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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. The Dolphins writeup is pure awesomeness. "South Florida is where America goes to fall apart. It is our national case of jock itch." Best comment: "People got better things to do down here, like mortgage fraud, identify theft, Medicare fraud, and social security fraud."
  2. That was a !@#$ing masterpiece. Seriously, this stuff is like crack.
  3. I only floss during the week before my next dentist appointment, and only then so that they don't give me **** about not flossing. This report is music to my ears. I hate flossing. And my next dentist appointment is in two days. Can't wait to bring this up! Basically, the report is saying that the evidence in favor of flossing sucks. It doesn't mean that flossing has no effect, just that we can't conclude anything one way or the other. Basically, there is no basis for dental societies telling us we should floss daily.
  4. Oh yeah, it's baaaaaaack! Best part of the offseason, by far! Ranks, Rastro!
  5. Usually around mid-October is when the reality generally hits me.
  6. I was about to say the same thing!
  7. Same here. I've been going to the same person for almost 20 years now.
  8. I agree, the guy has HOF talent. It would be nice to see the pieces come together for a full season...a decent QB who can get him the ball, coupled with a (relatively) injury-free season. Those can happen, and if they do, I think he becomes the superstar that he can be.
  9. The one thing I would recommend to most guys is to ditch the cheap Super Cuts thing and go for a real barber or stylist. Totally worth it.
  10. Well, I was rounding a wee bit. I think it was 1997 when I first started poking around the D&C site, but I don't recall the exact timeline of when the D&C site switched off and this site started.
  11. Bill is awesome. Except that he knows Spiller would not have been a wasted pick if he had just been used correctly. I don't know, it seems like most of my favorite posters are gone. Twenty years here will do that to you, I guess. We still have some great ones, though.
  12. You got it. Usually they just trim the unruly ones to make it look respectable. Not like they've getting styled or anything. Same with ear hair. For the love of God, don't just let that **** grow like weeds in the back yard.
  13. We're not desperate for another runner. We have several runners. If they're going to bring anyone in as a backup, whether it's Boobie or Fred, that person needs to contribute in other ways, like special teams. That's why Fred won't be coming back -- he's not a special teams guy, certainly not at his age. Boobie at least has a reputation for being very good at special teams. So he might -- might -- be considered as a backup until we get guys back, because of this. But I don't honestly believe he will be.
  14. I can't believe nobody else thinks this is brilliant!
  15. 33 Commonly Misunderstood Words & Phrases A couple of other bastardizations I've noticed more and more where I live include: - "Supposably" instead of supposedly - "Acrossed" instead of "across" (when did this **** happen?) Here is the infographic:
  16. One of my favorites from the Lego movie that I often use with my work colleagues...
  17. Amazing how many more fish are jumping in the evening hours. A couple of shots from just now:
  18. One of the interesting things to me is that there are several bears that are always in the same spots. Like there are three or four that have their one favorite spot and they're always there.
  19. Later in the evening it seems like there are a lot more, all jumping together. It's amazing to see.
  20. "I know you're trying to be all mystical and kung fu-ey, but could you at least tell me where we're going?" "There is now a level zero."
  21. Off playing with his one-legged spherical gecko.
  22. Looking good now. Bears are back at it.
  23. "Jo, we're gonna lose, and we're gonna lose huge." - A Few Good Men
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