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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. TJ Graham... Dan Manucci... The list goes on and on
  2. Ha, for a second there I thought this was going to be about CBS and their game day coverage. I've thought this as well, and specifically for this play. I do think that the game has evolved such that some plays can be designed and executed to be impossible to defend. But it takes great design and outstanding execution, including a perfectly run route and a perfectly placed ball. That is why accuracy is so important for QBs in this game. If you find one that can put it exactly where it needs to be on a consistent basis, he will be successful. I think this is a big reason why the Pats**** have been so successful for so long. They have a QB that can put the ball exactly where it needs to be, every time, and WRs who are disciplined and precise in their route running.
  3. Holy moley. I don't care what play was called or what his assignment was supposed to be, but that is just ridiculous. He looks like the personification of a Roomba, or one of those lineman from the old electronic football games that vibrated when you turned it on.
  4. I'm not much of a D student either, but I guess I saw it differently. I saw pressure on some plays, but not very many. My recollection was that the pressure was coming when they blitzed, which I don't think was very often. When we rushed 4, it didn't seem like we were getting much pressure at all. Some of that was due to quick releases, but not all since there were plenty of deep drops. Well, if we're thinking the Broncos and Falcons, they scored 7 points collectively yesterday and neither one of them is looking all that good right now. Then there's Carolina, who I can't figure out. They don't seem so great either, getting handled by Chicago. I was referring to top teams.
  5. I just want us to still be in it in December. Is that too much to ask?
  6. I was about to post something similar. The lack of pressure is very concerning. The good teams will eat us alive unless we find a way to get to the QB better.
  7. Congrats to KMart. It's a great opportunity. Aside from that, this thread is remarkably depressing.
  8. Whatever happened to Mario? Did he retire this offseason? If not, how is he not on any team this year? I realize he's up there in years and hasn't had a good season lately, but it would seem like under the right conditions someone would take a chance on him.
  9. That would sure be the best way to go, IMO. If not, they'd better get good value for him...
  10. Not to get too off-topic, but if you want a great explanation of what happened to the Braves, here is a good article from none other than Bucky Gleason. I'm not a big Bucky fan, but this piece was outstanding. "It was a business we didn’t understand, I guess."
  11. If they ever win the Super Bowl. Then I can finally quit this **** and get back to my life.
  12. This is true. The Pack was just god awful throughout the 70s and 80s, pretty much. But I agree, it's still nothing compared to us. Sorry about that, Ice. Tough break indeed. At least it wasn't an ugly break like Gordon Heyward or anything.
  13. I totally remember watching that game on TV. There was a sense of excitement that the players were going to come back soon, even though we knew this game was going to suck. I still think the Bills-Browns 6-3 game was the worst game ever. There was no excuse for that one being so horribly bad. At least the one with the Giants had scab players as an excuse.
  14. You have to like Ice bowl for his frequent visits here, so I always appreciate him coming over. That said, it reminds me of a Bills-Packers pre-season game I went to way back in 1989, I think. It was at Camp Randall stadium in Madison, WI, so since I was living in Chicago at the time, it was a quick jaunt to see the Bills live, even if it was a meaningless game. Some time in the first half, Kelly scrambled towards the sidelines and got hammered, and was injured on the play. The Packers faithful were cheering his injury as loudly as a regular season game when he came up lame. When I commented to my buddy about how ridiculous that was given that this was a preseason game, some dude in front me turned around and said, "If you can't take a hit, you shouldn't be playing!" That pretty much ended any appreciation I would ever have for the Packers. But Ice bowl is still a good guy...
  15. Don't forget, Kelly played a couple of seasons in the USFL (and got beaten on pretty good there, too), starting in 1984. So he had a good 13-season run.
  16. As long as there is a separate archive of the old posts, that should be enough. I can't imagine people would use it much, but getting rid of it completely would be a little disappointing. As for the shoutbox, I don't often use it, but I find it's a nice thing to have on game days. It's a good way to communicate (usually commiserate) with others during the action, better than game day threads.
  17. That just looks like clouds with maybe a brief little bit of rain.
  18. I can't believe it took three pages for someone to say this.
  19. Shaq was practicing today, so hopefully he's back. I believe his run defense has been very good and perhaps under-recognized.
  20. So they signed a WR and two safeties, but nothing for LB? Wonder if they think he'll be back fairly soon...
  21. Cincy has played really well the last two weeks. Just cause they started rough doesn’t mean they aren’t a good team. This will be as tough as this week since their defense is much better than Atlanta’s.
  22. What about the dude that Warren Beatty played in Heaven Can Wait? He made it to the Super Bowl. Yeah, Im old.
  23. Or the main Ewok character from Return of the Jedi.
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