfeed. Edit; it’s official. FINALLY!
  8. While MMQB is new, the comment and story isn’t. See
  9. 🤦‍♂️ None will ‘break out’. Rookies don’t break out, they either play well or they don’t. No Bills DL player gets even 50% of the snaps as it’s very design is Down & Distance influenced -including where every player aligns. As for Star, go plead your case to McDermott -cuz unlike you, he doesn’t know anything.. He’s a starter. Get over yourself.
  10. Yep. I’ve shirked my Mod duties on this thread til now based entirely on this narrative. My excuse being these types of threads don’t typically devolve into mud slinging/politics/race/vaccination, etc., and this indeed holds true to form. Granted, I’m slow (old?) to catch on to this new media venue where ‘nobodies’ chime in from their Mom’s basement and somehow find a nitch following. Finally ventured in with my Sunday a.m. coffee and it’s exactly as I expected. Given the egregious alternatives lately, I’m all about fluff pieces -just NOT from other teams. If Sullivan can’t get a real job, why do these neighborhood junkies think they can. Ill temper this salty entry with a thought; perhaps we (TSW) should create one..🤔 Hell, everyone else is.. How ‘bout a 3-Man team featuring @BADOLBILZ, @Mr. WEO & @ScottLaw??? Despite their ‘cantankeous’ nature, they ARE Bills fans.. Gold. Pure GOLD!😉😂
  11. Sadly.. Lemme go rogue ‘n call out a specific poster. When @Teddy KGB post on humanly acceptable threads, a Red Flag pops up that this won’t end well. Nothing personal, just historical fact. Guess what? My ‘guess’ was spot on.🤷‍♂️
  12. Yeah, I knew -without receiving a report about this thread -that it wouldn’t fly. I’m looking at you, OP!😡 Then, reports started coming in. Even 2day old noobs who read the decorum link knew this wouldn’t end well. After 16 months of slamming shut threads gone awry, one would THINK we’ve come to understand what’s admissible and what isn’t. I guess I come from a different generational understanding.. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  13. Imo, Cookie comes off as an imbecile. It’s pretty clear from this, there’d be no recognition of him while Ralph was alive. Loved how Felser didn’t mince words with Cookie’s response to the bewildered Patriots! Would have loved to buy Larry all the beer he could drink at a bowling alley some night..
  14. Me thinks yer gonna have to get used to it, Fergs. Could be a picture staple for the next 15 years..
  15. Oh sure! Drop this little bomb on the main page while Mods are sleeping off last nights drunkfest. i see how ya are! 🤦‍♂️
  16. WELCOME!
  17. 1960 Buffalo Bills Cookie Gilchrist Remembers Better video -just found.
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