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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. For some reason I keep thinking about this...
  2. Actually, I think Brady has taken a number of hits, especially this past season. He does seem to have a remarkable ability to not get injured from these hits, though. He's a pretty big guy and he seems to just absorb big hits. Eventually it will take a toll, though. I think he's benefitting from not taking a lot of hits earlier in his career.
  3. Wow, that was awesome. Really didn't think they had a chance. Didn't get to turn it on until midway through the 2nd half, and it was all up from there. That was some pretty awesome press defense and clutch shooting. 25-4 run to end the game? Ridiculous!
  4. I've been wondering that as well...
  5. Man, you've really turned sour lately, huh?
  6. Bill, this is bittersweet news indeed. Sad that we won't have your summaries, but really great to hear you're taking control of your health. Best of luck with that! Your summaries were truly the one thing that I would read regardless of the game's outcome or the team's performance. On good weeks, they were great fun. On bad weeks, they were cathartic. I do understand, though -- writing can be great fun, but also very time consuming. And the responsibility can be a burden sometimes. That said, who's with me in rejecting his proposal?
  7. The cap will likely go up next year, though, so that estimated $43M is more likely going to be closer to $50M, maybe even more. Glenn, Gilmore, and Taylor will take a big chunk of that, but with some creative contract structuring, there could still be plenty left over.
  8. The dead hit will be bigger, yes. The main reason to restructure is to make needed space available for this year. If there is any reason to think Kyle may not be with the team next year, it wouldn't make sense. Sounds like they are making space to sign one or two targets.
  9. You're a ray of sunshine today. Right now, cap space for next year is looking pretty good. People were reporting something like $50M in space, before any adjustment for annual cap increase. That was before the Glenn and Incognito signings, but that's still plenty of space to sign Gilmore and Taylor.
  10. NFL Free Agency Grades: 32 grades for 32 teams but only one big, fat F Completely meaningless, of course, but I have to admit I thought it would be much worse.
  11. Are you suggesting he left all of those places on his own just for greener pastures?
  12. I knew it was you before I even looked to see who wrote that.
  13. Wow, an awesome collection. Loved seeing those 70s and early 80s teams again...
  14. I'd be very happy for him, as long as it was with a team outside the AFC East and it didn't come at our expense in any way.
  15. It's called the draft. Or maybe a NT-type guy who might come cheap later in FA.
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