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Everything posted by Chandler#81

  1. Jesus Christ, Dude! It was a joke. You’re quick, aintcha?
  2. Yes. League concussion protocol states no practice and 6 days in the protocol program. They wouldn’t have been able to play him on 4 days between games.
  3. You mean they’re NOT??😲
  4. They have smart people in that locker room?😳 No donation coming from me. #Fmiami
  5. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving franchise. Stephen Ross: Trashthrone King. Of course Tua suffered a concussion last week. Ross is willing to kill his own to win. Yep. Placed him on the throne in the pregame thread last Sunday. Worse than blatant cheating, he encourages it with his team. I feel sorry for Tua -for being Drafted by them. Hey Tommy Boy, for part ownership, you’re next.
  6. It’s a curse, I tell ya!
  7. You’ll be ok, sweetheart
  8. I can. Gitcherass back to practice, slacker! 😉
  9. They were the only ones with cameras 🤷‍♂️ We actually were pretty good!
  10. No, I wasn’t alive for this one, Whippersnappers
  11. Pack heat.
  12. I HATE the Miami Dolphins.
  13. Nice 2nd post 🙄 Yeah, yer gonna do great here. I can tell these things. Fish play Thursday Night. If they stuck with their 1st published report of a concussion, Turnaballova wouldn’t be eligible to play Thursday per League rules. have I mentioned I hate Steven Ross and everything he stands for?
  14. I learned I HATE MIAMI!🤬 I FEEL YA, Ken! I hate ‘em too!
  15. Jesus H.! In what universe is 500 yards of Offense, 41 minutes of TOP, a QB with 66% completions, 400 yards passing, 2TDs & no picks while the Defense, riddled with crippling injuries, holds an undefeated team to 220 yards and 1 gimme TD is “playing poorly”? Did we make mistakes? Yes. We -and every team in every game do. You’re obviously not a fan of this team. Why are you not posting on your teams’ message boards?
  16. Josh hurt his passing hand in that scrum. I don’t care what he or Sean say publicly -they’re known to not be open about injuries. They were both asked repeatedly and denied any issue. But the renowned velocity was M.I.A. thereafter. I read he had X-rays then continued to play. If true, then it’s likely nothings broke, just badly bruised. The ONLY times Diggs and Davis lose contested balls is when they arrive too late and that happened throughout the rest of the game. Too much air, soft and off target -including a couple ‘Tua-patented’ bounce passes. It probably contributed to the far too many muffed Center snaps and is directly related to why we lost. I hope he’s kept from throwing for a few days -if not the week.
  17. Those 3 were killers but terrible Center play can’t be overlooked. At least 4 muffed snaps and all of them were disastrous -including the last play of both half’s.
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