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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Well, I have to think that next week is a must win.
  2. I'm sure they're just clearing cap room now in order to sign a few more players after the inevitable rash of injuries that will occur this weekend.
  3. How would we know? How can we even imagine what a dog could sense with a nose capable of smelling many orders of magnitude better than we can? And who says it's just limited to pressure? What if dogs could do things to alter the composition of their urine in ways that we have not thought, or cannot easily detect? Open your minds...
  4. Probably won't work since everyone's piss will be too diluted by all the cheap beer.
  5. I'll note that I wasn't specifically or only referring to bladder pressure.
  6. A sound hypothesis, to be sure. Somewhat easily disproven, however.
  7. You guys are talking about farting and pooping. I'm talking about communication through urine. Or do you both always switch the topic of conversation to farts and poop?
  8. Plus, it takes more than one year to fully implement an offense to take full advantage of its scheme.
  9. Watching my dog pee and smell pee for inordinate amounts of time has led me to the following. This is what happens to a mind after spending too much time walking a dog. Humans communicate with each other through various means, one of the more important being through voice. Voice is created by the flow of air from the lungs out through the mouth, across the vocal cords. Voice is "received" by the recipient, who detects the sound through receivers in the eardrums that are capable of sensing a particular spectrum of sound waves. Different elements of communication are expressed through altering the flow of air, including the force of the expelled air (eg, volume) and the shape and type of the sound waves (eg, through vocal cord vibrations and changes in the shape of the mouth). So basically, we communicate by forcing air out through our mouths and purposefully altering the flow through various means to generate specific messages. Now, consider this: Dogs communicate with each other through various means, one of the more important being through urine. Dogs spread urine through its controlled flow from the bladder out through the urethra. The scent is "received" by the recipient, who detects the smell through olfactory receptors in the nose that are capable of sensing a particular spectrum of odors. Now, the spectrum of odors detectable by dogs is, we believe, much wider than that capable of being detectable by humans. In fact, the part of the dog brain that controls smell is 40 times larger than in humans, and it is believed that the sense of smell in dogs is 1,000 to 10,000,000 times better than humans. Which leads ultimately to the hypothesis: Dogs communicate different and perhaps specific messages to each other through urine by purposefully altering the flow or, perhaps even, the content of their urine, thereby altering the scent of the urine in ways that we neither suspect nor can detect. Discuss.
  10. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of very high, very short kickoffs.
  11. Ah, good times. Always enjoy having the debate brought up again. Kinda like having a colonoscopy every so often.
  12. I'm not so sure about that Cards game. I mean, we get 10 days to prepare for them, it's at home, crowd will be fired up...who knows? I wouldn't be too upset with 2-2 after the first four. We then get Dareus back, so there's that. I'll stay optimistic for a while...at least until after the opener.
  13. By mid-season, if we have Adolphus, Shaq, and Kyle all together, it could be something special.
  14. Well, whoever you are, it's nice to see you again.
  15. I thought Rex said Gilleslee was the #2 (assuming he comes back from the concussion).
  16. Well, the first quarter was pretty impressive. Not so much the second. But, it was mostly our backups against their starters, so...
  17. !@#$ the Redskins. Damn these injuries.
  18. I really enjoyed The Last of Us. I'm still catching up on older games, though, so I just started Red Dead Redemption. Hey, I'm busy.
  19. I'll have to see him in actual coverage to determine if he's improved. He's definitely hitting hard and getting in on plays, which is good, but he still has a lot to prove.
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